i gotta think the sanders campaign is going to start bitchen about superdelegates soon.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
it's supposed to back in the fifties again here in Vermont tomorrow, so he's absolutely right about climate change.

but i just saw that he is in the thousands of delegates not that far behind hillerbean. are superdelegates a way of stacking the election ??

any thoughts or stupid ass liberal rantings ?

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"i gotta think the sanders campaign is going to start bitchen about superdelegates soon."

To no avail – garnering little if any sympathy.

Sanders knew the rules going in, no one forced him to run in the democratic primaries – he has the same opportunity to attract super-delegates, who are at liberty to support whomever they wish.

Consequently, Sanders has no ‘grounds’ upon which to ‘bitch.’

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