I am Seriously Puzzled about This...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Hatred is irrational.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:
"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."
Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

That's just it. They WOULDN'T No republican would vote to put Harris-Biden in office after all the good Trump has done just because Trump's PERSONALITY rubs them the wrong way!

And even if they were, they would not ADVERTISE IT.

This is a common political ploy of the Democrats. They want you to think that if even REPUBLICANS are voting against Trump, then it must be OK for you to do so, too! Or just stay home and not vote at all.
Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

They see what a corrupt fascist Trump is. Not all republicans are authoritarian-followers.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

Or they simply put loyalty to the USA over loyalty to TheParty.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

The way the Democratic platform rocks would explain that.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Ethics and character voters, sick of the lies and divisive BS.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Trump's personality and manner suck, but even if he was a likable, genial person, there would be plenty of reason to dump that fool.
Romney made a drama out of not voting for Trump, but then Romney, like Paul Ryan before him, was never really a republican, just a greedy cleptocrat looking to benefit self in most expedient manner possible. This is explanation for those same self-professed republicans who say they will vote for Biden, they were never really republicans, they were just as with Romney, simply using the most available path to enrich themselves...
It is certainly hard for Trump supporters (as opposed to moderate Republicans) to imagine that Republicans could — reluctantly — vote for Biden, but it is relatively easy for me to understand this. I was never a Republican, however, so I will not try to speak for such people. There are plenty of such people — both prominent and ordinary folk — but you are unlikely to find many of them here on USMB. Active professional politicians in this category are of course few.

Perhaps you have heard a few of their voices here, but mock them as never having been Republicans in the first place?

By the way, there are also Democrats who will vote for Trump. Trump after all, was a Democrat almost all his life!
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Ethics and character voters, sick of the lies and divisive BS.
That's why Trump will have a landslide.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.

You may have seen this. This guy is Jeb Eddy. He used his patrician looks and sport coat and claimed to be a Republican ashamed of Bush. He'd show up at protests and got lots of exposure on leftist websites like DailyKOS and HuffPo.

Thing is, he was lying. He never was a Republican.

Leftists are certainly not above lying.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.

"...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner..""

You're dumber than a rock.

Failure: Charlottesville and George Floyd
Failure: America's global image is in shambles
Failure: Family separations and the deaths of migrant children
Failure: Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan
Failure: Replacing the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare)
Failure: Impeachment
Failure: COVID-19 pandemic
Failure: The US economy
Failure: Contracting COVID-19
The list keeps growing.

""""Not voting for Trump:

  • Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker: "The governor cannot support Donald Trump for president and is focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic. He’ll leave the election analysis to the pundits," a spokesperson said.
  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scott: He has been a vocal critic of the president, supporting House Democrats' impeachment inquiry and saying earlier this year Trump “shouldn’t be in office." He reaffirmed this summer that he will not support Trump in November.
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: The frequent Trump critic said that he cast a write-in vote for former President Ronald Reagan because he "thought it was important to just cast a vote that showed the kind of person I’d like to see in office."
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Rick Snyder: The former Michigan governor said he will vote for Biden because "Trump lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth."
  • Jeff Flake: The former Arizona senator said in April he would vote for Biden instead of Trump, per CNN.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
  • Tom Ridge: The former Pennsylvania governor said he would be voting for Biden, writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "I believe the responsible vote is for Joe Biden...It’s time to put country over party. It’s time to dismiss Donald Trump."
  • Cindy McCain: The widow of the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) lent her voice to a video about her husband's friendship with Biden that aired during the Democratic National Convention and formally endorsed the former vice president in September, calling him the "candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation."
  • Marc Racicot: The former Montana governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee announced that he would vote for Biden, citing his character and noting that it was "more important than any other issue."
  • Michael Steele: The former chair of the Republican National Committee wrote for NBC News that he was supporting Biden because the 2020 election is "about the course of a nation and the character of her people reflected in the leader they choose."

There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Dude, do you forget how Trump destroyed Bush, McCain & Mittens?

Their acolytes are sore losers.
The list keeps growing.

""""Not voting for Trump:

  • Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker: "The governor cannot support Donald Trump for president and is focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic. He’ll leave the election analysis to the pundits," a spokesperson said.
  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scott: He has been a vocal critic of the president, supporting House Democrats' impeachment inquiry and saying earlier this year Trump “shouldn’t be in office." He reaffirmed this summer that he will not support Trump in November.
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: The frequent Trump critic said that he cast a write-in vote for former President Ronald Reagan because he "thought it was important to just cast a vote that showed the kind of person I’d like to see in office."
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Rick Snyder: The former Michigan governor said he will vote for Biden because "Trump lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth."
  • Jeff Flake: The former Arizona senator said in April he would vote for Biden instead of Trump, per CNN.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
  • Tom Ridge: The former Pennsylvania governor said he would be voting for Biden, writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "I believe the responsible vote is for Joe Biden...It’s time to put country over party. It’s time to dismiss Donald Trump."
  • Cindy McCain: The widow of the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) lent her voice to a video about her husband's friendship with Biden that aired during the Democratic National Convention and formally endorsed the former vice president in September, calling him the "candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation."
  • Marc Racicot: The former Montana governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee announced that he would vote for Biden, citing his character and noting that it was "more important than any other issue."
  • Michael Steele: The former chair of the Republican National Committee wrote for NBC News that he was supporting Biden because the 2020 election is "about the course of a nation and the character of her people reflected in the leader they choose."

