I Hope They Hear This In North Carolina


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
This is a man who probably owes his election to military and retired military.
What an asshole.

Rep. McHenry calls U.S. soldier in Iraq a ‘two-bit security guard.’»
During a public appearance on Saturday, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) belittled a U.S. soldier in Iraq who was following orders and wouldn’t let McHenry go to the gym without the proper credentials. McHenry referred to the guard as a “two-bit security guard“:

We spent the night in the Green Zone, in the poolhouse of one of Saddam’s palaces. A little weird, I got to be honest with you. But I felt safe. And so in the morning, I got up early — not that I make this a great habit — but I went to the gym because I just couldn’t sleep and everything else. Well, sure enough, the guard wouldn’t let me in. Said I didn’t have the correct credentials.

It’s 5:00 in the morning. I haven’t had sleep. I was not very happy with this two-bit security guard. So you know, I said, “I want to see your supervisor.” Thirty minutes later, the supervisor wasn’t happy with me, they escort me back to my room. It happens. I guess I didn’t need to work out anyway.

I would have posted this if this was a Dem or Repub. Too many politicians say they support the military, but only really use it for their own ends.

This is a man who probably owes his election to military and retired military.
What an asshole.

I would have posted this if this was a Dem or Repub. Too many politicians say they support the military, but only really use it for their own ends.

http://thinkprogress.org/2008/04/04...soldier-in-iraq-a- two-bit-security-guard/

So ANOTHER government official is quoted as being both HUMAN, and an ASSHOLE, big fucking deal.

Your just as big an asshole for digging it up, and posting it.:eusa_wall:
Your just as big an asshole for digging it up, and posting it.

Why? Because you don't like. Tuff. The people who vote for him should know what he thinks of our military. Fuck you and bi ass you rode in on.:rofl:

Why aren't you just as big an asshole for calling me an asshole?

And all the people on these threads who post anything about a politician are also assholes? Lot of assholes, friend.
So remind us how you feel about Murtha? Or Kerry? Shall I quote them for you in case you have forgotten how THEY disparaged the ENTIRE military?
Seems to me almost no one ever brought as much ignomy and failure to the American military as Donald Rumsfeld and the neocon fantacists - or is fanatix the word i'm looking for? . . . eh, works either way; Fantasyism has reared it's ugly head in America's Iraq the same way it did in the Soviets' Afghanistan.

Send more troops . . . no, really, it's what any reasonable mind would do.
I put him in the same category as Murtha, Reid, McDermott, Murray, and all of the other asshole politicans who bad mouth the troops they sent out to fight.

Should start charging them with aiding and abetting the enemy.
Attacking the war is not the same as attacking the troops.

From what we found out so far, Murtha spoke too soon with too little evidence. Once the case if finished with the three remaining Marines, we should know what happened.

LOS ANGELES - Military prosecutors dropped all charges on Friday against a Marine accused of killing unarmed Iraqi women and children at Haditha in 2005, abruptly dismissing the case on the eve of trial with little explanation.

Lance Cpl Stephen B. Tatum became the fifth Haditha defendant out of eight to see charges dropped in a case that brought international condemnation on U.S. troops in Iraq. Three Marines, including accused ringleader Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, still face court-martial later this year.


That is suprising because he has always been a supporter of the military during his terms. Unlike others, he served in the Marines and in combat and has first hand knowledge of what they are going through. If he did this for political gain, it shows how much the political system can corrupt a person.

Retired, are you defending McHenry by attacking Murtha?
Why? Because you don't like. Tuff. The people who vote for him should know what he thinks of our military. Fuck you and bi ass you rode in on.:rofl:

Why aren't you just as big an asshole for calling me an asshole?

And all the people on these threads who post anything about a politician are also assholes? Lot of assholes, friend.

The people who vote for him should also be aware of the context in which he made the statement which was specific to an individual and a situation.

It is NOT "what he thinks of our military" as you are presenting it.

And I have it on good authority as well as an overwhelming consensus that I am "THE" asshole.:lol:
Why? Because you don't like. Tuff. The people who vote for him should know what he thinks of our military. Fuck you and bi ass you rode in on.:rofl:

Why aren't you just as big an asshole for calling me an asshole?

And all the people on these threads who post anything about a politician are also assholes? Lot of assholes, friend.

Are you typing challenged, or do jack off while typing?

Was just wondering why your posts make little to no sense.

