Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
There are some people on earth who can see this moment coming. Mystical and unfathomable intuition is what allows people to find the key to this impenetrable secret. It emerges that shortly before their death many people experience a state of depression which can last anything from a week to half a year. Medics assumed that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in one’s organism.

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Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death
There are some people on earth who can see this moment coming. Mystical and unfathomable intuition is what allows people to find the key to this impenetrable secret. It emerges that shortly before their death many people experience a state of depression which can last anything from a week to half a year. Medics assumed that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in one’s organism.

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Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death
something subconscious is likely going on.............
There are some people on earth who can see this moment coming. Mystical and unfathomable intuition is what allows people to find the key to this impenetrable secret. It emerges that shortly before their death many people experience a state of depression which can last anything from a week to half a year. Medics assumed that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in one’s organism.

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Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death

Bernie Sanders says he keeps have a premonition of waking up only to find the entire human race extinct. In fact, the only life forms left in his dreams are cockroaches.

So maybe there is something to all this.
There are some people on earth who can see this moment coming. Mystical and unfathomable intuition is what allows people to find the key to this impenetrable secret. It emerges that shortly before their death many people experience a state of depression which can last anything from a week to half a year. Medics assumed that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in one’s organism.

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Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death
something subconscious is likely going on.............
Yes, my brother a few months before his death had said that he did not worry about his retirement because he would not have a pension as if he knew in advance that he would not live until his retirement, he died in his forties.
There are some people on earth who can see this moment coming. Mystical and unfathomable intuition is what allows people to find the key to this impenetrable secret. It emerges that shortly before their death many people experience a state of depression which can last anything from a week to half a year. Medics assumed that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in one’s organism.

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Humans Experience A Premonition Of Their Own Death
something subconscious is likely going on.............
Yes, my brother a few months before his death had said that he did not worry about his retirement because he would not have a pension as if he knew in advance that he would not live until his retirement, he died in his forties.
I was clinically dead for about 15 min when I was around 10. A bad case of osteomyelitis gone horribly wrong. Back in Draconian medicine days. It was a very nice visit and I look forward to returning.
There are anecdotes of people saying they had a premonition of a death or disaster for a loved one, which later turned out to be true. Not that many anecdotes where the premonition turned out to be false though. And of course there are psychics who claim to be able to talk to the dead, there was even a TV show called Medium some 15 years ago or so.

Some people believe there is life after death, recordings and written accounts of thousands of people who have been hypnotized and recall past lives. I ain't saying what is true and what isn't, but I do not assume that if I can't see it, hear it, or smell it then it can't be possible. Premonitions are possible; maybe not provable but that doesn't mean the whole idea is rubbish.
My brother-in-law told me the year he died and it happened which shocked me because he was not sick at all and he died suddenly and he is not the only one around me who has given the age of their death.

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