How TV murderer was reprimanded for wearing an Obama badge to report on elections

this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

that's as moronic as saying we'd have no one overdosing on Heroin if we banned Heroin

wait a minute, we do ban heroin. AND UNLIKE the COPS and the DEA and The Military, NO ONE can legally own heroin and none of it is issued to hundreds of thousands of government agents

so you completely fail with your anti gun idiocy
Actually it is you and the other Gun Toting Cretins that you really believe that Americas founding fathers today,would ever allow you the 2nd Amendment,of course the wouldn't,your summation re-drugs is are just another NRA lackie,you know that America thrives on making Weapons which it sells worldwide.

Americans always tell me when asked "that the feel safer with GUNS".........compared with not being able to carry a GUN.....this is a simple but stupid can it be that not allowing the general population to carry a GUN be less safe...........your GUN lobby NRA came to Australia,your dealers in DEATH and were promptly far as we are concerned.........You are Abnormal......and your GUN CRIME AND DEATHS PROVE IT.Liqvarmint

What I feel is the biggest when Murders like this are committed.....the general population,cry and say how terrible...."WHILST NO DOUBT CLEANING THEIR GUN/S" as I said HYPOCRICY........Liqvarmint

Yes...the tell the founding Fathers that in 1939 Europe would march 12 million innocent men, women and children into camps and murder them......and then see how much support they would have for the 2nd Amendment.

Do you realize that some of the biggest gun manufacturers of the most popular guns...are freaking Europeans....ever hear of Glock...the gun most preferred by democrat shooters in our biggest inner cities....

And Sport.....Australia is experiencing a rise in gun crime...among criminal "bikie" gangs and immigrant gangs.....

And Europe has the most extreme gun control...and their criminals easily get fully automatic rifles, grenades, 30 round magazines and pistols...

Or did you fail to see the coverage of the morrocan with the AK 47 on the train this week....or the Charlie Hebdo attack, or the violence in Marseilles with fully auto rifles that is so bad the locals want the military called in, or the Swedish immigrant gangs throwing grenades like confetti, or the shootings with fully auto rifles in Belgium and Denmark......

Gun control will not stop criminals from getting the weapons they want or need.....
Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?

there already are laws for that, force your politicians to demand LEO's to enforce the laws. :up:
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

You obviously don't realize that the NRA actually helped free slaves learn how to use weapons to fight off the democrats..right? That they helped the civil rights workers learn to use guns to fight off the democrats..right?
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

that's as moronic as saying we'd have no one overdosing on Heroin if we banned Heroin

wait a minute, we do ban heroin. AND UNLIKE the COPS and the DEA and The Military, NO ONE can legally own heroin and none of it is issued to hundreds of thousands of government agents

so you completely fail with your anti gun idiocy
Actually it is you and the other Gun Toting Cretins that you really believe that Americas founding fathers today,would ever allow you the 2nd Amendment,of course the wouldn't,your summation re-drugs is are just another NRA lackie,you know that America thrives on making Weapons which it sells worldwide.

Americans always tell me when asked "that the feel safer with GUNS".........compared with not being able to carry a GUN.....this is a simple but stupid can it be that not allowing the general population to carry a GUN be less safe...........your GUN lobby NRA came to Australia,your dealers in DEATH and were promptly far as we are concerned.........You are Abnormal......and your GUN CRIME AND DEATHS PROVE IT.Liqvarmint

when you get an Ivy league law degree and spend 30 years dealing with constitutional law questions and have lectured in peer reviewed presentations at accredited law schools on the second amendment, get back to me.

listen, if you soil your panties because you are afraid of guns, my legal advice to you is DO NOT OWN ONE.

white Americans have the highest rate of legal gun ownership of any ethnic groups in the USA and have lower rates of GUN VIOLENCE than whites living in gun ban countries like the UK
Soil my Panties,Don't think so...just another Banal opinion of does in your opinion being afraid of GUNS,need legal advice.....A stupid comment to say the least.....yet another White American Male Macho Pathetic are wrong in everything you splutter.You are like so many a White Male, NFA,Bitch a true Sheep.

Get a life,get rid of your GUNS..Liqvarmint

Ps.....USA...... Gun Violence Deaths 4%+ by Whites

Australia(Paradise)...............ditto 0.2 of 1%........The Liqvarmint WINS HANDS DOWN,yet again.......see you around TurtleDud.............Say NO to GUNS

Here you go....gun crime going up in Australia.....they too were importing violent people from the 3rd world.....

Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

Police are discovering guns in cars every two days in Melbourne's north-west, which has been dubbed the "red zone" by officers concerned about a growing gangster culture in the region.

The alarming figure, obtained from The Police Association, follows anecdotal and statistical evidence of a burgeoning gun culture among young men in the city's north-western fringe.

Police working in the large region, which includes Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Werribee, have reported.

  • Firearm-related incidents, such as drive-by shootings, every six days.
  • An increasing trend of children as young as 16 carrying guns.
  • Regularly finding guns in cars, including sawn-off shotguns and an automatic machine gun, during routine car intercepts.
  • Guns stolen from rural homes being used in violent crime in the north-west. Some 530 guns were stolen in rural Victoria in 2013.
It comes as the Crime Statistics Agency released figures on Thursday showing an almost threefold jump in firearm offences in the north-west over the past five years, from 581 in the year to March 2011 to 1332 in the 12 months to April 2015.

A similar trend was reported statewide, with firearm offences rising more than 50 per cent to 13,626.

news video on increasing gun crime...shows robbery and injured...

Gun crime red zone
there already are laws for that, force your politicians to demand LEO's to enforce the laws. :up:
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

You obviously don't realize that the NRA actually helped free slaves learn how to use weapons to fight off the democrats..right? That they helped the civil rights workers learn to use guns to fight off the democrats..right?


Yea in the late 1800s the NRA was formed and did that and in the late 60s the NRA fought for the 1968 gun law, to keep blacks from having guns...

Now they don't want it enforced...

What does that tell you?
Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?

there already are laws for that, force your politicians to demand LEO's to enforce the laws. :up:
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

Here you go...the NRA helped fight off democrats during the Civil Rights movement...

10 Surprising Facts About the NRA That You Never Hear

3. The NRA has a history of supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successully defended an assault on one of their leader's homes by the KKK without casualties.

this is another reason democrats hate the NRA, they helped the freed slaves get their civil rights back from the democrats....
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

You obviously don't realize that the NRA actually helped free slaves learn how to use weapons to fight off the democrats..right? That they helped the civil rights workers learn to use guns to fight off the democrats..right?


Yea in the late 1800s the NRA was formed and did that and in the late 60s the NRA fought for the 1968 gun law, to keep blacks from having guns...

Now they don't want it enforced...

What does that tell you? shouldn't listen to the anti gunners or democrats..they lie....about everything.....

10 Surprising Facts About the NRA That You Never Hear

3. The NRA has a history of supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successully defended an assault on one of their leader's homes by the KKK without casualties.
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?

They also seem to rape women a lot....there was a whole thread in the Australia section of U.S.message about the rape problem in Australia....they don't like guns because then the women could really say "no"....and mean it....
Well you didn't expect him to be anything else, now the proof he was a fucking Obuma DemocRAT! ^ | 8/27/2015 | Ben Ashford
Warped TV reporter Vester Lee Flanagan exasperated bosses with his 'stiff and nervous' delivery, his inability to use a teleprompter - and by wearing a President Obama badge during an election report, Daily Mail Online can reveal. Management at WDBJ dubbed the failed newsman the 'human tape recorder' because he frequently parroted what interviewees had told him rather than doing his own journalism. Flanagan, 41, clashed repeatedly with photojournalists, belittling them in public and intimidating them with his violent temper, according to internal reports. He was also censured for wearing an Obama sticker while recording a segment at a polling...
What black man didn't wear an Obama sticker.

Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?
EVERYONE should have a gun....if someone was there when that black, racist prick shot those 2 white civilians, perhaps they would have saved the third white woman from getting shot in the back! Knowing everyone is armed is your BIGGEST and BEST deterrent to a racist cock sucker!
there already are laws for that, force your politicians to demand LEO's to enforce the laws. :up:
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

Here you go...the NRA helped fight off democrats during the Civil Rights movement...

10 Surprising Facts About the NRA That You Never Hear

3. The NRA has a history of supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successully defended an assault on one of their leader's homes by the KKK without casualties.

this is another reason democrats hate the NRA, they helped the freed slaves get their civil rights back from the democrats....

Then why did they support the 68 gun bill, what is it urban myth to stop the black Panthers?

