I am sure the new Speaker


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.
Otherwise, the media and other Democrats would have been able to have more time to collude to destroy him, just as they try to do with any political opponent who dares to disagree with their radical leftist ideology. It really doesn’t matter who they are or what they do.

Think of what they have done to Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Amy Barrett, Samuel Alito, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Trump over the years.

Facts don’t matter. Democrats are the party of personal destruction. If they are not able to destroy and block their opponents, they set out to ruin their reputations in the minds of the public.

Here they set out to destroy Mike Johnson, by attacking his wife for her religious beliefs. This from a party that claims to be open-minded and for freedom of choice. It is not. Democrats can’t stand religious or conservative women or men. Generally, they make exceptions for Muslims.
It's a given that Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators will go through Johnson's life with a fine tooth comb. If anything is found regardless of how minor, they will spin it to the media which will feign outrage. Republicans have no such political tool.
Indeed, they'll expose him for saying Shoot when he was 6 years old.

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.
This nutsack is gonna drum up votes for democrats every time he opens his mouth.

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.

The fake rape allegations and fake financial crimes will be flowing freely very soon. It's too late, of course, and Johnson can happily tell the liars to go fuck themselves.
Otherwise, the media and other Democrats would have been able to have more time to collude to destroy him, just as they try to do with any political opponent who dares to disagree with their radical leftist ideology. It really doesn’t matter who they are or what they do.

Think of what they have done to Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Amy Barrett, Samuel Alito, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Trump over the years.

Facts don’t matter. Democrats are the party of personal destruction. If they are not able to destroy and block their opponents, they set out to ruin their reputations in the minds of the public.

Here they set out to destroy Mike Johnson, by attacking his wife for her religious beliefs. This from a party that claims to be open-minded and for freedom of choice. It is not. Democrats can’t stand religious or conservative women or men. Generally, they make exceptions for Muslims.
Aren't you sillly, preaching that snake oil, particularly when comparing the above to Jordan and Comer's nonsense.
It's a given that Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators will go through Johnson's life with a fine tooth comb. If anything is found regardless of how minor, they will spin it to the media which will feign outrage. Republicans have no such political tool.

Mitt romeny dog cage tied on roof of car or Women in binders. And board sheep probably ate it up.

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.

Neither the press nor the GOP had time to vet this guy, I suspect this will bite the GOP in the butt within the next year
Neither the press nor the GOP had time to vet this guy, I suspect this will bite the GOP in the butt within the next year

expected the usual loudmouth crap from the left wing media and their stooges (several on this board come to mind). So far he seems to have handled it well.

I am sure the new Speaker​

Won't get anything done (legislative)

Won't last long
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It's a given that Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters investigators will go through Johnson's life with a fine tooth comb. If anything is found regardless of how minor, they will spin it to the media which will feign outrage. Republicans have no such political tool.
Political parties cannot pick and choose who will be in those parties and of course the GOP has its share of numbnuts, idiots, extremists, bad apples. But while the Democrats have their share of good, honorable, people, the numbnuts, idiots, extremists, bad apples seem to dominate the Democrat Party these days. (My Democrat parents, grandparents etc. would be horrified at what the Democrat Party has become.)

And because of that, one of the first and foremost processes of the Democrat Party is to discredit, suppress, malign, demonize, silence, destroy anybody they don't like or anybody with any power or voice that is not them, you're right, they'll try to take down Mike Johnson any way they can.

And that includes that scouring the Earth trying to find some racist word he said in grade school or he looked at a girl the wrong way in high school, or some other stupid and meaningless accusation that will be hugely magnified by their surrogate media.

They're already after his religious beliefs and his family. They're certainly looking for a way around his black son so they can use the race card against him.

It isn't in the Democrat DNA any more to look at policy and proposed legislation and debate, even attack, that. They destroy the person in the most Marxist, totalitarian ways they can find to do that.

It's appalling. And frightening.
Otherwise, the media and other Democrats would have been able to have more time to collude to destroy him, just as they try to do with any political opponent who dares to disagree with their radical leftist ideology. It really doesn’t matter who they are or what they do.

Think of what they have done to Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Amy Barrett, Samuel Alito, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Trump over the years.

Facts don’t matter. Democrats are the party of personal destruction. If they are not able to destroy and block their opponents, they set out to ruin their reputations in the minds of the public.

Here they set out to destroy Mike Johnson, by attacking his wife for her religious beliefs. This from a party that claims to be open-minded and for freedom of choice. It is not. Democrats can’t stand religious or conservative women or men. Generally, they make exceptions for Muslims.
Pot calling the kettle black.

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