“I heard people could stay in America if we came with our children,” ...


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

They're not "MIGRANTS." They're ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Mexico has a relatively TINY border with South America. They could put an end to all this if they wanted. Just stop them all at their southern border and it's over. Why the hell they don't I don't know.
Oh for cryin'-out-loud-
It's human nature to go where the grass is greener- that ain't Biden's fault and it isn't Trumps fault- you fucking people show your IMproper education every time migration is mentioned- then have the audacity to argue that the words "all men are created equal" somehow implies only US citizens- good lord- the ignorant are taking over the world, "led" by the cult leaders in the church of godvernment- SMH-
They're not "MIGRANTS." They're ILLEGAL ALIENS.
They are not mutually exclusive, besides, they are in Mexico and would be illegal or not according to Mexican law.

Either way, it's a clusterfuck on both sides of the border. Gracias Jose.
It's got nothing to do being mutually exclusive, and everything to do with playing word games. Democrats love to play word games. They don't like illegal aliens because it sounds bad, but they want illegal immigration so they cutsie tootsie up what they call it to something that sounds a lot less scary. It's one of their favorite games.
a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

It will be interesting to see how they blame Trump for this.
a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

This is why we need a fucking wall here:


Because it is so fucking close to HERE:

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Oh for cryin'-out-loud-
It's human nature to go where the grass is greener- that ain't Biden's fault and it isn't Trumps fault- you fucking people show your IMproper education every time migration is mentioned- then have the audacity to argue that the words "all men are created equal" somehow implies only US citizens- good lord- the ignorant are taking over the world, "led" by the cult leaders in the church of godvernment- SMH-
Who the fuck told her that if she had kids the border would be open?

Who told you that all people are equal?

Who told you you could live anywhere you want? Who told her?

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Oh for cryin'-out-loud-
It's human nature to go where the grass is greener- that ain't Biden's fault and it isn't Trumps fault- you fucking people show your IMproper education every time migration is mentioned- then have the audacity to argue that the words "all men are created equal" somehow implies only US citizens- good lord- the ignorant are taking over the world, "led" by the cult leaders in the church of godvernment- SMH-
Biden is giving them $2700 each, allowing them to stay and collect welfare, medical, food stamps, free housing and tax refunds-----------along with getting rid of requirements for ids to fly and so much more. The illegals are here for the free chit--stop giving them freebies and most would stop coming. Biden and his supporters lip service about the poor "immigrants" and it not being Bidens fault are all full of shit...
The Biden experiment was to insert an ignoramus who would do everything the Marxists in his party wanted. It was a success for his commie party but a disaster for our country. The best we can hope for now is that this guy does nothing because every move he makes hurts our country. God help us.
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God help us.
From the song, Me and Mine (lamentations) by B.J Barham-

what are you s'posed do when the God you're prayin to up and goes missin, leavin a trail of unpaid bills, broken homes and opioid addiction, then a politician comes along, promisin that, he'll return the jons even God himself could not bring back

Who told you that all people are equal?
The Declaration of Independence- dunce- written by and agreed to, by people a lot more intelligent than you-
All people may be created equal, but they are surely not equal. You, a village idiot or a Maxine Waters are not equal to a Donald Trump by any measure, regardless of their creation. Do you honestly think Jefferson was the idiot you seem to be?
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Oh for cryin'-out-loud-
It's human nature to go where the grass is greener- that ain't Biden's fault and it isn't Trumps fault- you fucking people show your IMproper education every time migration is mentioned- then have the audacity to argue that the words "all men are created equal" somehow implies only US citizens- good lord- the ignorant are taking over the world, "led" by the cult leaders in the church of godvernment- SMH-
Do not give them anything social from taxpayers. That is the major issue. For without it they would not come here like this. Although there would be some for employment purposes. There are large denomination Churches involved in this also. Getting a piece of the action.
a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

Rumors move faster than the speed of light yet those rumors have been around for many years, long before Trump or Joe. You might want to remember Saint Reagan ad Bush "The Wimp" and their amnesty and chain migration ideas..
a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

This is why we need a fucking wall here:

View attachment 490435

Because it is so fucking close to HERE:

View attachment 490436

They would just move further northwest. The wall needs to be the entire length from California all the way to the tip of the Gulf.
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Oh for cryin'-out-loud-
It's human nature to go where the grass is greener- that ain't Biden's fault and it isn't Trumps fault- you fucking people show your IMproper education every time migration is mentioned- then have the audacity to argue that the words "all men are created equal" somehow implies only US citizens- good lord- the ignorant are taking over the world, "led" by the cult leaders in the church of godvernment- SMH-
Who the fuck told her that if she had kids the border would be open?

Who told you that all people are equal?

Who told you you could live anywhere you want? Who told her?

a sobbing Cruz said moments after the U.S. Border Patrol expelled mother and child back across the Rio Grande to this Mexican border city.

Cruz, 40, and her daughter were among the ranks of hundreds of migrants, almost all Central Americans — mostly women and children — squatting in a public square a block from the Rio Grande here.

Thanks (and gracias) for the clusterfuck Joe. I am pretty sure this woman did not get that idea from Trump. It was very woke of you.

This is why we need a fucking wall here:

View attachment 490435

Because it is so fucking close to HERE:

View attachment 490436

They would just move further northwest. The wall needs to be the entire length from California all the way to the tip of the Gulf.
True, but it sure would make the trip more of a challenge if these Central American "refugees" had to travel 1000 miles, instead of less than 500 miles.

Can we at least START with a South Texas border wall from the gulf to about 50 miles north of Laredo? PLEASE!!!

JUST START WITH THAT. Then, we can discuss further construction.
They're not "MIGRANTS." They're ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Mexico has a relatively TINY border with South America. They could put an end to all this if they wanted. Just stop them all at their southern border and it's over. Why the hell they don't I don't know.
That's exactly what they did when Trump was POTUS. They had soldiers at the border stopping those coming through from South America. If any made it through they had to wait in Mexico until their court date.

That's what Biden fucked up when he became POTUS. He stopped construction on the wall and handcuffed ICE and Border Patrol.

We have thousands pouring across our borders, many with the Chinese virus. These illegals cost we tax payers billions every year and every one of them should be booted back across the border.

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