I Can See Why Canadians Envy Americans


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Today’s reminder:

Canadian city repairs curb damaged 28 years ago.
16 years ahead of schedule.

Canadian police can give everyone a mandatory breathalyzer test with zero suspicion of intoxication. Judge says no problem, no rights infringed.

Today’s reminder:

Canadian city repairs curb damaged 28 years ago.
16 years ahead of schedule.

Canadian police can give everyone a mandatory breathalyzer test with zero suspicion of intoxication. Judge says no problem, no rights infringed.

Canada and Australia are the new Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. I say so with the utmost of disrespect for their respective political leaders.

Today’s reminder:

Canadian city repairs curb damaged 28 years ago.
16 years ahead of schedule.

Canadian police can give everyone a mandatory breathalyzer test with zero suspicion of intoxication. Judge says no problem, no rights infringed.

My thoughts on mandatory breathalyzer for drivers without suspicion.

Now Blow Damnit!
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Oh, you mean like sobriety checkpoints in the US and rural cops that insist you've been drinking when you have not and they want you to blow into the tester? How about the pigs who pull you over and want to search yer car and make you wait an hour for K-9 pig to show up and sniff yer car and then they claim the pig said there was drugs in the car yet after searching said car find no drugs?(This is in the USA)
Canada and Australia are the new Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. I say so with the utmost of disrespect for their respective political leaders.

I can relate to you saying that because you know nothing about them. You only think you do. You don't even know the affiliation of the government.

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