Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

News flash - drugs can be used for multiple things
Cool. So why don't we just treat all viruses with hyroxychloroquine? That's twice I have asked.

For the same reason we don't use ibuprofen to treat ebola, numb nuts. Just because it can treat multiple things doesn't mean it can treat EVERYthing. You're just being an ass.

If doctors are using it off label they have to feel it has potential.

Or they are just desperate.

Those doctors have exactly the same info you and I have. "Feeling" it has good potential doesn't mean much. Good evidence does.

I can’t speak to the effectiveness of the drug one way or the other. I’m a layman and so are you. I hope it works, obviously. If doctors are using it that is a sign there is some hope it is indeed effective.
Just because it can treat multiple things doesn't mean it can treat EVERYthing.
Exactly. So that means we don't know that hyroxychloroquine can treat covid-19.

I think you're starting to get this.... Maybe...

We do know. There have been a multitude of cases showing it's effectiveness, all freely available to read at your local Google. But you don't actually care to do that. The reality here is that Trump discussed it during a press conference and you simply cannot have anything positive associated with Trump. Orange man must be bad. So stick your fingers in your ears and go "la-la-la" to all the evidence, and if you and yours come down with Covid don't you dare request treatment with hydroxychloroquine.
There have been a multitude of cases showing it's effectiveness,
False. Only two very small, seemingly credible studies have occured. And they were mixed. The French doctor only presented anecdotal evidence, same for the doctor for new York. The actual trials are happening right now. We don't have those results yet.
That why the FDA approved it for trials, no science behind it?
Enough science to enter it into widespread use? Nope. That's precisely why it is undergoing trials.
It’s being used worldwide, science hater.

Democrats are distraught that this may be over. They WANT millions of dead Americans, because Orange Man Bad. Any price is worth defeating him.
Lefties are living a wet dream right now with the damage to our economy, the pandemic, the infringement of our rights, and push toward socialism. Lefties want to see the highest death count possible, the most sickness, and as much damage to the economy as possible. There is no death count too high for lefties if it gets rid of Trump.
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
Not game changer in Jackson, TN. Not unavailable, but Z-pac is. Guess we don't have enough malaria to have in stock and supply chain not caught up since Sunday approval. Grand nephew is recovering.

Hope y'all get the right medication very soon in Jackson, TN! :thup:
Been involved in logistic civ/mil most my life. The supply chain will catch up.
I can’t speak to the effectiveness of the drug one way or the other.
Me either. None of us can, until it has been properly tested. Which should be very soon.

I hope your mother is doing ok.

Not none of us can. There are doctors that feel it works to some degree. A doctors opinion means something. I think you’re discounting that. Keep in mind doctors prescribe a lot of medications that aren’t FDA approved for the illnesses they treat.
There have been a multitude of cases showing it's effectiveness,
False. Only two very small, seemingly credible studies have occured. And they were mixed. The French doctor only presented anecdotal evidence, same for the doctor for new York. The actual trials are happening right now. We don't have those results yet.

I didn't say "studies" now did I? Take the trump-hating blinders off and go do some reading. There's a world of information available at your fingertips. Use it, dipshit.
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
Not game changer in Jackson, TN. Not unavailable, but Z-pac is. Guess we don't have enough malaria to have in stock and supply chain not caught up since Sunday approval. Grand nephew is recovering.

Hope y'all get the right medication very soon in Jackson, TN! :thup:
Been involved in logistic civ/mil most my life. The supply chain will catch up.
I don't usually agree with commies, but I think you are quite right about the supply chain..
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
But, if that turns out to be true, it will be because its efficacy was demonstrated by science, not your gut feelings. So being right for the wrong reasons isn't brag worthy.

Science works THAT FAST does it??? o_O Don't think so chief.. It's that Trump has kicked the FDA in the ass and allowed the CDC/NIH to make off the cuff decisions..
Human trials are the last step of a proven drug, ignoramus.
If it were "proven", it would not need more human trials. You are ahead of yourself. It is "proven" when the data clearly shows its efficacy in humans. That's always the case.

And NOTHING "got proven" in 2 weeks time.. This is an experiment in "expert crowd sourcing"... Listening to the practitioners in the trenches..
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
Not game changer in Jackson, TN. Not unavailable, but Z-pac is. Guess we don't have enough malaria to have in stock and supply chain not caught up since Sunday approval. Grand nephew is recovering.

Hope y'all get the right medication very soon in Jackson, TN! :thup:
Been involved in logistic civ/mil most my life. The supply chain will catch up.
I don't usually agree with commies, but I think you are quite right about the supply chain..
What a troll post . :-(
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
Not game changer in Jackson, TN. Not unavailable, but Z-pac is. Guess we don't have enough malaria to have in stock and supply chain not caught up since Sunday approval. Grand nephew is recovering.

Hope y'all get the right medication very soon in Jackson, TN! :thup:
Been involved in logistic civ/mil most my life. The supply chain will catch up.
I don't usually agree with commies, but I think you are quite right about the supply chain..
What a troll post . :-(
Dang... I try to feed a compliment to a commie, and you bite the hand.
We have been saying this all along, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game changer! :up:

Oh, by the way, it's not a vaccine it's a pill! I like that.
Not game changer in Jackson, TN. Not unavailable, but Z-pac is. Guess we don't have enough malaria to have in stock and supply chain not caught up since Sunday approval. Grand nephew is recovering.

Hope y'all get the right medication very soon in Jackson, TN! :thup:
Been involved in logistic civ/mil most my life. The supply chain will catch up.
I don't usually agree with commies, but I think you are quite right about the supply chain..
What a troll post . :-(
Dang... I try to feed a compliment to a commie, and you bite the hand.

Sadly...sometimes TDS clouds their minds :(
Trump touted this drug as being very promising, while Fauci condemned it, which tells us all we need to know about the future studies and research of it. Can anybody imagine the MSM admitting Trump was right and that this drug was what was needed to save lots of lives? It will NEVER happen. My prediction is that we will either never see the end of whatever research it takes to get the drug scientifically blessed get the stamp of approval from the government, or the drug will be condemned. The drug will make its way to many who need it, but it will have to remain taboo forever. The only way I see to get this drug blessed by the scientific and medical communities and a stamp of approval from the government is if lefties can find some way to say they touted it while Trump rejected it.
If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

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