Huffington Post Blogger Offers $100,000 For Glen Beck Sex Tape

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Lefty free speech haters, here's your chance to bring down right wing media icon and Satans' disciple Glen Beck:

Beau Friedlander: $100,000 For Glenn Beck's Sex Tape
It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)
Plenty of weasel room there in the reward, you could produce the tape then get a lot less when it's determined to be poor quality or doesn't show enough. And if it doesn't get him fired then you're S.O.L. (I didn't even know there was a tape)

Come on! Show us yer "google-fu" skills, it could win you some cash.
Lefty free speech haters, here's your chance to bring down right wing media icon and Satans' disciple Glen Beck:

Beau Friedlander: $100,000 For Glenn Beck's Sex Tape
It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)
Plenty of weasel room there in the reward, you could produce the tape then get a lot less when it's determined to be poor quality or doesn't show enough. And if it doesn't get him fired then you're S.O.L. (I didn't even know there was a tape)

Come on! Show us yer "google-fu" skills, it could win you some cash.

I want to form a group to raise 500k to assure that IF there is a Glenn Beck sex tape, it is immediately destroyed by fire.

I want to form a group to raise 500k to assure that IF there is a Glenn Beck sex tape, it is immediately destroyed by fire.
All I could find was this old H.S. yearbook pic.


No "nudidity" or " full nudal frontity" so no cash for me I guess. :lol:
lol. Kinda sad isnt it?

I don't think Glenn Beck wants to see himself in a sex tape. So I doubt there is one lol Glenn may be alittle nuts but he sure as heck isnt insane.
Glenn Beck will distroy himself.

I find if funny you people lap up his insane rantings no matter how stupid they get and how many times he makes a fool out of himself by spouting shit and then turning arround a couple of months later and spouting the opposite.

He is bat shit crazy and stupid enough to distroy himself.

Its coming and I bet its sooner than later.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

He lies and you approve, why am I not surprized at what a partisan hack you are.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

He lies and you approve, why am I not surprized at what a partisan hack you are.

I have no evidence that he lies. I only have your word for it.... and you lie.
Glenn Beck will distroy himself.

I find if funny you people lap up his insane rantings no matter how stupid they get and how many times he makes a fool out of himself by spouting shit and then turning arround a couple of months later and spouting the opposite.

He is bat shit crazy and stupid enough to distroy himself.

Its coming and I bet its sooner than later.

Stand up, Chuck!
Glenn Beck will distroy himself.

I find if funny you people lap up his insane rantings no matter how stupid they get and how many times he makes a fool out of himself by spouting shit and then turning arround a couple of months later and spouting the opposite.

He is bat shit crazy and stupid enough to distroy himself.

Its coming and I bet its sooner than later.

It's possible. He could destroy himself. He could backslide into his old behavior. I don't know why any compassionate person would want that though.

I don't think he will. In fact, I think he will die for what he stands for. I hope I'm wrong because he is a really good man.

What's crazy about honesty? Honor? Faith? Hope? Charity? What is crazy about it?

Please tell me. And don't talk about Glenn Beck. The principles are bigger than Glenn Beck. They are bigger than politics and race. Glenn Beck could end up in an insane assylum and Faith, Hope, Charity, and Honor would still be necessary
He will distroy himself.

hes a money grubbing asshole who uses the media to make big bucks and feel godly.

Hes in for a huge fall.
Glenn Beck will distroy himself.

I find if funny you people lap up his insane rantings no matter how stupid they get and how many times he makes a fool out of himself by spouting shit and then turning arround a couple of months later and spouting the opposite.

He is bat shit crazy and stupid enough to distroy himself.

Its coming and I bet its sooner than later.

I think Jules has an issue with your post

[ame=]YouTube - Pulp Fiction - English Motherfucker Do You Speak It[/ame]
Lefty free speech haters, here's your chance to bring down right wing media icon and Satans' disciple Glen Beck:

Beau Friedlander: $100,000 For Glenn Beck's Sex Tape
It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)
Plenty of weasel room there in the reward, you could produce the tape then get a lot less when it's determined to be poor quality or doesn't show enough. And if it doesn't get him fired then you're S.O.L. (I didn't even know there was a tape)

Come on! Show us yer "google-fu" skills, it could win you some cash.

Remember when Geraldo offered up $10,000 to anybody that could prove someone went to jail for lying about sex? More than 200 people came up with proof, he ended up quitting his talk show and going to another network and never did pay out.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

He lies and you approve, why am I not surprized at what a partisan hack you are.
Prove it

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