Never mind, isn't important anyway, and the answer would just be more of the same BS.:eusa_doh:
But yours do? Partisan bullshit.

Actually, I can type quite well. But if that is all you have to attack, then you are lacking in substance abuse.

It is NOT "what he thinks of our military" as you are presenting it.

Nice shot, Gunny, but when he calls a soldier doing his duty a second rate security guard it is showing some of his attitude toward the military.

You are no more objective than any one on the left that you say give bullshit arguments.
But yours do? Partisan bullshit.

Actually, I can type quite well. But if that is all you have to attack, then you are lacking in substance abuse.

Nice shot, Gunny, but when he calls a soldier doing his duty a second rate security guard it is showing some of his attitude toward the military.

You are no more objective than any one on the left that you say give bullshit arguments.

Incorrect. I'm by far and away more objective than posts such as this that completely take something out of context and assume a position for someone based on a dishonest presentation of what was said.

The fact is, it's rather obvious he is just a typical politician who got pissed because someone actually dared apply the rules to him and lashed out verbally at that individual for being inconvenienced in any way.
But yours do? Partisan bullshit.

Actually, I can type quite well. But if that is all you have to attack, then you are lacking in substance abuse.

Nice shot, Gunny, but when he calls a soldier doing his duty a second rate security guard it is showing some of his attitude toward the military.

You are no more objective than any one on the left that you say give bullshit arguments.

No, quite the opposite Captain obvious, just making a observation, and one that obviously pricks your skin.

Piss off..........:eusa_hand:
Attacking the war is not the same as attacking the troops.

It is if you're one of the people that sent the troops there in the first place.

From what we found out so far, Murtha spoke too soon with too little evidence. Once the case if finished with the three remaining Marines, we should know what happened.

He spoke without any evidence and lamblasted innocent Marines for his political gain. How long do you think it's going to be before Murtha apologizes?

That is suprising because he has always been a supporter of the military during his terms. Unlike others, he served in the Marines and in combat and has first hand knowledge of what they are going through. If he did this for political gain, it shows how much the political system can corrupt a person.

If he did it for political gain? What the hell else would he do it for? He's pushing his personal agenda and using bullshit facts to support his case. Now that the bullshit has been exposed for what it is, Murtha is silent, looking for his next victim.
But yours do? Partisan bullshit.

Actually, I can type quite well. But if that is all you have to attack, then you are lacking in substance abuse.

Nice shot, Gunny, but when he calls a soldier doing his duty a second rate security guard it is showing some of his attitude toward the military.

You are no more objective than any one on the left that you say give bullshit arguments.

So, when are you going to condemn Murtha for his shit? Murtha didn't call them second rate security guards, he called them cold blooded murderers. What about John Kerry and his terrorizing the civilians in the dark of night comment. What about Kerry saying he's witnessed atrocities being commited while he "valiantly served in Vietnam."

Republican or Democrat, if you call the troops out for doing their job, you are a piece of shit needing to be flushed.
Attacking the war is not the same as attacking the troops.

From what we found out so far, Murtha spoke too soon with too little evidence. Once the case if finished with the three remaining Marines, we should know what happened.


That is suprising because he has always been a supporter of the military during his terms. Unlike others, he served in the Marines and in combat and has first hand knowledge of what they are going through. If he did this for political gain, it shows how much the political system can corrupt a person.

Retired, are you defending McHenry by attacking Murtha?

I am pointing out the double standard you have. You claimed you would say the same about a democrat. I named TWO high level democrats and you have in fact NOT done the same. GunnyL already pointed out how your little tirade is not what you claimed it is. Yet we have Kerry telling us everyone in the military is to DUMB to be anywhere else and we have Murtha telling us Marines slaughtered innocent people with lie after proven lie. And all yu can say is " gee they misspoke". Ya your even handed alright.
Well Retired, I guess I have to talk to you like you talk to me.

Well, shit for brains, abou your post:

[QUOTEYet we have Kerry telling us everyone in the military is to DUMB

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

That is not callling the military dumb. It is saying if you can't make it academically you can end up in Iraq. It is fucking true that a lot of our troops go in for the educational benefits. VERY different from saying only dummies end up in the military. It's more of your stupid fucking swiftboating.

to be anywhere else and we have Murtha telling us Marines slaughtered innocent people with lie after proven lie.] Detail all the lies or shut up.

