Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Jo Nova

Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway

June 6, 2020


The new figures from the Mauna Loa Observatory show humans are irrelevant
Despite the Ultra-Revolutionary-Carbon-Reduction-Program far beyond anything the UN has every dreamed of, Global CO2 hit 417ppm. This is a record high since humans discovered test tubes but the 300 millionth time since life on Earth evolved.

It shows how all plans for carbon reduction known to mankind are futile. Obviously Ecoworriers want to take that failure and do more of it.



I like this jingle:


The warmists are falling from grace,
For accusing the whole human race,
Of a high ‘carbon’ count,
Though our puny amount,
Leaves no recordable trace.

From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg.

From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Ha ha, you didn't read the post one article...., your post doesn't help you at all since it is one month old, while mine is up to date.
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg.


The 1.5C tipping point is a made up number, based on unverified climate models.

Greta, just parrots the crap from somewhere else, she doesn't do any research at all. She has long been exposed as a hypocrite.

When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself?
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg.


The 1.5C tipping point is a made up number, based on unverified climate models.

Greta, just parrots the crap from somewhere else, she doesn't do any research at all. She has long been exposed as a hypocrite.

When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself?

Typical - personal attacks instead of actually studying the evidence.

Should I bother posting more science journals since you seem intent on ignoring the evidence, such as from the IPCC?



" "For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear."

" You don’t listen to the science because you are only interested in solutions that will enable you to carry on like before."

"Before the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, emissions of carbon dioxide were rising by about 1% per year over the previous decade[1,2,3], with no growth in 2019[3,4]"

a, Annual mean daily emissions in the period 1970–2019 (black line), updated from the Global Carbon Project1,3 (Methods), with uncertainty of ±5% (±1σ; grey shading). The red line shows the daily emissions up to end of April 2020 estimated here. b, Daily CO2 emissions in 2020 (red line, as in a) based on the CI and corresponding change in activity for each CI level (Fig. 2) and the uncertainty (red shading; Table 2). Daily emissions in 2020 are smoothed with a 7-d box filter to account for the transition between confinement levels.

References 1-4

  1. 1.
    Friedlingstein, P. et al. Global Carbon Budget 2019. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 11, 1783–1838 (2019).
    Article Google Scholar
  2. 2.
    Jackson, R. B. et al. Persistent fossil fuel growth threatens the Paris Agreement and planetary health. Env. Res. Lett. 14, 121001 (2019).
    Article Google Scholar
  3. 3.
    Peters, G. P. et al. Carbon dioxide emissions continue to grow amidst slowly emerging climate policies. Nat. Clim. Change 10, 3–6 (2020).
4, Global CO 2 Emissions in 2019 (IEA, 2019); Global CO2 emissions in 2019 – Analysis - IEA

How many of you will actually listen to the science like Greta Thunberg encouraged us to do?
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg.


The 1.5C tipping point is a made up number, based on unverified climate models.

Greta, just parrots the crap from somewhere else, she doesn't do any research at all. She has long been exposed as a hypocrite.

When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself?

Typical - personal attacks instead of actually studying the evidence.

Should I bother posting more science journals since you seem intent on ignoring the evidence, such as from the IPCC?



" "For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear."

" You don’t listen to the science because you are only interested in solutions that will enable you to carry on like before."

It is becoming clear you are just another ordinary warmist/alarmist bullshitter, I have read her speech 6 months ago, knew then she was repeating what the IPCC said, which means nothing new is being said. Here is what I wrote about her:

"The 1.5C tipping point is a made up number, based on unverified climate models.

Greta, just parrots the crap from somewhere else, she doesn't do any research at all. She has long been exposed as a hypocrite.

When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself?"


Here is what she said in the first link about the 1.5C:

"To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.

I keep saying, she parrots what others say, she doesn't originate anything new.

You didn't answer my statement at all, a typical dodge warmists do:

"The 1.5C tipping point is a made up number, based on unverified climate models."

You can't answer it......, that's is why you dodge it.

She also stated this:

" "For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear."

She is simply LYING, since there are new papers being published year after year that doesn't support the AGW conjecture. :rolleyes:


From your second link is more bullcrap you fell badly for because only stupid people fall hard for Consensus babbles:

These projections are backed up by scientific facts, concluded by all nations through the IPCC. Nearly every single major national scientific body around the world unreservedly supports the work and findings of the IPCC.


You make a fool of yourself drooling over every word she speaks, but she didn't write it, nor does she understand it.

You are still embarrassing yourself (oh that hurts your feelings!) coming from you is hypocrisy as you called me a denier a few times already.
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A scientist speaks up.

Watts Up With That?

COVID-19 Global Economic Downturn not Affecting CO2 Rise: May 2020 Update

Charles Rotter / 8 hours ago June 6, 2020

Reposted from Dr. Roy Spencer’s blog
June 5th, 2020 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


The Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 concentration data continue to show no reduction in the rate of rise due to the recent global economic slowdown. This demonstrates how difficult it is to reduce global CO2 emissions without causing a major disruption to the global economy and exacerbation of poverty.

