Hypocrisy from the shitty short Socialist pontiff who sits behind a very tall wall in Rome, tells us we live in our own little world....


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

I might be wrong but I dont think he built the wall.
Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

I might be wrong but I dont think he built the wall.

He did keep them up, however, instead of tearing them down and permitting unlimited immigration into the Nation of Vatican City.
I don't get what Christians are doing these days. One minute we hear about how everyone "hates Christians" and "hates Christianity," and the next minute the same idiots bitch and moan about what a world Christian leader says or the fact that a Christian minister is running for the Senate in Georgia, not realizing how this demeans the Christian faith and subjects it to ridicule. This reminds me of the strife between Christian factions that dominated Europe throughout much of history. :rolleyes:
Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

The Catholic church is a political entity, something Christ forbade.

Christ never ran for political office, never commanded an army, and when they came for him to put him on a cross and questioned, he said his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. And if his kingdom were of this world, his followers would try to free him.

But with the Catholic church, you have an entity that is literally it's own sovereign nation. They have land, an army, and they used to command the entire world, telling kings what to do, etc. This is in conflict to the teachings of Christ and led to the abysmal history of Jewish persecution, Inquisitions, and Crusades, etc.

In fact, to save their precious treasures and Vatican they refused to publicly condemn the Holocaust. And today, they are not much different as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls and ignores the church teaching that abortion is mass genocide around the world. This puts them in favor with Leftist regimes around the world. It's a matter of self preservation.

Shrug, some things never change.

But the most glaring issue for most is the refusal to address the pedophile issue. But being Left leaning and more focused on political power, that is what they do.
Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

Does your god know you say things like that about his pope?
Pope Francis takes aim at anti-mask protesters: ‘They are incapable of moving outside of their own little world’ (msn.com)

Then the Vatican wonders why their congregation and revenue has been going down. Such a stupid fuck this thing from Argentina has shown US. He tell US that we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country while he sits behind very big walls. He tells US that we should give our money to those diseased criminals while he sits on billions of dollars of wealth behind those wall. That pope also harbors queers who have touched young boys, that mother fucker is the real anti-christ...

The Catholic church is a political entity, something Christ forbade.

Christ never ran for political office, never commanded an army, and when they came for him to put him on a cross and questioned, he said his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. And if his kingdom were of this world, his followers would try to free him.

But with the Catholic church, you have an entity that is literally it's own sovereign nation. They have land, an army, and they used to command the entire world, telling kings what to do, etc. This is in conflict to the teachings of Christ and led to the abysmal history of Jewish persecution, Inquisitions, and Crusades, etc.

In fact, to save their precious treasures and Vatican they refused to publicly condemn the Holocaust. And today, they are not much different as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls and ignores the church teaching that abortion is mass genocide around the world. This puts them in favor with Leftist regimes around the world. It's a matter of self preservation.

Shrug, some things never change.

But the most glaring issue for most is the refusal to address the pedophile issue. But being Left leaning and more focused on political power, that is what they do.

Many religious denominations have been historically, and are still, political entities. Didn't we just see frankie graham campaigning for trump and pat robertson turning the 700 Club into a commercial for trump?
Such a stupid fuck ... we shouldnt build a wall to keep diseased criminals from criminally coming in this country -
they hide behind walls they build too frightened to reconcile the reason for their despair.

what exactly should the pope be if not a socialist proving again the corruption the christian bible perpetuates through the forgeries and fallacies used in fostering the type of mindset displayed by the hysterical o p who hasn't an inkling for the purposes the 1st century events truly represented.

- to remove walls not build them ... how simple can that be. for even an idiot. andaronjim.

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