Hundreds of Muslims Shut Down School Board Meeting Over LGBTQ+ Book Controversy


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And it was a difficult swallow for the MSM as to how to deal with the situation and report on it "fairly".

This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. Let’s be totally honest. The only religious people the left is truly scared to offend are Muslims. Criticizing Muslims is completely off the table according to the left’s rules of engagement, so if Muslims are upset about something, the amount of twisting, back-bending, and acrobatics the left will perform in order not to offend them will be something to see.

So when hundreds of Muslim parents, upset at gay porn in the school libraries, showed up to a school board meeting in Dearborn, Mich., and it devolved into shouting and chaos with board members running away and gay protesters being chased to their cars, the fallout was absolutely hilarious. The headline in the Detroit Free Press after the event went haywire was “LGBTQ and Faith Communities Struggle for Unity.”

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can you imagine what the headline would have been if it were a Baptist church chasing gay protesters to their cars? “Fascist White Supremacist Book Burners Bash Gay Man in Parking Lot,” or “Rabid Religious Zealots Terrorize Gay Man Defending Right to Read,” or something equally terrible. I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying this disaster.

Enjoy this thread and all the videos in it. I know I did.

Its the age of internet and mass communications that's really foiling the Democrat Party nowadays.

It used to be that the libs could tell 2 different groups - in this case the Muslim community and the She-Males two different things and no one would be the wiser.

But that just isn't possible nowadays.

Back in the day, a lib candidate could address the local NAALCP chapter at 7 p.m., and have no problem addressing the 10 p.m. meeting of the local Triple K klavern and tell them a completely different story.
And it was a difficult swallow for the MSM as to how to deal with the situation and report on it "fairly".

This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. Let’s be totally honest. The only religious people the left is truly scared to offend are Muslims. Criticizing Muslims is completely off the table according to the left’s rules of engagement, so if Muslims are upset about something, the amount of twisting, back-bending, and acrobatics the left will perform in order not to offend them will be something to see.​
So when hundreds of Muslim parents, upset at gay porn in the school libraries, showed up to a school board meeting in Dearborn, Mich., and it devolved into shouting and chaos with board members running away and gay protesters being chased to their cars, the fallout was absolutely hilarious. The headline in the Detroit Free Press after the event went haywire was “LGBTQ and Faith Communities Struggle for Unity.”​
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can you imagine what the headline would have been if it were a Baptist church chasing gay protesters to their cars? “Fascist White Supremacist Book Burners Bash Gay Man in Parking Lot,” or “Rabid Religious Zealots Terrorize Gay Man Defending Right to Read,” or something equally terrible. I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying this disaster.​
Enjoy this thread and all the videos in it. I know I did.​

Look, the answer is really simple. Muslims, build your own damn private school. GTFO of public schools if you don't like what they are teaching. Hell, home school your skank ass kids, I don't give a shit. That is what religious Americans have been doing for decades, why do you think you are special? Pack your damn bags and move to Afghanistan if you think that will give your kids the moral learning that YOU, not they, believe in. What you don't get to do is enjoy all the benefits of living in this fine country if you can't abide by our DEMOCRACY. You respect everyone, even those that have different perceptions of what is wrong and right. If you can't do that, then GTFO.
Look, the answer is really simple. Muslims, build your own damn private school. GTFO of public schools if you don't like what they are teaching. Hell, home school your skank ass kids, I don't give a shit. That is what religious Americans have been doing for decades, why do you think you are special? Pack your damn bags and move to Afghanistan if you think that will give your kids the moral learning that YOU, not they, believe in. What you don't get to do is enjoy all the benefits of living in this fine country if you can't abide by our DEMOCRACY. You respect everyone, even those that have different perceptions of what is wrong and right. If you can't do that, then GTFO.
Well, arent you sweet

Kick muslims out of the public schools so that homo’s can practice grooming unobstructed

Why not tell the LBGTwxyz freaks to leave and build their own gay bath house/private schools instead?
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Look, the answer is really simple. Muslims, build your own damn private school. GTFO of public schools if you don't like what they are teaching. Hell, home school your skank ass kids, I don't give a shit. That is what religious Americans have been doing for decades, why do you think you are special? Pack your damn bags and move to Afghanistan if you think that will give your kids the moral learning that YOU, not they, believe in. What you don't get to do is enjoy all the benefits of living in this fine country if you can't abide by our DEMOCRACY. You respect everyone, even those that have different perceptions of what is wrong and right. If you can't do that, then GTFO.

I don't think you understand.

America is supposed to be a democracy, and there are a lot more muslims in Dearbornistan than there are She-Males.

You are just getting outvoted.
Look, the answer is really simple. Muslims, build your own damn private school. GTFO of public schools if you don't like what they are teaching. Hell, home school your skank ass kids, I don't give a shit. That is what religious Americans have been doing for decades, why do you think you are special? Pack your damn bags and move to Afghanistan if you think that will give your kids the moral learning that YOU, not they, believe in. What you don't get to do is enjoy all the benefits of living in this fine country if you can't abide by our DEMOCRACY. You respect everyone, even those that have different perceptions of what is wrong and right. If you can't do that, then GTFO.

