Hunter, The Hooker, & The Laptop....Forget The Laptop - The Story Is How Badly Our President Is Compromised

Hunter Biden’s Russian Prostitute Videos Indict Both His Father And U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or illegal behavior. Rather, it’s the intense corruption of the media and intelligence agencies, and how greatly our current president is compromised.

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or his illegal behavior. Rather, the latest video reveals the corruption—and more—of the media and the intelligence community, while also establishing how greatly our current president is compromised.

When the New York Post broke news of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook shortly before the election, corporate media framed the story as misinformation and refused to report on it.

While the corrupt media ignored the story, even a hooker saw the significance of a missing laptop containing Hunter Biden’s sex videos.

Did he worry about being blackmailed? the prostitute asked, followed by Hunter acknowledging that was a genuine concern since his father intended to run for president. The elder Biden announced his candidacy just two months after his son’s first computer went missing. Yet when The New York Post reported the existence of the Hunter Biden sex videos on the abandoned laptop, corporate media ignored this huge political

Hunter Biden believed that sometime in the summer of 2018, Russians stole his laptop, which contained videotapes of Biden engaged in sex acts with prostitutes. Either U.S. intelligence knew of this or they didn’t, but both scenarios are equally damning.

In December 2019, the FBI seized the MacBook Hunter had left at the repair store. It is unbelievable to think the FBI did not promptly review the contents to determine if it was in fact Hunter’s and to determine whether the material on the laptop created a national security risk. It is also beyond the pale to think agents did not ask Hunter about that laptop.

Yet ten months later, when The New York Post published the video and email messages, someone at the FBI told USA Today they were investigating whether the story was Russian “misinformation.” To date, though, there has been nothing but corroboration of the materials published by The New York Post, so who at the FBI suggested the content was “misinformation?”

Further, after recovering the MacBook from the Delaware repair store, a competent intelligence industry would have then also discovered the second missing laptop—the one Hunter told a prostitute in January 2019 he believed the Russians had stolen. Did agents know of that fact? Did they brief Joe Biden on the fact that the laptops contained information that could subject Hunter, and thus Biden himself, to blackmail?



As the article says, even a Hooker (paid for with Joe Biden's credit card) was smart enough to understand this.

How come you never posted threads about how badly Donald Trump was compromised by his secret Chinese Bank Accounts, or all of the Russian agents working for his campaign for "free".

No you keep posting threads about "criminally corrupt Democrats" - people who have been investigated all of their lives with absolutely no evidence of them being corrupt. You told the same bullshit lies with the same links to radical right wing fake news sites, as "proof" that Hillary was going to jail.

And you continue to promote the criminally corrupt Republican Party is honest and decent. The Trump Cult. Living in upside down land where the liars and crooks are the good guys, and the honest people are "criminals".
Then prove it.


What I said has already been proven numerous times, links to the facts, evidence posted numerous times.

Perhaps if your head was not firmly up your rectum you would know this by now,


"The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office. The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there remains much work to be done."

At considerable personal risk, former Biden family business partners Tony Bobulinski and Bevan Cooney, and computer shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac, have come forward with tens of thousands of primary-source documents — internal corporate records, emails, and text messages — detailing years of business dealings that centered on trading on the Biden name. This material suggests that, despite Joe Biden’s insistence that he knew nothing about his family’s business deals, he was well aware of his son Hunter Biden’s business ventures in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere.

These new troves constitute hard evidence of Biden family corruption, and confirm our reporting dating back to our 2018 book “Secret Empires.”

Politico Confirms Hunter Biden laptop emails after media
declared story 'Russian disinformation' amid election

CNN's top brass admitted they were spiking the scandal as it unfolded, leaked audio showed​

President Biden committed Perjury and lied to the American people when he claimed:
- He had no idea what Hunter was doing to make a living
- He never asked Hunter what he did for a living
- He never asked Hunter on 10+-hour flights to Ukraine, China, Russia, etc... why he was going along, what he would be doing in these countries
- He never met with Burisma representatives



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Then prove it. Should be easy enough, right? What with the multiple laptops of his, you retards claim to have.

