Hunter Biden's gun charges

The Democrats in Congress should seize on them to build a universal background check law and then dare the republicans to vote against it.

How do you figure? The current background checks in effect were able to pick up this case. Why would more be needed, the case shows the current regulations work.
The Democrats in Congress should seize on them to build a universal background check law and then dare the republicans to vote against it.

Except they won't. The gun control debate is over, and you lost, bigtime, because you hitched your wagon to a mob family, and they don't give a shit about your principles or your morals, only your fealty.

Your fellow DemoKKKrats are coming out of the woodwork to rail against the enforcement of federal gun laws.
Hunter Biden is being prosecuted entirely for being Joe Biden's son, so he'd probably be able to appeal any conviction on the grounds of unequal application of the law..

Yes, there's a law. And in 2018:

112,090 were denied a gun during the application process for submitting “falsified information.”

Of those, 12,710 were referred to the ATF for further investigation.

And of those, the total number actually prosecuted was … 12. All 12 had not reported being a convicted violent felon.

The number convicted for not mentioning they were drug addicts is ... 0. Hunter Biden is the first ever to have that honor.

This is where the Trump cultists scream insults and try to deflect from their staggering hypocrisy. Please proceed. Marvin, you go first.
wouldnt be as funny as dems saying BG checks violate the 2nd A to get hunter off,,,
They've already poo-poo-ed the whole thing as a minor "paperwork mistake".

Same with the millions in undeclared taxes...Felonious tax evasion for you and me, a rounding error for the ruling class.
They've already poo-poo-ed the whole thing as a minor "paperwork mistake".

Same with the millions in undeclared taxes...Felonious tax evasion for you and me, a rounding error for the ruling class.
Hunter Biden is being prosecuted entirely for being Joe Biden's son, so he'd probably be able to appeal any conviction on the grounds of unequal application of the law..

Yes, there's a law. And in 2018:

112,090 were denied a gun during the application process for submitting “falsified information.”

Of those, 12,710 were referred to the ATF for further investigation.

And of those, the total number actually prosecuted was … 12. All 12 had not reported being a convicted violent felon.

The number convicted for not mentioning they were drug addicts is ... 0. Hunter Biden is the first ever to have that honor.

This is where the Trump cultists scream insults and try to deflect from their staggering hypocrisy. Please proceed. Marvin, you go first.

^^^Another leftist comes out against gun control.

I LOVE this!
This is why if this is serious, Hunter will also be indicted on the tax charges which haven't become time barred, as well as for money laundering, FARA violations, and Mann Act violations.

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