HR 4995 Is Here! Dr. Ron Paul Says "End the Mandate."


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Congressman Ron Paul has officially introduced his legislation to repeal the federal health insurance mandate. The bill is titled "End the Mandate." The bill number is HR 4995.

Ron Paul: "I want to get rid of one item to concentrate on,because i think it's the worst part. And that is the mandate saying that you don't have a choice anymore."

WTG Dr. Paul! Lets hope the People get behind Dr. Paul and his new legislation. More Freedom & Liberty for the People,not less.
Congressman Ron Paul has officially introduced his legislation to repeal the federal health insurance mandate. The bill is titled "End the Mandate." The bill number is HR 4995.

Ron Paul: "I want to get rid of one item to concentrate on,because i think it's the worst part. And that is the mandate saying that you don't have a choice anymore."

WTG Dr. Paul! Lets hope the People get behind Dr. Paul and his new legislation. More Freedom & Liberty for the People,not less.

I would be willing to support this IF as part of this legislation, the US Government would allow hospital emergency rooms to turn away any and all patients that cannot prove they can afford the care they are asking for.
Congressman Ron Paul has officially introduced his legislation to repeal the federal health insurance mandate. The bill is titled "End the Mandate." The bill number is HR 4995.

Ron Paul: "I want to get rid of one item to concentrate on,because i think it's the worst part. And that is the mandate saying that you don't have a choice anymore."

WTG Dr. Paul! Lets hope the People get behind Dr. Paul and his new legislation. More Freedom & Liberty for the People,not less.

What do you care what Ron Paul says now? Rs hated that man's guts during the campaign. They called him crazy and did not take him seriously at all!

Let's see where Dr. Paul takes this. I personally think he's pretty smart and he has a lot of support but it's doubtful he'll get any help from Rs in congress.
I hope in his bill he also address the Tax on Home Sales, Tax on Cadillac health plans, tax on medical aid devices too.
Actually, I hope he just addresses the individual mandate.


Make Congress vote on this specific item. Adding other items gives them "plausible deniability" that their vote was based on the other issues.
Although I want the mandate gone, I can't agree with this for it still leaves the entitlement in place which is just as much of a travesty.

Keep it in, demand the repeal of the whole thing before it destroys us. Every lessening of the pain just decreases the leverage and speed in which it will be done away with.
Actually, I hope he just addresses the individual mandate.


Make Congress vote on this specific item. Adding other items gives them "plausible deniability" that their vote was based on the other issues.

Bingo! First things first. He feels he needs to focus on the worst part first. I'm with him all the way.
Those pushing for full Repeal have the right idea but as long as there is a Democratic President,this cannot happen. Ending the mandate is a great first step. This could gain support from even Democrats. I guess we'll see.
As a Doctor, I assume Ron Paul will also include language prohibiting the treatment in Emergency Rooms of those who can afford insurance.
Massachusetts has already proven that universal care doesn't lower emergency room visits. They have not reduced these with their health care program. People use emergency rooms instead of doctors visits do to scheduling issues - the doctor doesn't have time to see them for a couple of weeks, so they go to the ER instead.

ObamaCare will make it worse. It doesn't increase the supply of doctors. Adding 30M+ to the system will just jam up doctors schedules, and most likely increase the number who show up at the ER because they can't get an appointment.
As a Doctor, I assume Ron Paul will also include language prohibiting the treatment in Emergency Rooms of those who can afford insurance.

The full language of the bill has not been released. I would just like to see Dr. Paul keep it simple and concentrate on this one issue. This is by far the most egregious part of the Health Care debacle. A full repeal cannot happen as long as there's a Democratic President in the White House. Keep it simple and first things first.
Those pushing for full Repeal have the right idea but as long as there is a Democratic President,this cannot happen. Ending the mandate is a great first step. This could gain support from even Democrats. I guess we'll see.

Ending the mandate would make the ban on refusing pre-existing conditions useless, which is why this won't happen, either.
I do believe that there are some Democrats out there who will also support Dr. Paul in this effort. It could happen. Lets hope so.
Dr. Paul will also be introducing his 'Liberty Amendment' which would eliminate the Income Tax. He has introduced this bill for the last ten years. It doesn't usually gain much support but maybe times are changing. Go get em Dr. Paul! :)

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