Hunter Biden


Dumbfuck, what does 83K a month have to do with Joe Biden?

Seriously?! Can anyone really be that stupid. If it weren't for Joe Biden, Hunter wouldn't have gotten squat.

Probably not. Why do you care?

Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.

Doesn’t matter. Not your money. Not your concern.

Dumbfuck, what does 83K a month have to do with Joe Biden?

Seriously?! Can anyone really be that stupid. If it weren't for Joe Biden, Hunter wouldn't have gotten squat.

Probably not. Why do you care?

Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.

You should know the facts on this by now, delusional dale. She grew up, learning from her family, that an ancestor 5 generations back was Native American. Now as an adult and following many years of ridicule from the right, she had her DNA tested and it confirmed she has Native American ancestry as close as 6 generations back. She proved her claims despite the hysterics of you looney tunes.

HOLY SHIT! My great grandfather was a bull blooded native of the Coushatta tribe on what is now referred to as Georgia. That makes me part of a protected class, dumb fuck and you BETTER pay props to me, asswipe. Pocahontas Warren is an admitted poseur and yet you still double have set the already lowered bar for this forum's stupidity standard. Nice going, dumb ass.

my dads grandmother was full blood cherokee and I would never consider claiming that as a way to gain special favor or monetary gain like warren did,,,

Biden...making friends and influencing people on the campaign trail by talking shit in Michigan to a pro-2nd amendment union worker....that should work out well. (snicker)

If the election isn't rigged like the one they attempted to do for the Hildebeast, Biden will be lucky to win Delaware.

Speaking of the last election.....I seem to recall you bookmarking posts of those that believed Trump would win so you could use it as ammo if the Hildebeast had been able to cheat her way did all that work out for ya? Did you delete those bookmarkings to save space on your Fisher-Price desk top computer with the large keypad?

just because you dont care doesnt mean a thing accept youre a hypocrite,,,

Slobbers the liar who got nailed yesterday, falsely claiming Biden threatened someone who wanted to vote for him. Buzz the nurse to change your drool cup.
HOLY SHIT! My great grandfather was a bull blooded native of the Coushatta tribe on what is now referred to as Georgia. That makes me part of a protected class, dumb fuck and you BETTER pay props to me, asswipe. Pocahontas Warren is an admitted poseur and yet you still double have set the already lowered bar for this forum's stupidity standard. Nice going, dumb ass.

my dads grandmother was full blood cherokee and I would never consider claiming that as a way to gain special favor or monetary gain like warren did,,,

Biden...making friends and influencing people on the campaign trail by talking shit in Michigan to a pro-2nd amendment union worker....that should work out well. (snicker)

If the election isn't rigged like the one they attempted to do for the Hildebeast, Biden will be lucky to win Delaware.

Speaking of the last election.....I seem to recall you bookmarking posts of those that believed Trump would win so you could use it as ammo if the Hildebeast had been able to cheat her way did all that work out for ya? Did you delete those bookmarkings to save space on your Fisher-Price desk top computer with the large keypad?

just because you dont care doesnt mean a thing accept youre a hypocrite,,,

Slobbers the liar who got nailed yesterday, falsely claiming Biden threatened someone who wanted to vote for him. Buzz the nurse to change your drool cup.

Try using words next time, delusional dale. It really helps in a text-based format such as this.

Look at who's the president of my fan club!


STFU, lil fawn, you are the bitter clinger that defended Liz "Pocahontas" Warren to the very end of her fairy tale of belonging to an indigenous tribe that qualified her as being of "minority status"....remember? defended it like a little captain going down with his little dinghy that sprung a leak.

You poor thing, she proved her claims of Native American lineage. It matters not if you're not lucid enough to understand. :confused:

You REALLY believe that political favors were not done ( unbeknownst to Jesuit Joe Biden) and that the inquiry into the Burisma money laundering scam where kickbacks were given to high ranking politicians that signed off on humanitarian aid after the 2014 coup d'etat is just a "witch hunt"???? Go and pull your bullshit spew on someone are not talking your way out of this one.
That you have to ask that as though simply suggesting it must be so actually makes it so reveals the vacuity of your claims. If you had any proof at all, you'd be presenting it rather than that weak limp-wristed bluff in lieu of actual evidence you clearly lack.

