I have damaged lumbar discs !!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I have endured this for 5 years and just thought it was a strain
I had X-rays and my disc between L5 and S1 is not there
I have endured this for 5 years and just thought it was a strain
I had X-rays and my disc between L5 and S1 is not there
Do push-ups and sit-ups regularly on a cushioned mat, keep correct form, pay attention to your body, don't overdo it, stop if you have pain, rest a while, and keep at it. You have to build up the muscles in that area of your back. Practice yoga stretches,etc.

Drink milk, eat fish, get calcium in your diet to build up bone strength as you exercise your muscles.
13 months ago, I got a CT scan while I was in the hospital and my back is shit as well.

CERVICAL SPINE: Mild bony demineralization is noted. Multilevel
degenerative disc disease is present with disc space narrowing,
subchondral sclerosis, and osteophyte formation. Disc space narrowing
is severe T7 to moderate. uncovertebral arthrosis is present most
prominent at C3 or C4 and from C5 to C7. Mild multilevel facet
arthropathy is also present. No critical central canal stenosis is
identified. Arthrosis about the atlantoaxial articulation is present.
There is no compression deformity or traumatic malalignment in the
cervical vertebral bodies. The craniocervical junction and facet
alignment are maintained and the atlantoaxial articulation is normal.
Prevertebral soft tissue thickness is normal.

THORACIC SPINE: 13 rib-bearing thoracic vertebral bodies are present.
Mild bony demineralization is present. Mild multilevel degenerative
disc disease is present with disc space narrowing, subchondral
sclerosis, and osteophyte formation. Mild multilevel facet
arthropathy is also present.

There is no acute fracture or traumatic malalignment. Paravertebral
soft tissues are unremarkable.

LUMBAR SPINE: Diffuse osteopenia is present. 5 nonrib-bearing lumbar
vertebral bodies are present. Transitional anatomy about the
lumbosacral junction with partial sacralization of the L5 vertebral
body is noted. Multilevel degenerative disc disease is present with
disc space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and osteophyte
formation. Disc space narrowing is moderate at L4/L5. Mild
multilevel facet arthropathy is also present most pronounced
throughout a majority of the lumbar spine. A bone island about the L2
vertebral body is present. Schmorl's nodes about the superior
endplates of L4 and L5 are present. Minimal levocurvature of the
lumbar spine is noted. Mild narrowing of the central canal at L4/L5
is present. Mild narrowing is also noted at L3/L4.

There is no acute fracture or traumatic malalignment. Paravertebral
soft tissues are unremarkable. The SI joints maintain anatomic
I have endured this for 5 years and just thought it was a strain
I had X-rays and my disc between L5 and S1 is not there
Do push-ups and sit-ups regularly on a cushioned mat, keep correct form, pay attention to your body, don't overdo it, stop if you have pain, rest a while, and keep at it. You have to build up the muscles in that area of your back. Practice yoga stretches,etc.

Drink milk, eat fish, get calcium in your diet to build up bone strength as you exercise your muscles.
I had severe back pain that chiropractors could not help. A knesiologist knew right away. Not push ups which primarily develop the chest. Sit ups is what You want. Abdominal muscles stabilize the spine. Some lightweight good mornings might help. If the discs are gone no exercise will fix that. The only thing that might help is a surgical fusion. Surgery is sooo chancy.

I also have back issues. CVS sells a passable brace and a very good home TENS.

Good luck.
I have endured this for 5 years and just thought it was a strain
I had X-rays and my disc between L5 and S1 is not there
Do push-ups and sit-ups regularly on a cushioned mat, keep correct form, pay attention to your body, don't overdo it, stop if you have pain, rest a while, and keep at it. You have to build up the muscles in that area of your back. Practice yoga stretches,etc.

Drink milk, eat fish, get calcium in your diet to build up bone strength as you exercise your muscles.
I had severe back pain that chiropractors could not help. A knesiologist knew right away. Not push ups which primarily develop the chest. Sit ups is what You want. Abdominal muscles stabilize the spine. Some lightweight good mornings might help. If the discs are gone no exercise will fix that. The only thing that might help is a surgical fusion. Surgery is sooo chancy.

I also have back issues. CVS sells a passable brace and a very good home TENS.

Good luck.
What about having the doctor add a plastic disk
I have endured this for 5 years and just thought it was a strain
I had X-rays and my disc between L5 and S1 is not there
Do push-ups and sit-ups regularly on a cushioned mat, keep correct form, pay attention to your body, don't overdo it, stop if you have pain, rest a while, and keep at it. You have to build up the muscles in that area of your back. Practice yoga stretches,etc.

Drink milk, eat fish, get calcium in your diet to build up bone strength as you exercise your muscles.
I had severe back pain that chiropractors could not help. A knesiologist knew right away. Not push ups which primarily develop the chest. Sit ups is what You want. Abdominal muscles stabilize the spine. Some lightweight good mornings might help. If the discs are gone no exercise will fix that. The only thing that might help is a surgical fusion. Surgery is sooo chancy.

I also have back issues. CVS sells a passable brace and a very good home TENS.

Good luck.
What about having the doctor add a plastic disk

Good thought.
Go to hell.
Not push ups which primarily develop the chest.
Not to excess, but push-ups are part of the routine. And you need the chest muscles to oppose the back muscles and keep a balanced posture.

Push-ups build up the internal back muscles and tone the stomach muscles, too. And you need push-ups or similar exercise to prevent the "swayback" posture from sedentary sitting which stresses the lower back unnaturally.

Pull-ups, too, build your arms and rib muscles, and that too take weight and stress off the lower back.

You need whole workout, weightlifting, not anything to excess, and add the nutrition to build up the bone and muscle and repair erosion and injury.
What about having the doctor add a plastic disk
Generally speaking, surgery should be the very last resort after trying everything else. Just my opinion.
I will only trust a Jew to open me up
They’re the fathers of medicine !!
I hope he has insomnia the night before surgery, then to compensate for being so tired drinks two pots of coffee. I'll chip in for the seat cushion for your new wheelchair.

Stay away from people with scalpels unless there are no other options. Doctors become surgeons because they like to cut.

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