Till then, accept the fact that Hunter Biden lives rent-free in your trumptard brain.
3.5 million hunter got from russia, then Putin got his pipeline. Even Obama was against that.
How come you never posted threads about how badly Donald Trump was compromised by his secret Chinese Bank Accounts, or all of the Russian agents working for his campaign for "free".

No you keep posting threads about "criminally corrupt Democrats" - people who have been investigated all of their lives with absolutely no evidence of them being corrupt. You told the same bullshit lies with the same links to radical right wing fake news sites, as "proof" that Hillary was going to jail.

And you continue to promote the criminally corrupt Republican Party is honest and decent. The Trump Cult. Living in upside down land where the liars and crooks are the good guys, and the honest people are "criminals".
Lol, Mueller spent millions investigating Trump, even raided his lawyers office and got nothing. Your ignorance is noted.

What I said has already been proven numerous times, links to the facts, evidence posted numerous times.

Perhaps if your head was not firmly up your rectum you would know this by now,

View attachment 542949

"The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office. The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there remains much work to be done."

At considerable personal risk, former Biden family business partners Tony Bobulinski and Bevan Cooney, and computer shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac, have come forward with tens of thousands of primary-source documents — internal corporate records, emails, and text messages — detailing years of business dealings that centered on trading on the Biden name. This material suggests that, despite Joe Biden’s insistence that he knew nothing about his family’s business deals, he was well aware of his son Hunter Biden’s business ventures in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere.

These new troves constitute hard evidence of Biden family corruption, and confirm our reporting dating back to our 2018 book “Secret Empires.”

Politico Confirms Hunter Biden laptop emails after media
declared story 'Russian disinformation' amid election

CNN's top brass admitted they were spiking the scandal as it unfolded, leaked audio showed​

President Biden committed Perjury and lied to the American people when he claimed:
- He had no idea what Hunter was doing to make a living
- He never asked Hunter what he did for a living
- He never asked Hunter on 10+-hour flights to Ukraine, China, Russia, etc... why he was going along, what he would be doing in these countries
- He never met with Burisma representatives

View attachment 542955
LOL. When I said, prove it - I mean to prove it in a court of law. Not from some wing-nut media.

That's why trumptards are so cute. They are long on accusations - short on facts! You retards had 4 years of the orange douche bag trying to pin various crimes on the Biden (using Russian sources) and yet? Zip. Nothing. Nada

So, when you guys are able to prove in a court of law, then let's talk. Otherwise, you are nothing but retards in whose brains are where Hunter Biden lives rent-free. Get it now?
LOL. When I said, prove it - I mean to prove it in a court of law. Not from some wing-nut media.

Thank you for declaring once and for all that CNN is 'some wing-nut media'.

Thank you for declaring once and for all that CNN is 'some wing-nut media'.

Did you even read your own links, moron? A book alleges that CNN promoted lies. And that somehow constitutes facts?

Again, this is why I love trumptards. They are long on accusations - short on facts!

One more time - You retards had 4 years of the orange douche bag trying to pin various crimes on the Biden (using Russian sources) and yet? Zip. Nothing. Nada.

If you guys have any "facts", prove it in a court of law. Otherwise, you are just retards in whose brains, Bidens live rent free. Back at ya :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
3.5 million hunter got from russia, then Putin got his pipeline. Even Obama was against that.
Same response to you as to the other trumptard. Prove it in a court of law. You guys keep claiming you have multiple Hunter Biden laptops, so what's stopping you? Other than facts, a legal case etc etc :auiqs.jpg:
Did you even read your own links, moron? A book alleges that CNN promoted lies. And that somehow constitutes facts?

Like the NY Times, CNN has already been exposed as a leading promoter of lies and propaganda. That fact is not even in question. Like Joe Biden, CNN has ZERO credibility.

Trump has been trying to pin crimes on Biden?

During Pelosi's 1st failed Impeachment the Democrats' own witness, a member of the US State Department testified that Joe Biden had committed Perjury by claiming he had never met with Burisma Reps. He testified how Burisma Reps showed up in DC wanting a meeting with Biden, using his son's name as leverage. The State Department advised Biden NOT to meet with them because of the perception of a conflict of interest. Biden ignored their advice and did meet with them. The rep went on to declared that it was Hunter and Joe Biden who needed to be before Congress under oath.

