Hungary sex is biologically determined the concept of gender as social sex is non sense


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Prison » Hungary: Sex is biologically determined, the concept of gender, as ‘social sex’ is nonsense

The issue of gender studies was not on the agenda of the government’s meeting, because there are much more important topics, a government source told on Monday.


Oh lets have a pitty party because Hungray doesn't want to kiss the globalist a**. Well isn't that just to dam bad they want to be normal go Hungary at least some Countries have a pair.

All this Gender study bs is , it's nothing but a way to teach the idiots to be just that idots they are used to teach others to think just like they do. It is bribing the children to be confused ( the tards don't realize this) it is brainwashing why it's all good and ok etc.
Prison » Hungary: Sex is biologically determined, the concept of gender, as ‘social sex’ is nonsense

The issue of gender studies was not on the agenda of the government’s meeting, because there are much more important topics, a government source told on Monday.


Oh lets have a pitty party because Hungray doesn't want to kiss the globalist a**. Well isn't that just to dam bad they want to be normal go Hungary at least some Countries have a pair.

All this Gender study bs is , it's nothing but a way to teach the idiots to be just that idots they are used to teach others to think just like they do. It is bribing the children to be confused ( the tards don't realize this) it is brainwashing why it's all good and ok etc.

Springs from two equally corrupt philosophical fountains: the militant feminist movement born in the 1960's, and postmodernist critical theory. Radical feminist ideology seeks to emasculate the male ego by removing traditional male biological sex roles from society toward the duel goals of one, making men and women equal in all roles--even child bearing if they can mad scientist that one up, and two, toppling the traditional male dominated Western Patriarchal hierarchy. The postmodernists on the other hand, believe everything from sunlight to human nature and any other fact, can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways, which compliments and justifies this gender bullshit insanity perfectly.

Critical Theory is a philosophy that takes a piece of writing (or any other form of reason or logic) and interprets it not through the writer's words, but the readers impression, of which their could be infinite interpretations. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in. No matter what you or I as the writer (or thinker) intended as the meaning of our piece of information, postmodernists hold that only the reader or consumer of our products can truly, factually evaluate and give true meaning to our work. Meaning essentially whatever we think, build, create could be used against us despite our intent for it.

If we are not more careful in the very near future, the proponents and teachers of these radical anti-human ideologies will have our children believing that water is dry and the sky is underground; that heaven is hell and hell is the destination of popular choice. Kudos to the Hungarians for doing their part to stamp out this madness.

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