The list keeps growing.

""""Not voting for Trump:

  • Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker: "The governor cannot support Donald Trump for president and is focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic. He’ll leave the election analysis to the pundits," a spokesperson said.
  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scott: He has been a vocal critic of the president, supporting House Democrats' impeachment inquiry and saying earlier this year Trump “shouldn’t be in office." He reaffirmed this summer that he will not support Trump in November.
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: The frequent Trump critic said that he cast a write-in vote for former President Ronald Reagan because he "thought it was important to just cast a vote that showed the kind of person I’d like to see in office."
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Rick Snyder: The former Michigan governor said he will vote for Biden because "Trump lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth."
  • Jeff Flake: The former Arizona senator said in April he would vote for Biden instead of Trump, per CNN.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
  • Tom Ridge: The former Pennsylvania governor said he would be voting for Biden, writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "I believe the responsible vote is for Joe Biden...It’s time to put country over party. It’s time to dismiss Donald Trump."
  • Cindy McCain: The widow of the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) lent her voice to a video about her husband's friendship with Biden that aired during the Democratic National Convention and formally endorsed the former vice president in September, calling him the "candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation."
  • Marc Racicot: The former Montana governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee announced that he would vote for Biden, citing his character and noting that it was "more important than any other issue."
  • Michael Steele: The former chair of the Republican National Committee wrote for NBC News that he was supporting Biden because the 2020 election is "about the course of a nation and the character of her people reflected in the leader they choose."

The list keeps growing.

""""Not voting for Trump:

  • Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker: "The governor cannot support Donald Trump for president and is focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic. He’ll leave the election analysis to the pundits," a spokesperson said.
  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scott: He has been a vocal critic of the president, supporting House Democrats' impeachment inquiry and saying earlier this year Trump “shouldn’t be in office." He reaffirmed this summer that he will not support Trump in November.
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: The frequent Trump critic said that he cast a write-in vote for former President Ronald Reagan because he "thought it was important to just cast a vote that showed the kind of person I’d like to see in office."
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah): The party's 2012 presidential nominee said in February that he will not support Trump shortly after he voted to convict the president on one count in his impeachment trial.
  • John Bolton: Trump's former national security adviser said he will not vote for Biden or Trump and hopes that history remembers Trump "as a one-term president."
  • William H. McRaven: McRaven, who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, has publicly criticized the president. He told The New York Times, "This fall, it's time for a new leadership in this country — Republican, Democrat or independent."
Voting for Biden:

  • Colin Powell: The former secretary of state under George W. Bush and retired four-star general said that he will support Biden because he believes that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution.
  • Carly Fiorina: The 2016 presidential candidate said she will support Biden because she believes he is "a person of humility and empathy and character," per The Atlantic.
  • John Kasich: The former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate is not only endorsing Biden, but also speaking at the DNC to support the former vice president.
  • Rick Snyder: The former Michigan governor said he will vote for Biden because "Trump lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth."
  • Jeff Flake: The former Arizona senator said in April he would vote for Biden instead of Trump, per CNN.
  • Miles Taylor: The former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff officially endorsed Biden saying, "Even though I'm not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country."
  • Tom Ridge: The former Pennsylvania governor said he would be voting for Biden, writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "I believe the responsible vote is for Joe Biden...It’s time to put country over party. It’s time to dismiss Donald Trump."
  • Cindy McCain: The widow of the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) lent her voice to a video about her husband's friendship with Biden that aired during the Democratic National Convention and formally endorsed the former vice president in September, calling him the "candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation."
  • Marc Racicot: The former Montana governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee announced that he would vote for Biden, citing his character and noting that it was "more important than any other issue."
  • Michael Steele: The former chair of the Republican National Committee wrote for NBC News that he was supporting Biden because the 2020 election is "about the course of a nation and the character of her people reflected in the leader they choose."

They have a conscience and they know right from wrong. Country over party. Brave folks. Good for them.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Trump's personality and manner suck, but even if he was a likable, genial person, there would be plenty of reason to dump that fool.

GREAT, then you have no problem stating the reasons here? Opportunity for the Left Wing to articulate why U.S. Citizens should replace Trump & Pence with Biden & Harris here

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