While Biden was lying to America about NOT meeting with Burisma Reps, the dumbass was oblivious to the fact that pictures of him, Hunter, and the 2 Burisma reps were all over the Internet, proving he was a liar *& had committed Perjury:


Biden himself bragged openly in a videotaped public confession of Extorting the former Ukraine PM:

Politico just finally admitted that the the laptop that the FBI has a copy of IS Hunter Biden's laptop and that the incriminating e-mails on the laptop, that have been leaked, have been confirmed to be real and HIS. Hunter Biden's own lawyer is almost as stupid as Hunter - he actually left a message on the computer repairman's answering machine identifying himself as Hunter Biden's lawyer, identifying the laptop as Hunter Biden's and informing the store owner that his client, Hunter Biden, wants his laptop back.

Like the NY Times, CNN has already been exposed as a leading promoter of lies and propaganda. That fact is not even in question. Like Joe Biden, CNN has ZERO credibility.

Trump has been trying to pin crimes on Biden?

During Pelosi's 1st failed Impeachment the Democrats' own witness, a member of the US State Department testified that Joe Biden had committed Perjury by claiming he had never met with Burisma Reps. He testified how Burisma Reps showed up in DC wanting a meeting with Biden, using his son's name as leverage. The State Department advised Biden NOT to meet with them because of the perception of a conflict of interest. Biden ignored their advice and did meet with them. The rep went on to declared that it was Hunter and Joe Biden who needed to be before Congress under oath.

While Biden was lying to America about NOT meeting with Burisma Reps, the dumbass was oblivious to the fact that pictures of him, Hunter, and the 2 Burisma reps were all over the Internet, proving he was a liar *& had committed Perjury:

View attachment 542969

Biden himself bragged openly in a videotaped public confession of Extorting the former Ukraine PM:

Politico just finally admitted that the the laptop that the FBI has a copy of IS Hunter Biden's laptop and that the incriminating e-mails on the laptop, that have been leaked, have been confirmed to be real and HIS. Hunter Biden's own lawyer is almost as stupid as Hunter - he actually left a message on the computer repairman's answering machine identifying himself as Hunter Biden's lawyer, identifying the laptop as Hunter Biden's and informing the store owner that his client, Hunter Biden, wants his laptop back.

LOL. All those wing-nut sites and legal case against the Bidens. Compare that with the hundreds of cases against your orange douche bag that you call Der Fuhrer!

Keep proving you are a trumptard.

Again, this is why I love trumptards. They are long on accusations - short on facts!

One more time - You retards had 4 years of the orange douche bag trying to pin various crimes on the Biden (using Russian sources) and yet? Zip. Nothing. Nada.

If you guys have any "facts", prove it in a court of law. Otherwise, you are just retards in whose brains, Bidens live rent-free. Back at ya :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
LOL. All those wing-nut sites and legal case against the Bidens.
Thank you for proving once again that you can not debunk any of the many reports, stories, and links with which you were provided. There are definitely legal cases against Biden. the problem is the Marxist criminals have been in charge of the proven criminal DOJ, FBI, etc... for decades. President Trump's biggest mistake after becoming President was NOT cleaning house - firing every govt official hired by Obama, to include Heads of the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ.

Obama declared he wanted to fundamentally change the United States. He and the Democrats did...and continue to do so .... for the worst.
  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Thank you for proving once again that you can not debunk any of the many reports, stories, and links with which you were provided. There are definitely legal cases against Biden. the problem is the Marxist criminals have been in charge of the proven criminal DOJ, FBI, etc... for decades. President Trump's biggest mistake after becoming President was NOT cleaning house - firing every govt official hired by Obama, to include Heads of the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ.

Obama declared he wanted to fundamentally change the United States. He and the Democrats did...and continue to do so .... for the worst.
Debunk what, moron? Wing-nut articles with no credence? It may be acceptable for you trumptards but till you can prove it in a court of law, you got bupkiss.

And, lord knows your orange douche bag tried his best. He even got impeached because he tried to pressure the Ukrainian president to pursue investigations of the Bidens.