You are like the little kid whose dog just killed the neighbor's chickens and even though the dog has blood and feathers stuck to his muzzle? The kid will declare that his dog is completely innocent and never left the yard. You lost what tiny bit of credibility you MIGHT have had over 18 months ago, dipshit.

Except your chickens are still clucking and that's not blood on them and the claims there are feathers on the dog remain unconfirmed because Giuliani won't actually release the documents he claims are in his possession that will prove it. Translation, since you are a brain-dead conspiracy freak -- nothing against Joe Biden in this matter has been proven. Not one. It's 100% conjecture on the part of you loony righties who have been caught making shit up like this more times than I've counted.

And is it possible for me to express how much I care you think I have no credibility?

Double down on the stupidity, little fawn........"Tis only a flesh wound!!!!!" I get your schtick's that of simply being a time waster. You are the quintessential red button that says "Danger! Do Not Touch" but you smash it down yourself....what a fucking dumb ass. Anyone that uses "Faun" without realizing what it stands for can't be playing with a full deck anyway and is on the "Uncle Joe Biden" creepy side.

Don't worry about what is going to come out about Burisma and the scam behind all the kickbacks from aid so generously given to countries like the Ukraine via the yankee federal reserve note as the politicians say "Just put it on the tab". Please...PLEASE tell me that you didn't pro-create and that any potential spawn of yours was aborted...lie to me if need be. You are good at it... but lie this time for humanitarian reasons.


There is nothing else coming out of Burisma that can touch Joe. At worst for the Bidens, perhaps something nefarious will emerge on Hunter, but then he's not running for president. All the appearances indicate Joe threatened to hold up those loan guarantees for the sake of fighting corruption; along with the EU, the IMF, the Rada and other Ukrainians who all wanted Shokin out for refusing to prosecute oligarchs. As evidenced by him sitting on the Burisma investigation for about 2 years while refusing to work with Great Britain's investigation into Zlochevsky, another oligarch Shokin protected.

83K a month says otherwise, dumb ass.......

Dumbfuck, what does 83K a month have to do with Joe Biden?
LOL, geeeeze.

its funny how trump who has no direct connections to the russia government is accused of being a russian asset and the bidens that have direct connections to the chines government gets a pass
No connections to the Russian government? More lies from you.

What we know so far about Trump Tower project for Moscow
building a hotel doesnt compare to working directly under their government for companies of the government that are accused of stealing american secrets,,,
Seriously?! Can anyone really be that stupid. If it weren't for Joe Biden, Hunter wouldn't have gotten squat.

Probably not. Why do you care?

Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.


its funny how trump who has no direct connections to the russia government is accused of being a russian asset and the bidens that have direct connections to the chines government gets a pass
No connections to the Russian government? More lies from you.

What we know so far about Trump Tower project for Moscow
building a hotel doesnt compare to working directly under their government for companies of the government that are accused of stealing american secrets,,,
I didn't say it did, lyin' troll. I showed Impeached Trump worked with the Russian government in response to your lie that Impeached Trump had no direct connections to the Russian government.

its funny how trump who has no direct connections to the russia government is accused of being a russian asset and the bidens that have direct connections to the chines government gets a pass
No connections to the Russian government? More lies from you.

What we know so far about Trump Tower project for Moscow
building a hotel doesnt compare to working directly under their government for companies of the government that are accused of stealing american secrets,,,
I didn't say it did, lyin' troll. I showed Impeached Trump worked with the Russian government in response to your lie that Impeached Trump had no direct connections to the Russian government.

building a hotel in those countries requires their approval which doesnt compare as I stated,,

and yet nothing bit silence about the bidens that work directly under the chinese government for companies accused of stealing american military secrets,,,
Probably not. Why do you care?

Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.
Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.

Plenty of people listen to me. I do (and have done) radio interviews and been on numerous podcasts. I have reached more people in an hour than you will ever reach regardless of how many fool-fueled rants lamely disguised as "posting" should you live a thousand brag, just fact and I have earned my reputation by sacrificing the time required to educate myself. I left the "right versus left" paradigm years ago but you cling to it like Linus does his blanket complete with the thumb sucking.
What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.

