I don't think people comprehend the depth of the fraud involved in PA. election!

Just more evidence of how filthy corrupt the Democrats are.

This nation is going the wrong direction...and when it falls...which it will do, whether it be 50, 100, 500, or 1000 years...it will fall. I hope the revolutionaries go after the Democrats first.
Repubs could run tough people also. If it looks like that is the direction. The Opie act does not work. I guarantee you, suggesting as a plan to put many media and entertainers in death game shows against people who have a beef with them would bring up the ratings to levels never seen. Those people have gotten many people destroyed and killed while living luxurious lives. And they deserve the same in return.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!

Yeah, it appears you don't comprehend either.

Very interesting but not conclusive. Every one of the violations will be adjudicated at some point and as my early contention
if there is nothing there there, why are the Democrats protesting too much? They should be totally ignoring it.
That would be convenient, now wouldn't it, if everyone just kept quiet about the allegations of fraud which are reposted on social media and news sites repeatedly.
Not a matter of convenience. The American voter is the issue. If your vote is not secure enough than we really shouldn't have elections.
But of course with the Harris/Biden election we probably won't have that ability in the future. Most of the Harris/Biden plans are to tear
our country apart. Destroy jobs. Destroy homes. Destroy people. But you people made your bed so now you will have to lay in it.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!

American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the voting in the U.S. on Nov. 3.

The State Department invited a 28-member delegation from the Organization of Members of the OAS team were sent to battleground states such as Michigan and Georgia, where the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits alleging voter fraud, and noted in the report that it had “not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far.”

“On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,” the report states. “Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of result. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!
How many ballots in the suburbs and countryside were not given a chance to remediate their mistakes and their ballots invalidated and how many were republican voters vs democratic voters, vs the 45000 plus votes Biden is ahead by in the vote tally?

Could they change the vote outcome?

Can they be cured now by these people denied a cure? Certification of the Penn vote has a few weeks......
It's nearly impossible to tell, given the inconsistency and irregularities all across the state, but mainly in Philly.

I don't know what choice the SCOTUS will have but to either send it to the Penn Legislature or order a re-vote. It certainly cannot stand as is.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!

American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the voting in the U.S. on Nov. 3.

The State Department invited a 28-member delegation from the Organization of Members of the OAS team were sent to battleground states such as Michigan and Georgia, where the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits alleging voter fraud, and noted in the report that it had “not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far.”

“On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,” the report states. “Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of result. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election.
Well, then.....THAT SETTLES IT.


Stupidest fucking argument EVER!!!
It seems to me like Pennsylvania is trying to go from the cradle of liberty to the cradle of communism with the complete backing of Democrats. Eff that. Stick with Trumpy and clean elections.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!
How many ballots in the suburbs and countryside were not given a chance to remediate their mistakes and their ballots invalidated and how many were republican voters vs democratic voters, vs the 45000 plus votes Biden is ahead by in the vote tally?

Could they change the vote outcome?

Can they be cured now by these people denied a cure? Certification of the Penn vote has a few weeks......
I'd say that 130,000 ballots they counted, and not ONE was cast for President Trump, are pretty suspicious. Really, 130,000 people and not even ONE voted for Trump.
Or anyone else for that matter.

These were also counted WITHOUT allowing partisan observers to....you know......OBSERVE!!!
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!
How many ballots in the suburbs and countryside were not given a chance to remediate their mistakes and their ballots invalidated and how many were republican voters vs democratic voters, vs the 45000 plus votes Biden is ahead by in the vote tally?

Could they change the vote outcome?

Can they be cured now by these people denied a cure? Certification of the Penn vote has a few weeks......
It's nearly impossible to tell, given the inconsistency and irregularities all across the state, but mainly in Philly.

I don't know what choice the SCOTUS will have but to either send it to the Penn Legislature or order a re-vote. It certainly cannot stand as is.
Don't forget what's behind door #3, Monty! A pass without over ruling the election as they often do not overrule the vote of the people. So far, not much evidences that could actually get them involved, much less overturn the vote.
The Baby in Chief needs to give it up. He lost. The more he and the GOP (Taliban of the US) keep trying to push conspiracies and lies, the more the voting population is going to realize that the problem with this country is the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

The Don is not going to be able to recover from 45,000 votes in the state that handed Biden the election.
This is just one of numerous charges filed against this 2020 biased election!
9. Naked ballots in Philadelphia
Philadelphia County-(major Democrat city Philadelphia)
reportedly sent a “notification” to voters who had cast inadequate ballots, urging them to “cure” the ballots. “To figure out which voters should be notified,
Philadelphia County had to inspect the mail-in ballots before election day—in plain violation of state law,” the lawsuit alleges.

But in normally GOP counties — such as Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, and Berks Counties — “did not contact voters who submitted defective ballots or give them an opportunity to cure. They simply followed the law and treated these ballots as invalid and refused to count them.”

“Because the counties that followed state law and did not provide a cure process are heavily Republican
(and counties that violated state law and did provide a cure process are heavily Democratic), Defendants’ conduct harmed the Trump Campaign. It deprived the President of lawful votes and awarded his opponent with unlawful votes.”

So in summary heavy Democratic areas, i.e. Philadelphia voters' ballots were inspected before election day (violation) and were advised to correct the defective ballots. But GOP counties were never give a notice of a defective ballot or opportunity to correct.(Violation).
Again... I ask these "honest" democrats that if there was NO wrong... prove it in court, i.e. provide voters from Philadelphia to witness they received
notices before election day their ballot was defective. Also prove in court that GOP voters in the other counties DID receive notices i.e. equal to what happened in Philadelphia.

Folks this is JUST ONE of many, numerous violations of states' voting laws!
How many ballots in the suburbs and countryside were not given a chance to remediate their mistakes and their ballots invalidated and how many were republican voters vs democratic voters, vs the 45000 plus votes Biden is ahead by in the vote tally?

Could they change the vote outcome?

Can they be cured now by these people denied a cure? Certification of the Penn vote has a few weeks......
It's nearly impossible to tell, given the inconsistency and irregularities all across the state, but mainly in Philly.

I don't know what choice the SCOTUS will have but to either send it to the Penn Legislature or order a re-vote. It certainly cannot stand as is.
Don't forget what's behind door #3, Monty! A pass without over ruling the election as they often do not overrule the vote of the people. So far, not much evidences that could actually get them involved, much less overturn the vote.
Justice Alito got involved enough to order separation of certain ballots. You think 4 justices on the SCOTUS are not going to get involved after making that order?
The Liar in Chief has been gaslighting the entire country for four years. It is over.....He lost and he needs to board the moving truck with his prostitute wife and leave.
The Baby in Chief needs to give it up. He lost. The more he and the GOP (Taliban of the US) keep trying to push conspiracies and lies, the more the voting population is going to realize that the problem with this country is the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

The Don is not going to be able to recover from 45,000 votes in the state that handed Biden the election.
Biden can concede. Otherwise, the process will play out.

This is you:


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