But hey, keep trying to sell that BS. Let me know when you are able to bring it to court. Till more time...

Again, this is why I love trumptards. They are long on accusations - short on facts!

You retards had 4 years of the orange douche bag trying to pin various crimes on the Biden (using Russian sources) and yet? Zip. Nothing. Nada.

If you guys have any "facts", prove it in a court of law. Otherwise, you are just retards in whose brains, Bidens live rent-free. Back at ya :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Debunk what, moron? Wing-nut articles with no credence?:laughing0301:
Again, thank you for proving you are incapable of debunking the reports, articles, and evidence being reported.

Your refusal / inability to is duly noted - your 'surrender' is accepted. Have a nice day.
Again, thank you for proving you are incapable of debunking the reports, articles, and evidence being reported.

Your refusal / inability to is duly noted - your 'surrender' is accepted. Have a nice day.
LOL Another day, another trumptard trying to salvage its honor by pretending it won the argument. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
LOL Another day, another trumptard trying to salvage its honor by pretending it won the argument. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
The insanity and failed grasp of reality demonstrated by you TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven snowflakes never ceases to amaze me. You asked me to provide evidence of the Bidens' financial scandals and crimes. I did that by providing you a half-dozen reports / articles / links. You then responded by sputtering, "B...b...b...but I means some conviction' by a proven corrupt DOJ, trying to save face aftetr I more than answered your challenge.

Now you are still trying to spin our discussion in which I spanked your ass in front of everyone by lying, attempting to insult me, and still refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence.

Sorry, but I don't have time to engage n childish snowflake games with escapees from the children's table. Why don't you go back there and let the grown-ups talk seriously....

Hunter Biden’s Russian Prostitute Videos Indict Both His Father And U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or illegal behavior. Rather, it’s the intense corruption of the media and intelligence agencies, and how greatly our current president is compromised.

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or his illegal behavior. Rather, the latest video reveals the corruption—and more—of the media and the intelligence community, while also establishing how greatly our current president is compromised.

When the New York Post broke news of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook shortly before the election, corporate media framed the story as misinformation and refused to report on it.

While the corrupt media ignored the story, even a hooker saw the significance of a missing laptop containing Hunter Biden’s sex videos.

Did he worry about being blackmailed? the prostitute asked, followed by Hunter acknowledging that was a genuine concern since his father intended to run for president. The elder Biden announced his candidacy just two months after his son’s first computer went missing. Yet when The New York Post reported the existence of the Hunter Biden sex videos on the abandoned laptop, corporate media ignored this huge political

Hunter Biden believed that sometime in the summer of 2018, Russians stole his laptop, which contained videotapes of Biden engaged in sex acts with prostitutes. Either U.S. intelligence knew of this or they didn’t, but both scenarios are equally damning.

In December 2019, the FBI seized the MacBook Hunter had left at the repair store. It is unbelievable to think the FBI did not promptly review the contents to determine if it was in fact Hunter’s and to determine whether the material on the laptop created a national security risk. It is also beyond the pale to think agents did not ask Hunter about that laptop.

Yet ten months later, when The New York Post published the video and email messages, someone at the FBI told USA Today they were investigating whether the story was Russian “misinformation.” To date, though, there has been nothing but corroboration of the materials published by The New York Post, so who at the FBI suggested the content was “misinformation?”

Further, after recovering the MacBook from the Delaware repair store, a competent intelligence industry would have then also discovered the second missing laptop—the one Hunter told a prostitute in January 2019 he believed the Russians had stolen. Did agents know of that fact? Did they brief Joe Biden on the fact that the laptops contained information that could subject Hunter, and thus Biden himself, to blackmail?



As the article says, even a Hooker (paid for with Joe Biden's credit card) was smart enough to understand this.

this is what happens when leftist propagandist censor and mislead

Xiden clearly wasn’t properly vetted. He and his entire crime syndicate family is compromised.
Corporate media leans right, so yes.
hahaa what are you talking about? MSDNC and CNN lean right? The Washington Post?

Comcast who owns MSDNC was a massive donor to dems, and thanks to their donations to Obama and Xiden got the ok to buy NBC.

And Bezos leans right? haha

you dembot cultist live in la la land

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