I could care less either way, either enforce the 1968 gun law or remove it from the books, it's stupid law now a days in America when so many terrified woman are on a prescribed meds And can't get gun legally under that law.
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

You obviously don't realize that the NRA actually helped free slaves learn how to use weapons to fight off the democrats..right? That they helped the civil rights workers learn to use guns to fight off the democrats..right?


Yea in the late 1800s the NRA was formed and did that and in the late 60s the NRA fought for the 1968 gun law, to keep blacks from having guns...

Now they don't want it enforced...

What does that tell you?

Yeah...try not to listen to the democrats...they lie....

America's 1st Freedom

Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy marked this year’s Martin Luther King Day with an appreciative column about the Deacons for Defense and Justice. The Deacons were the armed black men of the Civil Rights Movement from 1964 to 1966. Like the great men who fought at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, the Deacons are true American heroes.

Milloy interviewed Charles Hicks, son of Deacons public relations director Robert Hicks. The younger Hicks recalled, “You shoot at us, we shoot back at you. I’m convinced that without our guns, my family and many other black people would not be alive today.”

Milloy concluded, “Infringe on the Second Amendment? No way, say 30 percent of African Americans (myself included), according to a recent Pew poll. No doubt many of them believe, like Hicks, that it’s better to have a gun and not need it than not have one and wish you did.”

Today, the principles of the Deacons for Defense and Justice are carried forward by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Founded in 1942, CORE is one of America’s most venerable civil rights organizations. Its national chairman, Roy Innis, also serves on the NRA Board of Directors, and CORE has participated in many civil rights lawsuits seeking to vindicate Second Amendment rights.

So who were the Deacons for Defense and Justice?

In the South in the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights supporters were terrorized, and even murdered, by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Many civil rights workers armed themselves for self-protection. During the 1950s, the home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had so many guns that one visitor called it an “arsenal.”

Adding to the danger was the unspoken cooperation that sometimes existed between the perpetrators of this violent oppression and local law enforcement agencies. Police protection simply was not an option for civil rights workers in some areas.

In 1964, CORE began community organizing in the pine mill town of Jonesboro, La. One night, the local police led a Klan motorcade through black neighborhoods, strewing Klan flyers, and then heading to the local jail to threaten imprisoned civil rights workers.

That summer, about 20 black Army veterans had informally founded a community defense patrol. They adopted the name “Deacons for Defense and Justice” because most of them were practicing Christians, and they aimed to serve their communities in a Christian manner.

The Deacons conducted nighttime auto patrols of black neighborhoods, communicating via Citizens Band radios and walkie-talkies. CORE worked closely with the Deacons, and soon, the energy and pride provided by the Deacons had helped make Jonesboro one of CORE’s best-organized towns.

Inspired by the visible public presence of boldly armed men, the attitudes of blacks in Jonesboro began to change. Black housekeepers stopped accepting racial taunts, and quit if the taunts continued. “Armed Negroes Make Jonesboro Unusual Town,” observed a Feb. 21, 1965, New York Times article.

“They finally found out that we really are men,” one Deacons leader remembered, “and that we would do what we said, and we meant what we said.”

Black dignity—the responsible protection of family and community—was a core value of the Deacons. For centuries, adult black men had been called “boy,” and—because of fear of white violence—often acted in servile manner to those whites who treated them with disdain. No longer.

As America’s youngest civil rights organization, the Deacons received support from America’s oldest civil rights organization—the NRA, which, like the Deacons, was dedicated to training Americans in the responsible exercise of constitutional rights. At the time, the NRA was the authorized public representative of the U.S. Army’s Civilian Marksmanship Program, and could sell army surplus ammunition at discounts to NRA members.

So the Deacons for Defense—as NRA members—bought ammunition in bulk, and distributed it for free to individual members. It’s little wonder, though, that the NRA was the Deacons’ arsenal. For most of the 20th century, the NRA shooting range in Washington, D.C., had been one of the few public accommodations in the city that was not racially segregated. Virtually alone among the sporting organizations of the late 19th and early 20th century, the NRA had always remained open to members of all races.

As for firearms, the Deacons already had plenty of their own—especially in the “Sportsman’s Paradise” of Louisiana. As it had back in 1775, a strong tradition of hunting provided a solid foundation for armed defense of liberty.
What are they and what's a Leo?