All the fucking evidence isn't in yet on Haditha. And even then I admitted that Murtha spoke too soon with too little information. I didn't defend him dipshit. You couldn't do that with a stick up our ass with all the facts nailed to it. Bush is your god who will never make a mistake. [/QUOTE]

To your other bullshit that he put down all military, here is his quote before the committee:

"I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia.

These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.

This is not a condemnation of all our military, it is a statement that other vets backed up. Or do you say there were not incidents besides mai lai?

Sort of like ABu Graib, just a few bad enlisted. Bull fucking shit.
Well Retired, I guess I have to talk to you like you talk to me.

Well, shit for brains, abou your post:

[QUOTEYet we have Kerry telling us everyone in the military is to DUMB

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

That is not callling the military dumb. It is saying if you can't make it academically you can end up in Iraq. It is fucking true that a lot of our troops go in for the educational benefits. VERY different from saying only dummies end up in the military. It's more of your stupid fucking swiftboating.

to be anywhere else and we have Murtha telling us Marines slaughtered innocent people with lie after proven lie.] Detail all the lies or shut up.

All the fucking evidence isn't in yet on Haditha. And even then I admitted that Murtha spoke too soon with too little information. I didn't defend him dipshit. You couldn't do that with a stick up our ass with all the facts nailed to it. Bush is your god who will never make a mistake.

To your other bullshit that he put down all military, here is his quote before the committee:

This is not a condemnation of all our military, it is a statement that other vets backed up. Or do you say there were not incidents besides mai lai?

Sort of like ABu Graib, just a few bad enlisted. Bull fucking shit.
Evidence please. I want to see who it is that would be so stupid as to take a handful of enlisted people and tell them to degrade prisoners for no real purpose, and to take pictures and send them home.

You're damned right it was a few bad enlisted, entertainng themselves by abusing their power. No one that I ever knew that actually valued his/her rank and/or career would be so stupid as to give that order.

The Army General who was in command was relieved of her command and reprimanded. Career over. So let's don't act like only the guards got punished. Her crime was worse in my opinion. A senior officer not providing proper supervision and leadership to junior troops. Some leadership and supervision would have completely precluded the incidents taking place.

Ever walk a post. Col? I doubt it. You don't see officers. The highest ranking person you see is the Officer of the Guard who is a SSgt, unless some 2ndLt OOD tries to James Bond himself onto your post and catch you sleeping.

Otherwise, you see only the people in your relief, day after day after day. That's the Sgt of Guard, the Cpl of the Guard, and the E-3's and below that walk the post.

So, it is EASILY believable no one else was involved. That is, if you have knowledge of and/or experience on guard duty, and aren't looking for some excuse to make something out of nothing.
In the case of Kerry and his winter soldier game, it has already been shown is 150 "vets" were mostly if not all never even in combat if in the military at all.

And then we have the ignorant claim that Kerry did not mean anyone in the military wasn't to stupid to get a job anywhere else.

As for Murtha , did you read any of the information all ready posted? He claimed first that Marines were never attacked and only murdered people because of a road side bomb. A proven lie. He further claimed the Marines were never fired on and had no reason to fire on anyone else, another BALD FACED lie. He claimed no insurgents were killed just innocent iraqi civilians, another lie. He claimed the Marines were blood thirsty savages and committed WAR CRIMES, and that is 2 more lies. He claimed as part of his proof the fact the Marine Corps paid money to families in the incident, when in fact that is standard procedure no matter the cause or reason for the death when American Forces are involved, which he should have and probably did know. If not an outright lie, an attempt to distort the truth.

He has not EVER apologized for those lies. Further he claimed the Commandant of the Marine Corps BRIEFED him on the incident and that was where he got his information. A LIE. The Commandant at the time catagorically DENIES ever briefing Murtha on Haditha AT ALL.
So, when are you going to condemn Murtha for his shit? Murtha didn't call them second rate security guards, he called them cold blooded murderers. What about John Kerry and his terrorizing the civilians in the dark of night comment. What about Kerry saying he's witnessed atrocities being commited while he "valiantly served in Vietnam."

Republican or Democrat, if you call the troops out for doing their job, you are a piece of shit needing to be flushed.

Wasn't it carry that said something about:
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

What a jerk....

While I don't believe that this politician was calling the entire military "two-bit security gaurds, I do believe that he's a spoiled prick who wanted a quick work-out at 5:00 A.M. like he does on regular day back home...
"I want my golden egg daddy! ANd I want it now!"

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