Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

Don't need your help don't want your help I just want you to stop telling me what I have to think.

You ain't an authority on anything
Quit belittling people of faith, especially according to you, you are arguing about nothing!
Faith or politics? The Scofield heresy is strictly a political ploy to promote Christian Zionism.
Blah blah blah! We get it you say you don't believe,(you really do) and must force others to know just how much you say you don't believe (you really do) get a dog that will pay attention to you, and spare us!
Oh look another one with a persecution complex.

FYI criticizing a religion is not the same as criticizing a person.
Spare me all you have done is belittle people who believe! Get a dog that will pay attention to you and leave believers alone! Persecution is expected. by my defense of what I believe in is also expected as a Christian man!
Blah blah blah! We get it you say you don't believe,(you really do) and must force others to know just how much you say you don't believe (you really do) get a dog that will pay attention to you, and spare us!

Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer.
Oh look another one with a persecution complex.

FYI criticizing a religion is not the same as criticizing a person.
It would help if people KNEW the religion they were criticizing.

But that would be a little too intellectually honest............... for some folks
Spare me all you have done is belittle people who believe! Get a dog that will pay attention to you and leave believers alone! Persecution is expected. by my defense of what I believe in is also expected as a Christian man!
No I bring up points of disagreement and you zealots with your persecution complexes always think i am
"attacking" you.

There is nothing I can to to your religion that you need to defend against.

I consider myself more of a Taoist than anything but I also use principles from Zen Buddhism and the Upanishads if you want to bring up points of disagreement with the Tao, Buddhism or the Upanishads I would have no need to tell you what to to think or to defend the philosophy from anyone because I don't care what you think about it.
It would help if people KNEW the religion they were criticizing.

But that would be a little too intellectually honest............... for some folks

And what don't I know about your religion? I've read the bible cover to cover more than a couple times which is more times than most Christians have. I've been to Catholic, Baptist masses, and services from other Christian sects. I've also read the Koran several times

But I've also been to Buddhist temples, meditated with Taoists, and Shaolin monks.

The latter three are far more relevant than the Abrahamic religions for many reasons.
No I bring up points of disagreement and you zealots with your persecution complexes always think i am
"attacking" you.

There is nothing I can to to your religion that you need to defend against.

I consider myself more of a Taoist than anything but I also use principles from Zen Buddhism and the Upanishads if you want to bring up points of disagreement with the Tao, Buddhism or the Upanishads I would have no need to tell you what to to think or to defend the philosophy from anyone because I don't care what you think about it.
Budda is dead!
Taoists believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after death.Oct 19, 2023
And you call me crazy for what I believe?
Budda is dead!
Taoists believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after death.Oct 19, 2023
And you call me crazy for what I believe?

Yes he is because he was just a man.

And what happens to all the atoms that make up your physical body after you die?

The get recycled back into the universe

And since your mind rises from the body doesn't that get recycled too?

But what you got wrong is that these philosophies do not believe in the self exists so there really aren't separate "spirits" in every body
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But what you got wrong is that these philosophies do not believe in the self exists so there really aren't separate "spirits" in every body
You have much to learn about your own beliefs as reincarnation says otherwise. And then there is what lies beyond reincarnation...

"...A very common and major goal of most Taoists is to achieve immortality rather than enter the regular afterlife. Reaching this goal is not easy; there are various tasks that must be met during your entire lifetime to be qualified to be immortal..."

Yes he is because he was just a man.

And what happens to all the atoms that make up your physical body after you die?

The get recycled back into the universe

And since your mind rises from the body doesn't that get recycled too?

But what you got wrong is that these philosophies do not believe in the self exists so there really aren't separate "spirits" in every body
To be absent from the body is to be present with God!
You have much to learn about your own beliefs as reincarnation says otherwise. And then there is what lies beyond reincarnation...

"...A very common and major goal of most Taoists is to achieve immortality rather than enter the regular afterlife. Reaching this goal is not easy; there are various tasks that must be met during your entire lifetime to be qualified to be immortal..."

Oooh Wikipedia. And you didn't even read the very first line on the page did you?

There is significant scholarly debate about the Taoist understanding of death

You don't seem to understand that Taoism is a philosophy first and a religion second. I don't do religion

reincarnation is nothing but the substance and energy of your body being recycled and used again not unlike a raindrop returning eventually to the ocean to be made into another raindrop or to become part of a plant or animal or another person.

The Taoist belief is everyone is eternal in the now.

And unlike you I don't feel the need to pick a philosophy and blindly follow it. I actually read the source material for myself instead of letting other people tell me what it means then I use what I like and don't bother with the rest.

If there is no self then there is no self defining "spirit", no ego ( you would have a hard time with that). If there is no difference between you and the universe there is no need to be reincarnated

And why are you chasing me from thread to thread? Are you going to try to say you got a notification from me
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We have become a very materialistic society, & have lost the Christian charity we once more or less had. It's all about ME these days. There are good people in the US still, but I speak generally.

I think a good % of people watch porn. No wonder society is falling and can't get up. And Christians would rather go to a Joel Olsteen like "church" than go to the Church Christ Himself established on Earth.

I think God is fed up. I can't say I know God extremely well. He surprises me often. But I just keep getting the thought that He is punishing us.

Don't believe me? Look who controls things in this country. If you find out the details on THAT story... you will be thoroughly sickened, as those of us in the know are.
You have it wrong

God is not punishing us

We are punishing ourselves

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