Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Ulysses C. V. Meinhart

@IngrahamAngle [Marilynn Marchione AP]puts out article with study that says more deaths with HCQ. They forgot one thing, THE ZINC. which tells me these people are not the best and brightest. The ZINC is what stops the replication of COVD19.https://t.co/7le
First the LIARS said you need to combine the Tramp death pill with azithromycin, when that proved worthless they now claim Zinc. When that proves worthless they will switch to copper, and so it goes on and on and on.
It's a cocktail MORON.

That study.............they should have just gave them sugar............without the Zinc...the virus grows........the dang Malaria pill is a pathway for the Zinc.

The Z pac is for the possible or probable INFECTION.

You are an Idiot.........and that TEST WAS BS............Had they added the Zinc some of those studied might be alive today.
didier raoult will be sad. he did not use zinc and his miraculous findings triggered this mania. lol.

Ulysses C. V. Meinhart

@IngrahamAngle [Marilynn Marchione AP]puts out article with study that says more deaths with HCQ. They forgot one thing, THE ZINC. which tells me these people are not the best and brightest. The ZINC is what stops the replication of COVD19.https://t.co/7le
First the LIARS said you need to combine the Tramp death pill with azithromycin, when that proved worthless they now claim Zinc. When that proves worthless they will switch to copper, and so it goes on and on and on.
It's a cocktail MORON.

That study.............they should have just gave them sugar............without the Zinc...the virus grows........the dang Malaria pill is a pathway for the Zinc.

The Z pac is for the possible or probable INFECTION.

You are an Idiot.........and that TEST WAS BS............Had they added the Zinc some of those studied might be alive today.

Are you a doctor or a sycophant?
UP yours................the cocktail works......and these studies didn't use zinc which is working........It wasn't listed on Clinical Studies..........and it had Oxford and Yale written all over it.........

They are pushing for different drugs............

745 studies are underway.............and the truth will come out.................Gilead tried to GET ORPHAN STATUS to make money off COVID.......and this article is just more of the same............

BS...........all it is..........If the VA didn't make a cocktail..............they basically KILLED THE TEST SUBJECTS.

Sooo, you're a sycophant.
I know this....................It's not posted in Clinical trials.

And that it's being pushed by Pharma that want to make the money.

Gilead being a prime example.

There are 745 tests going.............CLINICAL TRIALS......and in many cases including some on this board.........ASK ROCKO...........they used this and it worked.

Many others have used it and it worked.

Am I pissed............yup......because I've seen the Pharma trying to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the Shit........GILEAD BEING A MAIN ONE.............
didier raoult will be sad.
Because he may end up on prison.
unlikely. unfortunately
He has told some very serious lies. And his latest study -- a prelim copy of which he gave to Macron, who made executive decisions based on his lies -- is looking more and more like a con job in which his team literally fudged their numbers.

If that is found to be the case, Macron will have him prosecuted.
didier raoult will be sad.
Because he may end up on prison.
unlikely. unfortunately
He has told some very serious lies. And his latest study -- a prelim copy of which he gave to Macron, who made executive decisions based on his lies -- is looking more and more like a con job in which his team literally fudged their numbers.

If that is found to be the case, Macron will have him prosecuted.
best case scenario: raoult loses his license, escapes to some backward country where he can sell glass beads to the natives, such as the USA, replaces Fauci, then opens a private clinic.
Good thing the uneducated hillbillies are here to educate us with their vast understanding of clinical trials.

Thank you for enlightening us as to why this research isn't valid.
Twice as many died taking the Tramp death pill as those who took no pill. Tramp pushed his death pill because he owns stock in the company.
and many report that the drug is effective and even a dem state rep said it saved her life !
Many people say....
The largest study so far shows it not only is ineffective, but also more died taking the Tramp death pill than those who took no pill.
thats not the largest study.....the fda has approved the drug use...... and the fact that the left says it doesnt work is the strongest evidence that it does ...... after all the left has been wrong about nearly everything for the past 30 yrs.
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Ulysses C. V. Meinhart

@IngrahamAngle [Marilynn Marchione AP]puts out article with study that says more deaths with HCQ. They forgot one thing, THE ZINC. which tells me these people are not the best and brightest. The ZINC is what stops the replication of COVD19.https://t.co/7le
First the LIARS said you need to combine the Tramp death pill with azithromycin, when that proved worthless they now claim Zinc. When that proves worthless they will switch to copper, and so it goes on and on and on.

Trump recommended combining hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, a common antibiotic. He said azithromycin "will kill certain things that you don't want living within your body."
Why not use the scientist or medical epidemiologist name instead of Trumps name ?? I know why, because you could care less other than to attach everything you can to Trump in hopes to damage him, but it won't work. Why do you think Trump has a team that he depends upon before talking to the people ?

Speaking at the end of March, Adrian Hill, director of Oxford University’s Jenner Institute, said: “The Oxford team had exceptional experience of a rapid vaccine response, such as to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. This is an even greater challenge.

“Vaccines are being designed from scratch and progressed at an unprecedented rate. The upcoming trial will be critical for assessing the feasibility of vaccination against COVID-19 and could lead to early deployment.”

Read on:Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study




745 trials.......show me the VA trial here....and show me POSTED RESULTS.........GOOD LUCK......NONE OF THEM ARE COMPLETE.
You won't read it because you know it doesn't say what you want it to say!

CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found no evidence that use of hydroxychloroquine, either with or without azithromycin, reduced the risk of mechanical ventilation in patients hospitalized with Covid-19. An association of increased overall mortality was identified in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone.
the well known use for the drug is used in conjunction with zpac ! and once again if the drug was that dangerous it wouldnt be used by millions for over 70 yrs ! iv'e got a feeling that the leftist idiots like you will be eating your own shitty lies once again !
Why we shouldn’t listen to Trump on how to cure the Coronavirus

CNN ???? Good grief.

Fox News has a link to the same thing.

Ok your point ?? The poster gave his opinion with the link.

The point is that is that I provided you with a different source since you have an issue with CNN.
Still doesn't cover what the posters comment was, and/or his interpretation of the article found in the link and/or article that he presented. I gave my opinion on his opinion based upon the article that he interpreted and then posted.
Still doesn't cover what the posters comment was, and/or his interpretation of the article found in the link and/or article that he presented. I gave my opinion on his opinion based upon the article that he interpreted and then posted.

It does actually. It's pretty easy to read. It says so right in the headline of the article.

COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit, more deaths in VA virus study

And it's not from CNN, so you can't complain about the source anymore.

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