I am just a shell of myself from back injury

No it’s my new name for my 2026 comedy tour special
Great, move to Mississippi, load up on your:

1). Copy Store "I hate people/customers for this reason" jokes, stressing the hatred for particular ethnic groups you despise.....There are a bunch, I've seen your posts.

2). Write some awesome jokes about how people in WV or the Hills of Tennessee are dumber that us Mississippians, throw in a few Arkansas jokes too.

3). Throw in some Confederate and Incest References to appear to be more LOCAL. They LOVE that shit.

4). Try an audience, Math Participation, my GAWD, this will be hilarious.

I'm writing your material........go for it.
Move to Canada or Britain where you can get excellent back surgery at zero cost.
IF you live long enough, check out the wait time for orthopedics.

Thirty weeks from your primary physician to your diagnostic appointment, plus another thirty-two weeks from that appointment to the actual surgery. Good luck.

Since the fusion no longer allowed the L5-S1 to bend, it put added stress on the vertebrae above it.
omg ..and this added stress only took 10 years to affect the top disk ??
Summin' went out in my back, but I can do whatever I want.
There's a lump in well..idk what happened, but they fixed me up.
I roll logs, I pick up lawnmower decks, no problems.
They rerouted the nerves or something. It hurt, and she said it would. For a day or so, and after that, no pain. Wonderful! Seriously.When she was doing whatever, it felt like she was pressing a steel cone into my back, but after a couple days, it was one of the better medical things I've seen.
That's Chinese stuff. It is. It ain't nuttin' else but Chinese. I've seen them charts before somehow.
DaVinci wished he knew what they do.
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Wow, I know how to use those things to hurt, and they know how to use them to heal.
I feel like a heel. :(
I was never taught any kind of healing stuff involving nerves, no.
How to cause pain and compliance, yes.
Okay, now..happy thoughts! Yeah, I'm not feeling it.
Here's the thing, though: It's the same nerve chart.
It is, other areas were targeted for what I learned vs. what the healers learned.
What they do is more advanced. And nice. And beneficial to humanity.
Kennedy'll support that stuff. Because it's real and it works.
Chelation too. There's no saying they don't know all the spots I do, either. "They know it all" to me would be a safe assumption. Being they know more than me already, I'm sure they know what I know too.
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My entire life revolved around my sports and activities ( tennis , grappling , martial arts ). It was the only thing bringing me happiness

Now it’s been gone ( 2 years ) and I feel so lifeless , sad and hopeless.

I feel like a ghost without a grave
Do what Lynn Smith does, put away the gym toys & start hustling the opposite sex like Lynn's literally got them running to him & hanging off of each one of his shoulders!

Great, move to Mississippi, load up on your:

1). Copy Store "I hate people/customers for this reason" jokes, stressing the hatred for particular ethnic groups you despise.....There are a bunch, I've seen your posts.

2). Write some awesome jokes about how people in WV or the Hills of Tennessee are dumber that us Mississippians, throw in a few Arkansas jokes too.

3). Throw in some Confederate and Incest References to appear to be more LOCAL. They LOVE that shit.

4). Try an audience, Math Participation, my GAWD, this will be hilarious.

I'm writing your material........go for it.
No, just the ones right above the fusion.

So now she has horrible pain in a new spot ??

I wish I was born in 22nd century

They could fix my back and brain
Boost my IQ
And find me a super hot Robot chick
So now she has horrible pain in a new spot ??
Yes, she has pain above the fusion. It's not horrible, but she can't stand very long or walk very far. When we're out, I push her in her wheelchair. If she's out by herself, she has a walker. The last surgeon she saw set her up with pain management, but she declined. Didn't want to go in for shots every two weeks. She takes OTC pain meds.
I wish I was born in 22nd century

They could fix my back and brain
Boost my IQ
And find me a super hot Robot chick
:auiqs.jpg: Paradise!
My wife had an L5-S1 fusion about 15 years ago. It was impinging on her sciatic nerve and causing intense pain. Her surgeon said the fusion would fix that, but that she'd always have some pain in her spine. He wasn't lying. She saw another surgeon last fall, who told her he could do another fusion upwards, but that would stress the vertebrae above which would require yet another fusion eventually. She turned it down.

Poor lady, I don't blame her for turning it down.
My entire life revolved around my sports and activities ( tennis , grappling , martial arts ). It was the only thing bringing me happiness

Now it’s been gone ( 2 years ) and I feel so lifeless , sad and hopeless.

I feel like a ghost without a grave
Our health is more important than any amount of money.
Omg ! What caused this

I only had 2 spacers with zero rods !!

He was pulling on a frame and landed on the ground ,he said first time he screamed like a woman, he is now living with it and doing much better after the battle with pain pills. Quit them 6 years ago now. He said living with the pain is better than pain and withdrawals, which makes it worse.
I had to get a double fusion

Doc said it would help tremendously but only 30 percent after 4 months

Give it time, I know this sounds crazy but hubby has all kinds of metal in his back and first few months he felt like you, now he is living life sometimes pain .Of course everyone pain is not the same, hope you get better.
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