I argued against the impeachment of Biden....UNTIL NOW

Step out of your fantasy world into the real world.

Democrats have facts and evidence Republicans tried to steal the election.
All Republicans have is lies to support their wild claims

Democrats have facts and evidence Republicans tried to steal the election.
All Republicans have is lies to support their wild claims
Lib please Democrats LIE through their teeth about everything. You know what is hilarious, watching Biden and Dems shit their pants over sky high gas prices and now reverse course on oil and gas leases. So much for climate change. :auiqs.jpg:
Lib please Democrats LIE through their teeth about everything. You know what is hilarious, watching Biden and Dems shit their pants over sky high gas prices and now reverse course on oil and gas leases. So much for climate change. :auiqs.jpg:
When is trump going to get Mexico to pay for the wall? Lol
Make that a PROUD retired federal government employee of 40 years
And I guess over all that time, you’ve been able to perfect your golf game. Seems it was discovered that thousands of government ”workers” would log in in the “work from home days” and head out for a nice day at the golf course, go on other leisurely outings, or whatever.

Our tax dollars af work.
President Biden has released this years taxes like he has done 24 times before

His finances are for everyone to see

Meanwhile, your “Big Guy” has refused to release a single return
His finances that are on the books but those off the books. Well that is called tax fraud. Tick Tock Tick Tock
Wow ^^^ uninformed Dem drone alert this one is truly retarded.
Look at the date he joined - TODAY. He is obviously such an insane, obnoxious leftist that he was banned - and has now returned under a new name.

Don‘to feed him. Same as you’re not supposed to feed the monkeys at the zoo.
His finances that are on the books but those off the books. Well that is called tax fraud. Tick Tock Tick Tock
And THIS is why the Dems are panicked by the thought of the midterms. The witch-hunt of Jan 6 will be cancelled, and and a new investigation into REAL wrongdoing will commence - starting with how much the Big Guy got, how much his corrupt family got, and then working their way down through the Dems.

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