You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

Here you go...the NRA helped fight off democrats during the Civil Rights movement...

10 Surprising Facts About the NRA That You Never Hear

3. The NRA has a history of supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successully defended an assault on one of their leader's homes by the KKK without casualties.

this is another reason democrats hate the NRA, they helped the freed slaves get their civil rights back from the democrats....

Then why did they support the 68 gun bill, what is it urban myth to stop the black Panthers?

I could care less either way, either enforce the 1968 gun law or remove it from the books, it's stupid law now a days in America when so many terrified woman are on a prescribed meds And can't get gun legally under that law.

Remember, the NRA is hated by democrats....and blacks are starting to buy and carry guns at a higher rate than ever the one group the democrats want to weaken is the NRA and by calling them racist, the dems want to weaken support for the NRA among new shooters, and weaken the NRA's mission to support gun rights.
Well you didn't expect him to be anything else, now the proof he was a fucking Obuma DemocRAT! ^ | 8/27/2015 | Ben Ashford
Warped TV reporter Vester Lee Flanagan exasperated bosses with his 'stiff and nervous' delivery, his inability to use a teleprompter - and by wearing a President Obama badge during an election report, Daily Mail Online can reveal. Management at WDBJ dubbed the failed newsman the 'human tape recorder' because he frequently parroted what interviewees had told him rather than doing his own journalism. Flanagan, 41, clashed repeatedly with photojournalists, belittling them in public and intimidating them with his violent temper, according to internal reports. He was also censured for wearing an Obama sticker while recording a segment at a polling...
What black man didn't wear an Obama sticker.

Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?
EVERYONE should have a gun....if someone was there when that black, racist prick shot those 2 white civilians, perhaps they would have saved the third white woman from getting shot in the back! Knowing everyone is armed is your BIGGEST and BEST deterrent to a racist cock sucker!

If the woman being interviewed had had a gun she might have killed that guy instead of having to dodge and duck and still get shot.....
You never heard of the 1968 gun law?

Google it yourself and learn something.
Oh the old 1968 gun law. I forgot about that one. I was living in my dad's balls that year.

No excuse for ignorance...

If they would enforce it I bet 20~30% of gun owners would lose their guns. What is funny is the NRA supported it back then because of the Black Panthers.

They sure don't support it now.

Here you go...the NRA helped fight off democrats during the Civil Rights movement...

10 Surprising Facts About the NRA That You Never Hear

3. The NRA has a history of supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

While African Americans were being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan, where the Klan were sometimes aided by local law enforcement, the NRA setup charters to help train local African American communities to be able protect themselves. The most prominent case being in 1960 in Monroe, N.C. where the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People head Robert Williams also chartered an NRA Rifle Club that successully defended an assault on one of their leader's homes by the KKK without casualties.

this is another reason democrats hate the NRA, they helped the freed slaves get their civil rights back from the democrats....

Then why did they support the 68 gun bill, what is it urban myth to stop the black Panthers?

I could care less either way, either enforce the 1968 gun law or remove it from the books, it's stupid law now a days in America when so many terrified woman are on a prescribed meds And can't get gun legally under that law.

Remember, the NRA is hated by democrats....and blacks are starting to buy and carry guns at a higher rate than ever the one group the democrats want to weaken is the NRA and by calling them racist, the dems want to weaken support for the NRA among new shooters, and weaken the NRA's mission to support gun rights.

That law always confuses me why it's not enforced, yet democrats want to reintroduce New gun laws that is just duplicating the one's we already have that's not enforced.
Well you didn't expect him to be anything else, now the proof he was a fucking Obuma DemocRAT! ^ | 8/27/2015 | Ben Ashford
Warped TV reporter Vester Lee Flanagan exasperated bosses with his 'stiff and nervous' delivery, his inability to use a teleprompter - and by wearing a President Obama badge during an election report, Daily Mail Online can reveal. Management at WDBJ dubbed the failed newsman the 'human tape recorder' because he frequently parroted what interviewees had told him rather than doing his own journalism. Flanagan, 41, clashed repeatedly with photojournalists, belittling them in public and intimidating them with his violent temper, according to internal reports. He was also censured for wearing an Obama sticker while recording a segment at a polling...
What black man didn't wear an Obama sticker.

Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?
EVERYONE should have a gun....if someone was there when that black, racist prick shot those 2 white civilians, perhaps they would have saved the third white woman from getting shot in the back! Knowing everyone is armed is your BIGGEST and BEST deterrent to a racist cock sucker!

If the woman being interviewed had had a gun she might have killed that guy instead of having to dodge and duck and still get shot.....

Hey pal did you see that you tube video claiming it was a fake?

They ask why the reporter didn't go down in the first couple of shots?

This world is getting more messed up, now that you have a killer filming his actions.
Well you didn't expect him to be anything else, now the proof he was a fucking Obuma DemocRAT! ^ | 8/27/2015 | Ben Ashford
Warped TV reporter Vester Lee Flanagan exasperated bosses with his 'stiff and nervous' delivery, his inability to use a teleprompter - and by wearing a President Obama badge during an election report, Daily Mail Online can reveal. Management at WDBJ dubbed the failed newsman the 'human tape recorder' because he frequently parroted what interviewees had told him rather than doing his own journalism. Flanagan, 41, clashed repeatedly with photojournalists, belittling them in public and intimidating them with his violent temper, according to internal reports. He was also censured for wearing an Obama sticker while recording a segment at a polling...
What black man didn't wear an Obama sticker.

Do you want to pass laws that prevent guys like this from getting guns?
EVERYONE should have a gun....if someone was there when that black, racist prick shot those 2 white civilians, perhaps they would have saved the third white woman from getting shot in the back! Knowing everyone is armed is your BIGGEST and BEST deterrent to a racist cock sucker!

If the woman being interviewed had had a gun she might have killed that guy instead of having to dodge and duck and still get shot.....

Hey pal did you see that you tube video claiming it was a fake?

They ask why the reporter didn't go down in the first couple of shots?

This world is getting more messed up, now that you have a killer filming his actions.

The press needs to be really the Joker said "You've changed everything." This guy has just started a new trend....why wait for coverage of your mass shooting when you can film it yourself and upload it immediately...and if you shoot main lines it because no one is more self absorbed than reporters are.......

They need to watch their backs.
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?
Sorry but we are renown for punching above our weight......Your Military love working with ours because of our Bravery and Professionalism....We take NO-SHIT from anyone,so much for Pussies other than if a Moron like you Guys came too close"We'd Tear Your Eyes Out"

Americans are Great people and here in Western Australia we welcome your Military and all Americans,with open arms,they are Respected and enjoy our hospitality greatly,as friends together should.

You Vik are I know not a Bad person but Crikey you talk some Shit........No need to, as you are always welcome at my Table.......steve......But NO GUNS
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?

They also seem to rape women a lot....there was a whole thread in the Australia section of U.S.message about the rape problem in Australia....they don't like guns because then the women could really say "no"....and mean it....
You Idiot.........but we do have accurate statistics unlike most Countries but your Summation is Wrong
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?

They also seem to rape women a lot....there was a whole thread in the Australia section of U.S.message about the rape problem in Australia....they don't like guns because then the women could really say "no"....and mean it....
You Idiot.........but we do have accurate statistics unlike most Countries but your Summation is Wrong
By the way US are 1st worldwide on Rapes per Population......13 Times greater than the way Violent Crimes USA ranked Numero Uno (That's 1 st) Australia/Paradise ......... Number 44......see you around LOSER
this horrific murder would of never happened if we had a President Romney! remember what that dude said before he took out nine people in South Carolina?
WRONG.....These disgusting Murders would never have happened if you had NO GUNS.....................theliq Australia......LIKE US SAY NO TO GUNS.

That's because Australian men are pussies! No GUTS, No GLORY, and where's the Sheila to beat your ass raw?

They also seem to rape women a lot....there was a whole thread in the Australia section of U.S.message about the rape problem in Australia....they don't like guns because then the women could really say "no"....and mean it....
You Idiot.........but we do have accurate statistics unlike most Countries but your Summation is Wrong
By the way US are 1st worldwide on Rapes per Population......13 Times greater than the way Violent Crimes USA ranked Numero Uno (That's 1 st) Australia/Paradise ......... Number 44......see you around LOSER
You guys have an advantage. You basically have one unified culture, which is a good thing. We have all sorts of 3rd world type cultures ruining shit over here. If you simply removed all the crimes committed by black culture, our stats would be exceptional. A small percentage of our population (14%) contributes over half of our violent crimes.

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