I am torn between


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Trump getting his wall, which I think should happen, and the possibility that he is allowed to appropriate funds for purposes that Congress didn't intend. One the one hand, we should build that wall, and shame on the Dems and the Repubs for not doing so long before now. But on the other, declaring a national emergency and attempting to spend our tax dollars on anything that Congress has not appropriated funding for isn't right either. That's too much power in the hands of the President, something the Constitution was designed to prevent IMHO.

Sure, the Congress did authorize the building of a wall on the southern border. Twice, in 2006 and 2013.
In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing. And now they can't even spend $5.7 bil? Clearly, this is not about the efficacy of the wall but a political battle against Trump's re-election in 2020. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misguided or lying. It is well known that the Dems supported the wall in significant numbers BT (Before Trump), but now it's immoral and won't work? Bull fuckin' shit.

And the Repubs in Congress are at fault too. Back when they controlled the House they should've passed legislation to fund the wall and forced the Senate Dems to vote against it. The fact that they did not makes them no better than today's Dems; the GOP put their interests an that of their party above the rest of us, the same as the Dems under Pelosi are doing today. Fuck 'em all, we are being ill-served by these lyin', dishonorable bastards.

So - at the end of the day Trump says he has $8 bil in funds from different sources that he says he can redesignate to build the wall. We'll see if the Courts allow that to happen. I expect it won't be long until the first lawsuit is filed, may have already been done. I suppose that this issue will be front and center in the 2020 election debates; we'll see how it goes.
How many of us remember this:

When Obamacare came up short of funds, President Obama didn’t go to Congress or declare an emergency. He just illegally diverted the money and Democratic congressional leaders at the time, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Chuck Schumer, and others, didn’t sue or care. Here's how the headlines went at the time, and this is a non-conservative news source: "Government Illegally Diverts Billions to Obamacare Reinsurance Slush Fund."

For 2015 Obamacare reinsurance, the administration will pay out $6 billion raised from a fee on private health insurance and an additional $1.7 billion that under federal law belongs to the Treasury department. Indeed, the decision by the Obama administration directly violates section 1341 of Obamacare which explicitly states “money shall be deposited into the general fund of the Treasury of the United States and may not be used for the [reinsurance] program.

After Obama was chastised for illegally diverting funds, that didn’t stop him. He just stole again from low-income housing. Again, Pelosi, Schumer and others didn’t care.

Federal court litigation provides evidence the Obama administration illegally diverted taxpayer funds that had not been appropriated by Congress in an unconstitutional scheme to keep Obamacare from imploding.

In 2016, a U.S. District judge caught the Obama administration’s Health and Human Services Department acting unconstitutionally and therefore put an end to the illegal diversion of taxpayer funds, but the Obama administration didn’t stop there.

The Obama administration instead turned to the nation’s two government-sponsored mortgage giants – the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as “Fannie Mae,” and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as “Freddie Mac” – to invent a new diversion of funds in a desperate attempt to keep Obamacare from collapsing.

“Paying out Section 1402 reimbursements without an appropriation thus violates the Constitution,” Judge Collyer concluded. “Congress authorized reduced cost sharing but did not appropriate monies for it, in the Fiscal Year 2014 budget or since.”

“Congress is the only source for such an appropriation, and no public money can be spent without one.”


At least Trump is up front about it. Doesn't make it right, but you guys on the Left oughta climb off your high horses.
Trump getting his wall, which I think should happen, and the possibility that he is allowed to appropriate funds for purposes that Congress didn't intend. One the one hand, we should build that wall, and shame on the Dems and the Repubs for not doing so long before now. But on the other, declaring a national emergency and attempting to spend our tax dollars on anything that Congress has not appropriated funding for isn't right either. That's too much power in the hands of the President, something the Constitution was designed to prevent IMHO.

Sure, the Congress did authorize the building of a wall on the southern border. Twice, in 2006 and 2013.
In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing. And now they can't even spend $5.7 bil? Clearly, this is not about the efficacy of the wall but a political battle against Trump's re-election in 2020. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misguided or lying. It is well known that the Dems supported the wall in significant numbers BT (Before Trump), but now it's immoral and won't work? Bull fuckin' shit.

And the Repubs in Congress are at fault too. Back when they controlled the House they should've passed legislation to fund the wall and forced the Senate Dems to vote against it. The fact that they did not makes them no better than today's Dems; the GOP put their interests an that of their party above the rest of us, the same as the Dems under Pelosi are doing today. Fuck 'em all, we are being ill-served by these lyin', dishonorable bastards.

