Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In AZ, Boxes Full of BLANK BALLOTS

Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Pelosi's bogus HR1 bill to enable Democrat Voter Fraud will be history.
Maybe we might have some real election reform laws enacted.
Demand Voter ID
Ban Dominion
Ban voting machines connected to the internet
Ban Mail-in Ballots
Ban ballot harvesting
All ballot software must be certified and rigerously tested
Voting systems should have random test ballots to see that all good ballots get through and that bad ballots are caught
All hand counting is done live with cameras watching every counter
Chain of custody will be strictly enforced
After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm
Which election were those shredded ballots from?

Maricopa County: Dumpster divers didn't find voted 2020 ballots

"Maricopa County election officials say a bagful of shredded ballots that 'stop the steal' activists claim to have found in a trash can at the elections department weren’t cast in the 2020 election."
After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm
Which election were those shredded ballots from?

Maricopa County: Dumpster divers didn't find voted 2020 ballots

"Maricopa County election officials say a bagful of shredded ballots that 'stop the steal' activists claim to have found in a trash can at the elections department weren’t cast in the 2020 election."
"Maricopa County election officials" are corrupt. They're the ones that are going to find their ass in a ringer after this audit is done. Of course they're going to lie about their cheating.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm
Which election were those shredded ballots from?

Maricopa County: Dumpster divers didn't find voted 2020 ballots

"Maricopa County election officials say a bagful of shredded ballots that 'stop the steal' activists claim to have found in a trash can at the elections department weren’t cast in the 2020 election."
"Maricopa County election officials" are corrupt. They're the ones that are going to find their ass in a ringer after this audit is done. Of course they're going to lie about their cheating.
It is reassuring that the missing ballots cannot be counted. Of course the county will have a chance to produce them. Fat chance.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Pelosi's bogus HR1 bill to enable Democrat Voter Fraud will be history.
Maybe we might have some real election reform laws enacted.
Demand Voter ID
Ban Dominion
Ban voting machines connected to the internet
Ban Mail-in Ballots
Ban ballot harvesting
All ballot software must be certified and rigerously tested
Voting systems should have random test ballots to see that all good ballots get through and that bad ballots are caught
All hand counting is done live with cameras watching every counter
Chain of custody will be strictly enforced
Ban voting machines connected to the internet

Ban machines period.
I've no doubt that Trump won.

Me too.

Not since they pulled that stunt of stopping the count in 4 or 5 states where Trump was leading, then restarting the count hours later with massive ballot dumps nearly all for Biden. I never saw that before in a Presidential election.

Those massive ballot drops were mail in votes being counted. The fact that they favored Biden heavily wes no surprise either. We have never seen the number of voters who participated in a Presidential race before.
Names were not checked against register.
Signatures were not verified.
Addresses not clarified.
I.D not needed.
It was a joke of an election.

The odd thing is why were those mail-in ballots not already being counted? So anyone who mentions them as an excuse is clueless.

But rather they were shipped in during the early morning hours after they saw how many they'd need to overcome Trump leads in those states. Et voila!

And we have a video from Georgia where they told people to go home, the counting was stopped, and then suddenly they start counting ballots that were already on site after observers had left.
The problem is that the Democrat Voters are a brainwashed cult and no amount of evidence will sway them.
They are like the OJ jury.
They will ignore the evidence.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

You = Troll.
Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?
I personally don't expect much, because....
.......well, because the messenger is so flawed and discredited.
'Cyber Ninjas'????? C'mon.
A January 6th rioter on the counting floor? C'mon.
Ballot eating chickens? C'mon.

Look, the count has been counted, and re-counted, and re-counted.....before Cyber Ninjas ever showed up. Not to mention their hysteria over missing data.....that they then found because they had misfiled it. Credibility enhancer?
Ummm, noper.

It' a rope-a-dope exercise to get the Duped & Snookered to tithe some more. IMHO.

"I never saw that before in a Presidential election."
Ever seen Covid before?
Ever seen a sitting President tell his base to NOT vote by mail?
The same base who historically had been bigger mail-in voters than the opposition?

Me neither.

"No electoral votes will be recalled. The election has been certified. It will take far more than this clown show ......."
Ditto. Ditto.

