I been gone


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Northeast US
I had a minor military crisis over the last ten days so have not been around. My apologies to those who I had been engaging with for leaving without notice but I when the gummint says "go"; you GO!

For the rest of ya....I'm baaaaack!
i was about to post an APB out for ya (like i did with kathianne last week, so i jumped the gun oh well, glad she's alright)... our third party was floundering while you were gone (i'm not old enough to run this kind of thing, jeez, i can't even rent a car legally yet) and that vagabound nader was siphoning votes away from us.
That rascal Nader is always a spoiler, aint he?

Kathianne was missing? I would hope not, she needs to be our Secretary of Education!
CSM said:
That rascal Nader is always a spoiler, aint he?

Kathianne was missing? I would hope not, she needs to be our Secretary of Education!

yea he is, at least jesse ventura or pat buchanan have left us alone

yes, she most certainly does, with sweeping powers for reform.

btw, glad you're back safe + sound.
Jesse wasn't so bad for an ex SEAL.

Hmmm, education could be a pretyy good plank in our platform. Definitely need to hear some ideas on education reform. I have been away from the education scene for way too long to know much about it except that I pay way too much taxes for education; especially based on some of the "geniuses" I see running around today who think Boston is a foriegn country.
Wondered where you went. Glad you're back.... among us.
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