So - at the end of the day Trump says he has $8 bil in funds from different sources that he says he can redesignate to build the wall. We'll see if the Courts allow that to happen. I expect it won't be long until the first lawsuit is filed, may have already been done. I suppose that this issue will be front and center in the 2020 election debates; we'll see how it goes.
You make many fair points but I have to think this whole border mess is simply political theater. Haven’t they only spent a small fraction of what was appropriated last year? If they can’t spend the money then why are they pushing for so much more? Those funds are just going to be taken away from other programs and then sit in an account as they deal with eminent domain lawsuits. It’s looking to me like Trump just wants to look tough as usual. Dems are simply obstructing and it’s a shame. I do understand the corner they are in as the “wall” has been branded for years now as an enemy to their values of how they see the American Dream, so I do understand their opposition... but security is also important and DHS should get what they need.
Trump getting his wall, which I think should happen, and the possibility that he is allowed to appropriate funds for purposes that Congress didn't intend. One the one hand, we should build that wall, and shame on the Dems and the Repubs for not doing so long before now. But on the other, declaring a national emergency and attempting to spend our tax dollars on anything that Congress has not appropriated funding for isn't right either. That's too much power in the hands of the President, something the Constitution was designed to prevent IMHO.

Sure, the Congress did authorize the building of a wall on the southern border. Twice, in 2006 and 2013.
In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing. And now they can't even spend $5.7 bil? Clearly, this is not about the efficacy of the wall but a political battle against Trump's re-election in 2020. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misguided or lying. It is well known that the Dems supported the wall in significant numbers BT (Before Trump), but now it's immoral and won't work? Bull fuckin' shit.

And the Repubs in Congress are at fault too. Back when they controlled the House they should've passed legislation to fund the wall and forced the Senate Dems to vote against it. The fact that they did not makes them no better than today's Dems; the GOP put their interests an that of their party above the rest of us, the same as the Dems under Pelosi are doing today. Fuck 'em all, we are being ill-served by these lyin', dishonorable bastards.

So - at the end of the day Trump says he has $8 bil in funds from different sources that he says he can redesignate to build the wall. We'll see if the Courts allow that to happen. I expect it won't be long until the first lawsuit is filed, may have already been done. I suppose that this issue will be front and center in the 2020 election debates; we'll see how it goes.

One small problem. The other two Presidents added an average of 73 miles a year of Wall/barrier to the border. On top of two different shots in the arm, there has been 1.3 billion authorized for new construction and repair of existing each year. In the last 2 years, there has been very little real reconstruction (repair or upgrade) of the wall/barrier and ZERO additional wall/barrier added. Trump says that this is his highest priority yet he's remiss in it. He should have built a total of about 146 miles of additional wall/barrier in the two years he has been in office. It's been funded. He now wants 5.8 to build 200 miles. If he had built the 146 miles he was supposed to build he could have taken the funding that was automatically funded (1.3 billion) and finished his 200 miles and had money left over. Instead, he did zero miles. The question I have is where did that money go? Then you want us to give him 5.8 billion for something he should have already done? 146 miles of that 200 miles have already been paid for. I like to think the 55 miles is like a probation. Either he builds that 55 miles or he gets fired like every other CEO on the face of the Earth being given a second chance. Most CEOs don't even get that second chance.
Trump getting his wall, which I think should happen, and the possibility that he is allowed to appropriate funds for purposes that Congress didn't intend. One the one hand, we should build that wall, and shame on the Dems and the Repubs for not doing so long before now. But on the other, declaring a national emergency and attempting to spend our tax dollars on anything that Congress has not appropriated funding for isn't right either. That's too much power in the hands of the President, something the Constitution was designed to prevent IMHO.

Sure, the Congress did authorize the building of a wall on the southern border. Twice, in 2006 and 2013.
In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing. And now they can't even spend $5.7 bil? Clearly, this is not about the efficacy of the wall but a political battle against Trump's re-election in 2020. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misguided or lying. It is well known that the Dems supported the wall in significant numbers BT (Before Trump), but now it's immoral and won't work? Bull fuckin' shit.

And the Repubs in Congress are at fault too. Back when they controlled the House they should've passed legislation to fund the wall and forced the Senate Dems to vote against it. The fact that they did not makes them no better than today's Dems; the GOP put their interests an that of their party above the rest of us, the same as the Dems under Pelosi are doing today. Fuck 'em all, we are being ill-served by these lyin', dishonorable bastards.

So - at the end of the day Trump says he has $8 bil in funds from different sources that he says he can redesignate to build the wall. We'll see if the Courts allow that to happen. I expect it won't be long until the first lawsuit is filed, may have already been done. I suppose that this issue will be front and center in the 2020 election debates; we'll see how it goes.