Names were not checked against register.
Signatures were not verified.
Addresses not clarified.
I.D not needed
Quit whining FLI.
Name names.
Effect on the local and national election.

Don't be a wuss and just spout generalities.
Bring some game.
Or go.

Just sayin'.

"The odd thing is why were those mail-in ballots not already being counted?"
Oh golly, don't get newspapers, TV, broadband in your corner of Jackassastan?
In some states...Pennsylvania for one, and Michigan too (I think) ....... the Republican legislatures specifically ruled against any ballots being counted before the polls closed. And, with a known tidal wave of mail-in ballot requests in the was known and predicted....that that tidal wave of actual ballots were lurking out there and about to land on all those clerks of precincts, townships, counties and, states.
It was known. And it came.
Ummm, nobody that was paying attention. Nor anybody who could fog a mirror....was.

"Don't forget, they made up a BS story about a water leak in the GA arena"

Ummm, ever hear of Republican Gabrielle Sterling of the Georgia Secretary of State's office?
You never have?
You never saw his presser and the de-bunking of Nutjobbisms? is a taster.
Then do some googling.
Educate yourself.

Make your avatar proud to represent you.

Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing. I think people have come to realize that just sitting back and allowing the biggest cheat in America history, and seating the Sniffing buffoon and his horizontal whore is a massive mistake. They're quickly ruining America, and they need to be stopped. The cheat can't be allowed to stand.

No electoral votes will be recalled. The election has been certified. It will take far more than this clown show to prove anything. The biggest cheat in history is going on with this clown show in Arizona.
Beijing Biden didn't win shit.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Pelosi's bogus HR1 bill to enable Democrat Voter Fraud will be history.
Maybe we might have some real election reform laws enacted.
Demand Voter ID
Ban Dominion
Ban voting machines connected to the internet
Ban Mail-in Ballots
Ban ballot harvesting
All ballot software must be certified and rigerously tested
Voting systems should have random test ballots to see that all good ballots get through and that bad ballots are caught
All hand counting is done live with cameras watching every counter
Chain of custody will be strictly enforced
Ban voting machines connected to the internet

Ban machines period.

Agreed. I don't see what was so difficult about the old way, where you punched little holes in the paper ballot and submitted it like that.

How can anyone claim it's substantially faster, easier or more secure to vote using a digital ballot on a computer screen that's connected to an internet router, which then prints out a piece of paper for the voter to submit containing only a code that "supposedly" translates to the votes you cast (unverifiable by the voter) when it gets subsequently scanned by yet another computer that is also connected to an internet router?

Or in other jurisdictions, using paper ballots that are filled in with a marker but then get scanned by a computer to record the vote (which is likewise connected to an internet router). Recall all the reports from the 2020 election of people being told by election workers that the scanning machines were malfunctioning, and to leave their ballot with the election officials who would "make sure to scan it" once the machine was back online. A couple of those situations were exposed as outright lies on the part of election workers when voters pushed back and refused to leave their ballots. But you just have to wonder how many such ballots were ultimately thrown in the trash around the country by meddling election workers who disapproved of the votes cast in given races.

As is too often the case, the use of computers in this setting only seems to have complicated and added countless unknown vulnerabilities to a process that operated just fine for decades and decades before computers were incorporated into it.
Last edited:
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

You = Troll.
did I hurt your feelings? Poor snowflake.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

You = Troll.
did I hurt your feelings? Poor snowflake.
You do not do anything to me or anything for me. You troll and seldom offer any substance. Let alone accept the facts about audits. Like any with Dominion present are total shit.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

You = Troll.
did I hurt your feelings? Poor snowflake.
You do not do anything to me or anything for me. You troll and seldom offer any substance. Let alone accept the facts about audits. Like any with Dominion present are total shit.

Yet you're the one whining like a little bitch.

Here is some substance. Did you know that in very few states--like 2--Trump got a higher % of the vote than he got in 2016? Did you know that of the 11 states that were supposedly "swing states", not one has had an outsized number of arrests for voter fraud--despite endless allegations that it took place by losers such as yourself?

Here is a substantive question: IF you're going to just hack the machines that count the votes, why in the world would you mess around with physically touching the ballots?

Feel free to take a shot at answering a question or continue being my bitch. You don't have a choice.

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