Don't cram your religion down our throats. ~democrats


Boys can be girls and girls can be boys. ~democrats


I don't think you understand.

America is supposed to be a democracy, and there are a lot more muslims in Dearbornistan than there are She-Males.

You are just getting outvoted.
Evidently, you don't understand. America never has been a democracy. We were constructed as a Republic. Two reasons, the founders didn't believe in mob rule, which is what a true Democracy is, and the founders believed in protecting the rights of minorities, albeit not perfectly. But they had good reason.

Had we been a democracy we would now be singing God Save the King before NFL football games. Less than 15% of the American population supported the American Revolution. Most Americans didn't give two shits and they damn sure weren't going to put their life on the line like those founders did. 2.5 million people lived in the US in 1776. The Continental army was never more than 80,000, and most of them were on temporary assignments. That is about three percent. During WWII, over eight percent of the US population was enlisted in the military.
Evidently, you don't understand. America never has been a democracy. We were constructed as a Republic. Two reasons, the founders didn't believe in mob rule, which is what a true Democracy is, and the founders believed in protecting the rights of minorities, albeit not perfectly. But they had good reason.

Had we been a democracy we would now be singing God Save the King before NFL football games. Less than 15% of the American population supported the American Revolution. Most Americans didn't give two shits and they damn sure weren't going to put their life on the line like those founders did. 2.5 million people lived in the US in 1776. The Continental army was never more than 80,000, and most of them were on temporary assignments. That is about three percent. During WWII, over eight percent of the US population was enlisted in the military.

You're puking on history.
30% were Patriots, 70% were loyalists to the King.
30% took up arms, most of the 70% fled to Canada, with some die-shards hanging on at Fort Niagara.
Look, the answer is really simple. Muslims, build your own damn private school. GTFO of public schools if you don't like what they are teaching. Hell, home school your skank ass kids, I don't give a shit. That is what religious Americans have been doing for decades, why do you think you are special? Pack your damn bags and move to Afghanistan if you think that will give your kids the moral learning that YOU, not they, believe in. What you don't get to do is enjoy all the benefits of living in this fine country if you can't abide by our DEMOCRACY. You respect everyone, even those that have different perceptions of what is wrong and right. If you can't do that, then GTFO.
are you saying the public cant decide whats in their own public schools and just live with what the government forces on them???
that sounds fascist to me,,,
Evidently, you don't understand. America never has been a democracy. We were constructed as a Republic. Two reasons, the founders didn't believe in mob rule, which is what a true Democracy is, and the founders believed in protecting the rights of minorities, albeit not perfectly. But they had good reason.

Had we been a democracy we would now be singing God Save the King before NFL football games. Less than 15% of the American population supported the American Revolution. Most Americans didn't give two shits and they damn sure weren't going to put their life on the line like those founders did. 2.5 million people lived in the US in 1776. The Continental army was never more than 80,000, and most of them were on temporary assignments. That is about three percent. During WWII, over eight percent of the US population was enlisted in the military.
america has never been a democracy,,
Dearborn, Michigan has the largest population of Muslims per capita in the U.S. and also the has the largest Mosque in the U.S.
Most people do not realize that muslim's beliefs and values are inline with conservative Republican values.
Muslims are pro family, pro 2nd amend. pro business, anti-abortion, believe there are only 2 genders, and totally against the LGBTQ freakazoid nonsense.
Before the gulf wars and hysteria against American muslims, they voted Republican until were shunned by the political right.
That's when the liberals/ Democrats befriended them and they started voting Democrat.
There was no gay porn in the library so I would need a valid source to comment.
Why does any government school think its more appropriate to teach students smutty gay instruction manuals instead of Hawthorne and Melville and Shakespeare?

Do you really think the wealthy liberal elite keep their children ignorant of great literature, and teach them Gay Smut instead?
And it was a difficult swallow for the MSM as to how to deal with the situation and report on it "fairly".

This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. Let’s be totally honest. The only religious people the left is truly scared to offend are Muslims. Criticizing Muslims is completely off the table according to the left’s rules of engagement, so if Muslims are upset about something, the amount of twisting, back-bending, and acrobatics the left will perform in order not to offend them will be something to see.​
So when hundreds of Muslim parents, upset at gay porn in the school libraries, showed up to a school board meeting in Dearborn, Mich., and it devolved into shouting and chaos with board members running away and gay protesters being chased to their cars, the fallout was absolutely hilarious. The headline in the Detroit Free Press after the event went haywire was “LGBTQ and Faith Communities Struggle for Unity.”​
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can you imagine what the headline would have been if it were a Baptist church chasing gay protesters to their cars? “Fascist White Supremacist Book Burners Bash Gay Man in Parking Lot,” or “Rabid Religious Zealots Terrorize Gay Man Defending Right to Read,” or something equally terrible. I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying this disaster.​
Enjoy this thread and all the videos in it. I know I did.​

Why is gay porn, wait let me back up a bit, why is pornography of any type available to be checked out from the school library to school aged students?

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