After removal of the strong seasonal cycle in Mauna Loa CO2 data, and a first order estimate of the CO2 influence of El Nino and La Nina activity (ENSO), the May 2020 update shows no indication of a reduction in the rate of rise in the last few months, when the reduction in economic activity should have shown up.



I particularly like what he said about that misunderstood 11%.
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg.


Here is your darling empty headed Greta trying to make a reply without a script:

Greta Thunberg without a script to read from

She is lost without a script in front of her, she is a parrot nothing more.

She doesn't know shit, that is why she couldn't answer on her own.

Still going to follow this kid around, like a lost boy?
Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway
It's all the hot air and methane you flatulent blow-hards put out every day.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Oh fuckin' come on, you twit!!

Did you really expect a couple of months of slowdowns would just fix everything in one shot?

You come up with something worth refuting and I will. Meantime, there is no debate. Climate change is real.
Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway
It's all the hot air and methane you flatulent blow-hards put out every day.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Oh fuckin' come on, you twit!!

Did you really expect a couple of months of slowdowns would just fix everything in one shot?

You come up with something worth refuting and I will. Meantime, there is no debate. Climate change is real.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway
It's all the hot air and methane you flatulent blow-hards put out every day.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Oh fuckin' come on, you twit!!

Did you really expect a couple of months of slowdowns would just fix everything in one shot?

You come up with something worth refuting and I will. Meantime, there is no debate. Climate change is real.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Your inability to understand does not make my post "babble".
Humans do Ultimate Paris Lockdown, CO2 hits record high anyway
It's all the hot air and methane you flatulent blow-hards put out every day.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Oh fuckin' come on, you twit!!

Did you really expect a couple of months of slowdowns would just fix everything in one shot?

You come up with something worth refuting and I will. Meantime, there is no debate. Climate change is real.

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble
Your inability to understand does not make my post "babble".

Awww! looky here is another warmist/alarmist blowhard who can't provide a counterpoint to the post, instead make a fool of himself with useless babble,

Still no counterpoint to the post, a hint you have been given several times now.

The awesome crapitus contributions to the thread so far:

Post 8:
it's all the hot air and methane you flatulent blow-hards put out every day.

No counterpoint offered.

Post 13:
Oh fuckin' come on, you twit!!

Did you really expect a couple of months of slowdowns would just fix everything in one shot?

You come up with something worth refuting and I will. Meantime, there is no debate. Climate change is real.

No counterpoint offered.

Post 15:
Your inability to understand does not make my post "babble".

You provide absolutely NOTHING to the debate, just a series off bullshit comments that has nothing to do with post one, it is all you seem able to do.

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From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg."

If you think the human race has CEASED to burn fossil fuels due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. It is reduced, significantly. It is not stopped. If it is not stopped, levels will continue to increase. That is logic that most grade-schoolers could follow. Why are you having so much trouble with it?
From: Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2? | Carbon Brief

Our findings show that the annual average CO2 concentrations will still increase through this year, even though emissions are reducing. Across the whole year, we estimate CO2 levels will rise by 2.48 parts per million (ppm). This increase is 0.32ppm smaller than if there had been no lockdown – equivalent to 11% of the expected rise.

This means that, although global emissions are smaller, they are still continuing – just at a slower rate. Additional CO2 is still accumulating in the atmosphere.

An analogy is filling a bath from a tap. If the tap represents CO2 emissions, and the water level in the bath is CO2 concentrations, while we have slightly turned the tap down temporarily, water is still flowing into the bath and so the level is still rising. To slow climate change, the tap needs to be turned right down – and permanently.

Interesting. I found the opposite:

"Carbon emissions are falling sharply due to coronavirus. But not for long.
CO2 emissions are crashing as the world winds down, but experts say the drop won’t last if governments don’t start moving to cleaner energy.




"Update 15 April 2020: This analysis was updated in light of new forecasts for global oil demand in 2020, which suggest a significantly larger drop this year. The original version had put the potential impact of coronavirus at 1,600MtCO2 in 2020, equivalent to 4% of 2019 emissions.

This updated tentative estimate is equivalent to around 5.5% of the global total in 2019. As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Even this would not come close to bringing the 1.5C global temperature limit within reach. Global emissions would need to fall by some 7.6% every year this decade – nearly 2,800MtCO2 in 2020 – in order to limit warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures."

That 1.5 degree C global warming was a tipping point referred to by Greta Thunberg."

If you think the human race has CEASED to burn fossil fuels due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. It is reduced, significantly. It is not stopped. If it is not stopped, levels will continue to increase. That is logic that most grade-schoolers could follow. Why are you having so much trouble with it?
Man caused CO2 output decreased by over 60% last year / early this year. Yet the overall did not affect the upward trend. This indicates that mans influence is greatly exaggerated. A 60% reduction should have made a clear decline in the short term average. Why didn't it? Something else is responsible for the increase. Time for you alarmists to go find it..

This COVID-19 scare did expose that mans influence is very near zero.
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