I Don't Understand How A Natural Woman Can vote dim Anymore

Seems to me, the dim party wants to eliminate women from society. In Sports, in business, in Media.

Not just in Golf, but in High School Sports, College Sports, etc.

What about that Male that defeated all those female swimmers? How about Dylan Mulvaney?

I know why, do you?
Seems like Republican males are obsessed with trangendered women. Because they don't care about non trans women. Dobbs tells us that.
That doesn't have appear to have happened.
He’s allowed 85,000 undocumented minors into this country that magically disappeared.

His side fights to retain porn in school libraries.

His side was furious about the release of “the sound of freedom”

His side relishes the idea of drag Queen story hours for children.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…….

It’s a duck.
Trump is the one who talked about dating his daughter.
So? Most fathers are proud of their daughters and, if they weren’t related, likely would date em. You think that’s bizarre. Hell, you’re side would more likely have fathers who’d prefer dating their Sons if not related
I'll ask you sick bastard Dems again, are you in favor of men in women's boxing punching women in the face? You sick fucks!
Since women transition into men and can box, you need to stop asking dumb questions.
Seems to me, the dim party wants to eliminate women from society. In Sports, in business, in Media.

Not just in Golf, but in High School Sports, College Sports, etc.

What about that Male that defeated all those female swimmers? How about Dylan Mulvaney?

I know why, do you?
Let's see...
Roe v Wade
Abolishing Birth control
Cutting off food for children
Efforts to deny women the right to vote

Golly gee whiz. WHY OH WHY would women vote Democratic?
Because of the arrival on scene of those who dislike women and womanhood in general. Trannies, Gays, etc.

While Natural Women stay home and do the most important job in the world, those types are out and about, worming their way into the Media, Hollywood, Academia and into the DEI Culture. In Business, Sports, ad nauseam.

And they don't like women. They call them names, like,"Breeders" and they look down on Real Women.

Is why women vote for Democrats.
Let's see...
Roe v Wade
Abolishing Birth control
Cutting off food for children
Efforts to deny women the right to vote

Golly gee whiz. WHY OH WHY would women vote Democratic?
Don't forget force prostitution, forced FGM, arranged marriages.....

You're on the ball, sparky
The platform of thee Republican Party has always been that of laissez faire, no matter how much you scream otherwise.
If they'd stuck to the platform there'd be no Trump.
But when your base becomes:
Drug war
Every conspiracy theory ever conceived

then it's not "laissez faire," it's feudalism and the dark ages.
Don't forget force prostitution, forced FGM, arranged marriages.....

You're on the ball, sparky
You mean like Trump and Epstein?
You mean by religious conservatives?
You mean like Trump and Mel?

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