Zone1 I just Gotta Say It

Then there's this. What's wrong with this picture?

Heather Bresch is Joe Manchin's daughter.

Joe Manchin, Democrat that took over for the KKK guy.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV)

inclusivity, what the crucifiers left out of the c-bible and their attempts through religion to standardize their selfish, self absorbing purulent desires forcing themselves on all people who otherwise would have nothing to do with them.

using the name of jesus for their scurrilous enterprises.
Only demons would want to murder a child whether already formed in the womb...or IMMEDIATELY after birth. Evil is transparent everywhere we look. And its only going to get worse,

forcing your beliefs on others false or not is in itself what you deny for others by their choices ...


the heavens said to keep their creation holy - not what the demonic, gracie have in mind or have ever accomplished.
inclusivity, what the crucifiers left out of the c-bible and their attempts through religion to standardize their selfish, self absorbing purulent desires forcing themselves on all people who otherwise would have nothing to do with them.

using the name of jesus for their scurrilous enterprises.
Jesus knows you. Repent
forcing your beliefs on others false or not is in itself what you deny for others by their choices
When He comes, except you repent, you shall likewise perish.

[Chapter 1]

1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come. Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:​
Demons run this government

Christians and Patriots would do very well to remember Jesus' admonition to not judge lest we be judged--it is God's prerogative to judge what is in the hearts of others and not ours. Also we are commanded to not bear false witness against our neighbor which is the number one stock in trade of evil.

But we are also commanded to judge action and consequence, reject what is bad/evil and promote what is good/righteous.

Right or wrong, people have a right to be whoever or whatever they are short of endangering or treading on the rights of others. But to push sexually explicit material, promote alternate lifestyles, encourage inappropriate participation by children and thereby deny them their innocence, even very young children, is bad/evil/unrighteous/harmful. And it should be legal nowhere.

It is easy to think demon possessed among those who push that.

Right or wrong, people have a right to choose whether or not they will have children. But to kill one's child because he/she is inconvenient, even weeks or days or hours or minutes before the child emerges from the womb is bad/evil/unrighteous/harmful. There are legitimate reasons to end a pregnancy. Inconvenience is not one of them.

It is easy to think some terrible evil exists that would condone that.

The Constitution was intended to protect the right of every citizen to believe, think, speak whatever he/she does short of violating the rights of others--libel and slander whether blatant or via innuendo does violate the rights of others. And the politics of personal destruction, by whatever means, is done only by people willing to do the most hateful things. Those engaging in it, however righteous they might believe they are, are committing bad/evil/unrighteous/harmful acts.

And again it is easy to believe some evil, even demonic force, drives that.

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