I hope Atheism is spreading throughout the middle east and Africa

You see? Wrong again. Of course that would still be a station so far above yours as to be unattainable by the likes of you, but you're still wrong.

See what, that everytime you respond, you reveal how much more of an asshat you really are? How butthurt you are over a simple prediction?

Don't hurt yourself waving that white flag so hard.

Where do you see a white flag? I've shown you to be a dishonest asshole. Don't hurt yourself straining to see something that isn't there. I'll say it again. Christianity is going to perish, because it is a false religion, along with all the others. I can do this all day.

You're self-delusion and dishonesty have been duly noted.
Like I already told you, I don't really respect you at all. So you can ask all the questions you want. I don't really feel inclined to go through any trouble to satisfy your need for an answer.

You wouldn't have shot your mouth off in the first place if you knew you'd have to run so hard from your ill-considered comments, huh?

Run from what? What on earth are you talking about? You're a fucking moron bro. Get over yourself.
Where do you see a white flag?

YOU, desperately running from your own words, avoiding simple questions, and getting your panties in a wad when confronted with the fact that you were just talking complete bullshit that you cannot even attempt to defend.
See what, that everytime you respond, you reveal how much more of an asshat you really are? How butthurt you are over a simple prediction?

Don't hurt yourself waving that white flag so hard.

Where do you see a white flag? I've shown you to be a dishonest asshole. Don't hurt yourself straining to see something that isn't there. I'll say it again. Christianity is going to perish, because it is a false religion, along with all the others. I can do this all day.

You're self-delusion and dishonesty have been duly noted.

See? You are now trying to qualify your comment AND at the same time introduce a new attempt at diversion. You are full of crap and you know it.
Like I already told you, I don't really respect you at all. So you can ask all the questions you want. I don't really feel inclined to go through any trouble to satisfy your need for an answer.

You wouldn't have shot your mouth off in the first place if you knew you'd have to run so hard from your ill-considered comments, huh?

Run from what?

From your own ill-considered comments, which you cannot even attempt to defend. Take more care before posting next time and you won't have to suffer all this humiliation.
The one part of the world I hope Atheism(non-religious) is spreading throughout is the middle east and Africa. That would be good for us all. Fuck such a god that wants to kill people for not believing in a fucking rock. Fuck a god that wants to stone women and force people to believe such against their will.

The middle east needs Atheism to be free! Death to such a religion that seeks to destroy a humans will to be free.

Certainly you don't mean to tell us that you believe atheism in the ME and Africa would result in less killing. Tribalism and killing have been their cultural norm for many long years before the religion of Islam was ever created as an actual religion.
You wouldn't have shot your mouth off in the first place if you knew you'd have to run so hard from your ill-considered comments, huh?

Run from what?

From your own ill-considered comments, which you cannot even attempt to defend. Take more care before posting next time and you won't have to suffer all this humiliation.

I made a prediction. I don't know when it is going to happen. I don't need to say anything else. If you have a problem with what I said, argue the point, but don't simply make constant appeals to ridicule without actually addressing what I said. You are the worst debater I've ever see on here. Truly, an emotional wreck.
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The one part of the world I hope Atheism(non-religious) is spreading throughout is the middle east and Africa. That would be good for us all. Fuck such a god that wants to kill people for not believing in a fucking rock. Fuck a god that wants to stone women and force people to believe such against their will.

The middle east needs Atheism to be free! Death to such a religion that seeks to destroy a humans will to be free.

Why don't you go over there and preach some non-God rhetoric and see how fast the real religious zealots stone you to death? You gotta wonder about the democrat party at war with Christianity while using the US Military to spread muslem extremism. We did a real good job in Libya didn't we?
You wouldn't have shot your mouth off in the first place if you knew you'd have to run so hard from your ill-considered comments, huh?

Run from what?

From your own ill-considered comments, which you cannot even attempt to defend. Take more care before posting next time and you won't have to suffer all this humiliation.

Humiliation? From you?

You are such an asshat. You're joking, right?
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No you didn't. You merely indulged in empty, meaningless nonsense and didn't know what to do when you were called on it.

You didn't call me on shit...

It's all there in black and white. Think before you post next time and you might not have to suffer like this.

I made a prediction, which is a belief, not a knowledge claim, simply because, I don't have a fucking crystal ball, but I do have the past. Judging by nearly all of the ancient religions which have fallen by the wayside, there is no reason to assume Christianity or Islam is any different. Both will fall.

Did you eat pain chips as a kid? I think you may have.
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You have humiliated yourself.

Says the guy who bashes Islam and wishes atheism upon it...

Aw, you got all over-excited and forgot how to read...

That wasn't me, idiot. :rolleyes:

Oh right, you're the Muslim troll who has had his panties in the bunch since the beginning of the thread. Atheism is spreading everywhere because religious thought is untenable in the presence of scientific literacy. Eventually, all religions will be wiped out.
I made a prediction, which is a belief, not a knowledge claim, simply because, I don't have a fucking crystal ball...

:lol: You're too stupid to understand the words you are trying to use, or to see that you are contradicting yourself. Too funny, clown. :lol:
Judging by nearly all of the ancient religions which have fallen by the wayside...

Do you ever stop to think before posting? Your own statement is based on the fact that there have always been religions, belief systems, and expressions of faith among humans. Always. And there always will be. Yes, even a thousand years from now.

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