Hunter Biden 20-Point E-mail Contained Classified Information From Joe Biden's Stolen Classified Stash


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"On April 13, 2014, Hunter Biden sent an email to his business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer. Now, he sent this a week before his father, the vice president, flew to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine’s prime minister. In the email, Hunter Biden composed a detailed memo with nearly two dozen data points about the political and strategic situation on the ground in Ukraine,” Carlson reported."

“What’s so immediately striking and Miranda Devine pointed this out, having read the entire laptop, is that this email bears no resemblance to anything else we have that Hunter Biden has ever written. In fact, it sounded like something produced by the State Department,” he added."

"Indeed, it appeared to contain points and observations that only someone with access to classified intelligence would have known."

It was reported early on in President Biden's classified scandal that the TS/SCI documents Joe Biden stole, had in his possession, and were turned into the DOJ contained INTEL REPORTS ON UKRAINE AND IRAN.

We know for a fact now that Hunter Biden had access to these highly sensitive, highly classified documents.

Hunter Biden's 20-point Ukraine e-mail was almost guatanteed to have been written by someone else, as the verbiage, format, and style in that e-mail are things never seen in any of Hunter's writings / correspondence previously.

It would be extremely easy to compare the contents of this e-mail and the contents of the TS/SCI Ukraine Intel reports and other classified documents found in Biden's possession.

The problem with this, however, is the fact that these classified documents have been turned over to Garland / the DOJ & the FBI.

This would be the same partisanly weopanized DOJ & FBI whob
have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop, who have refused to release it, who just limited the scope of the Special Counsel's investigation into Biden's stolen classified to the point Bur can't investigate Hunter Biden or tbe laptop, and the same Garland / DOJ that just refused to comply with House Oversight Committee RFIs / Subpoenas but said they would be willing to negotiate sharing whatever evidence it - the DOJ - decides on.

So much for 'transparency', any Democrats' / partisan agencies' desire to thoroughly investigate and report its findings, and / or any chance Garland / tbe DOJ will act with any FULL compliance / coordination with the House Oversight Committee.

No one will ever know what is fully in the highly classified documents taken from Joe Biden's home / the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center or how they connect to Hunter's e-mails / laptop or the Biden family 'business'.

Occam's Razor
'When faced with competing explanations for the same phenomenon, the simplest is likely the correct one.'

...and almost always is...especislly when a influence-peddling crackhead and a dain-bramaged, crimina,l dementia-ravaged, old, corrupt politician is involved.

These 2 couldn't handle anything too complex.
When this stuff, and every other "report", is proven in court, then we'll buy it.

But some will choose to believe it regardless. Because that's how they roll.
"Court" is not necessarily a valid determinant of reality. It all depends on WHO is in that courtroom, having decision power, and what motivations they may have.

Would you be cool with comparing the contents of this e-mail, and the contents of the TS/SCI Ukraine Intel reports, & other classified documents found in Biden's possession ? Let's get to the TRUTH, right ?
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This could land Biden in prison...this is serious shit... I heard he had SCI documents.. those are so top secret only a handful of people are ever allowed to see them... and Joe was letting Hunter read them?...
Hunter a meth head that couldn't pass a gun background check...
It makes for what is REAL, for all those who are willing to accept that.

And you aren't responding to my question in the same post (# 8)
I've said it many times, but I'll be happy to say it yet again:

If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too. I don't care if it's Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, or anyone else.

I'm sure you agree with that.
This could land Biden in prison...this is serious shit... I heard he had SCI documents.. those are so top secret only a handful of people are ever allowed to see them... and Joe was letting Hunter read them?...
Hunter a meth head that couldn't pass a gun background check...
At this point, in guessing how many people, and who, has seen the Biden (Joe & Hunter both) documents, we could sum it up as > the whole world. :doubt:

Whatever is in those documents (copies of which could be anywhere right now), the Pentagon is probably now in the unenviable position of having to reassess (and maybe even redesign) various military hardware, software, strategies, and God only knows what else.

This what happens when you (Democrats actually) put a complete idiot in charge of a job requiring high intelligence and utmost responsibility.
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I've said it many times, but I'll be happy to say it yet again:

If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If someone helped them, including family, nail them too. I don't care if it's Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, or anyone else.

I'm sure you agree with that.
I'll take that as meaning you are cool with comparing the contents. OK. Cool.
Now we need to get the DOJ to release the docs.

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