One small problem. The other two Presidents added an average of 73 miles a year of Wall/barrier to the border. On top of two different shots in the arm, there has been 1.3 billion authorized for new construction and repair of existing each year. In the last 2 years, there has been very little real reconstruction (repair or upgrade) of the wall/barrier and ZERO additional wall/barrier added. Trump says that this is his highest priority yet he's remiss in it. He should have built a total of about 146 miles of additional wall/barrier in the two years he has been in office. It's been funded. He now wants 5.8 to build 200 miles. If he had built the 146 miles he was supposed to build he could have taken the funding that was automatically funded (1.3 billion) and finished his 200 miles and had money left over. Instead, he did zero miles. The question I have is where did that money go? Then you want us to give him 5.8 billion for something he should have already done? 146 miles of that 200 miles have already been paid for. I like to think the 55 miles is like a probation. Either he builds that 55 miles or he gets fired like every other CEO on the face of the Earth being given a second chance. Most CEOs don't even get that second chance.
I read this past week that a section of wall in the Rio Grande sector is being started now; it is with last year's funding. I, too, wondered what took so long, but the $$ is being used to build some new fencing.
The Government LOSES accountability of over $5B every year on fraudulent tax returns.

If Trump has to use obscure laws to shift a few billion dollars around and accomplish an objective that will help prevent the loss of many more billions to illegal aliens then so be it.

It's up to us to prevent another marxist agitator from ever becoming president again.
Trump getting his wall, which I think should happen, and the possibility that he is allowed to appropriate funds for purposes that Congress didn't intend. One the one hand, we should build that wall, and shame on the Dems and the Repubs for not doing so long before now. But on the other, declaring a national emergency and attempting to spend our tax dollars on anything that Congress has not appropriated funding for isn't right either. That's too much power in the hands of the President, something the Constitution was designed to prevent IMHO.

Sure, the Congress did authorize the building of a wall on the southern border. Twice, in 2006 and 2013.
In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing. And now they can't even spend $5.7 bil? Clearly, this is not about the efficacy of the wall but a political battle against Trump's re-election in 2020. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misguided or lying. It is well known that the Dems supported the wall in significant numbers BT (Before Trump), but now it's immoral and won't work? Bull fuckin' shit.

And the Repubs in Congress are at fault too. Back when they controlled the House they should've passed legislation to fund the wall and forced the Senate Dems to vote against it. The fact that they did not makes them no better than today's Dems; the GOP put their interests an that of their party above the rest of us, the same as the Dems under Pelosi are doing today. Fuck 'em all, we are being ill-served by these lyin', dishonorable bastards.

So - at the end of the day Trump says he has $8 bil in funds from different sources that he says he can redesignate to build the wall. We'll see if the Courts allow that to happen. I expect it won't be long until the first lawsuit is filed, may have already been done. I suppose that this issue will be front and center in the 2020 election debates; we'll see how it goes.

One small problem. The other two Presidents added an average of 73 miles a year of Wall/barrier to the border. On top of two different shots in the arm, there has been 1.3 billion authorized for new construction and repair of existing each year. In the last 2 years, there has been very little real reconstruction (repair or upgrade) of the wall/barrier and ZERO additional wall/barrier added. Trump says that this is his highest priority yet he's remiss in it. He should have built a total of about 146 miles of additional wall/barrier in the two years he has been in office. It's been funded. He now wants 5.8 to build 200 miles. If he had built the 146 miles he was supposed to build he could have taken the funding that was automatically funded (1.3 billion) and finished his 200 miles and had money left over. Instead, he did zero miles. The question I have is where did that money go? Then you want us to give him 5.8 billion for something he should have already done? 146 miles of that 200 miles have already been paid for. I like to think the 55 miles is like a probation. Either he builds that 55 miles or he gets fired like every other CEO on the face of the Earth being given a second chance. Most CEOs don't even get that second chance.
I read this past week that a section of wall in the Rio Grande sector is being started now; it is with last year's funding. I, too, wondered what took so long, but the $$ is being used to build some new fencing.

Well, since he didn't spend the 2.6 billion he already received then he should have plenty of money to build that 55 miles plus another 145 miles as well with the 1.4 billion he just received. They really can't econmonically go much past 200 more miles of Wall/Barrier. Trump didn't really make that figure up. He just lied about what that figure is about. Only about half of the border can be Walled or Barriered. The rest has to be done using other methods or is just to dangerous for crossing that no sane person will even attempt it.
Because the pentagram’s on and off the books budget spends nowhere nearly enough.

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