Plenty of people listen to me. I do (and have done) radio interviews and been on numerous podcasts. I have reached more people in an hour than you will ever reach regardless of how many fool-fueled rants lamely disguised as "posting" should you live a thousand brag, just fact and I have earned my reputation by sacrificing the time required to educate myself. I left the "right versus left" paradigm years ago but you cling to it like Linus does his blanket complete with the thumb sucking.

Ah, touché. The other brain dead right wing lemmings who listen to this and believe it without question must love your interviews.

But no one takes those people seriously.
Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.

Plenty of people listen to me. I do (and have done) radio interviews and been on numerous podcasts. I have reached more people in an hour than you will ever reach regardless of how many fool-fueled rants lamely disguised as "posting" should you live a thousand brag, just fact and I have earned my reputation by sacrificing the time required to educate myself. I left the "right versus left" paradigm years ago but you cling to it like Linus does his blanket complete with the thumb sucking.

Ah, touché. The other brain dead right wing lemmings who listen to this and believe it without question must love your interviews.

But no one takes those people seriously.

I believe in the organic Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't believe in "gubermint" that rules from on high and bestows "privileges" that can be taken away at their whim which is what the 14th amendment did and the Act of 1871 accomplished.

If that makes me a "rightwinger" in your skewed vision of the world? So be it....your opinion doesn't count even so much as fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig. I can remember a time when individual rights came before what the collective wanted...they were called "liberals" but the communists hijacked it, used our individual liberties to take down what this country once tried to stand for. We have been taken down by enemies within. So you can go fuck yourself, troll. I stand for something more important than you could ever hope to fathom. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel.....etch it in stone and commit it to memory,.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.

Plenty of people listen to me. I do (and have done) radio interviews and been on numerous podcasts. I have reached more people in an hour than you will ever reach regardless of how many fool-fueled rants lamely disguised as "posting" should you live a thousand brag, just fact and I have earned my reputation by sacrificing the time required to educate myself. I left the "right versus left" paradigm years ago but you cling to it like Linus does his blanket complete with the thumb sucking.

Ah, touché. The other brain dead right wing lemmings who listen to this and believe it without question must love your interviews.

But no one takes those people seriously.

I believe in the organic Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't believe in "gubermint" that rules from on high and bestows "privileges" that can be taken away at their whim which is what the 14th amendment did and the Act of 1871 accomplished.

If that makes me a "rightwinger" in your skewed vision of the world? So be it....your opinion doesn't count even so much as fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig. I can remember a time when individual rights came before what the collective wanted...they were called "liberals" but the communists hijacked it, used our individual liberties to take down what this country once tried to stand for. We have been taken down by enemies within. So you can go fuck yourself, troll. I stand for something more important than you could ever hope to fathom. I will die on my feet before I will ever kneel.....etch it in stone and commit it to memory,.

So far you’ve made a lot of accusations but nothing that’s contributed to the thread. Your words are meaningless drivel, disconnected from reality.
Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.

If you had any evidence of that, people might actually listen to you.

Plenty of people listen to me. I do (and have done) radio interviews and been on numerous podcasts. I have reached more people in an hour than you will ever reach regardless of how many fool-fueled rants lamely disguised as "posting" should you live a thousand brag, just fact and I have earned my reputation by sacrificing the time required to educate myself. I left the "right versus left" paradigm years ago but you cling to it like Linus does his blanket complete with the thumb sucking.

Ah, touché. The other brain dead right wing lemmings who listen to this and believe it without question must love your interviews.

But no one takes those people seriously.
more of your right wing bullshit and you dont even know what that means in this country,,,
Probably not. Why do you care?

Why do I care if someone can be that stupid, I don't. Why do I care Hunter got a fricken bunch of money, because it came out of the taxpayers pocket.

What are you talking about? Hunter Biden was paid by Burisma. Not taxpayers.

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.


You're beyond fucking brain-dead with that false equivalence fallacy , delusional dale. :cuckoo:

First you present the reality that kickbacks exist. But then you follow up with the unbridled and unconfirmed nonsense that our money was funneled into Burisma, ultimately paying Hunter Biden. There's no proof either way but the evidence suggests not. At some point, the Ukrainian government did provide subsidies to Burisma, but that stopped when they accused Zlochevsky of stealing that money from his company. As with all your conspiracies, you lack any proof whatsoever to demonstrate you're not batshit insane.

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