How true

anyone with a political IQ above sea level knows it to.
No Democrat stormed the Capitol after Hillary lost in 2016. So, no thugs there. CRT isn't taught in K-12, so...nope, not there either. No Democrat seen at Charlottesville in 2017....just a bunch of very fine people.
Nevermind, just more full of shit, alt-right wet dreams. :)
No Democrat stormed the Capitol after Hillary lost in 2016. So, no thugs there. CRT isn't taught in K-12, so...nope, not there either. No Democrat seen at Charlottesville in 2017....just a bunch of very fine people.
Nevermind, just more full of shit, alt-right wet dreams. :)
The GOP did not call concerned parents domestic terrorists. As for Charlottesville you are a stone cold gutless liar like the rest liberal trash. Trump statements hammering racists were edited out by large elements of the msm. They cherry picked coverage. CRT is a bunch of bs to start with. And while the looney left did not show up at the capital after the hildebeast lost they never accepted Trump as President. Biden getting the same treatment only there is enough to show 2020 was a rip off in several states.
No Democrat stormed the Capitol after Hillary lost in 2016.
They were too busy thanking Trump for beating her.

CRT isn't taught in K-12,
Sure it is. It is taught all over or they are trying to. They just know better than to CALL it CRT!

No Democrat seen at Charlottesville in 2017....
Do they wear special colored jackets so we can identify them?

just a bunch of very fine people.
Then obviously no relation to you.
The GOP did not call concerned parents domestic terrorists. As for Charlottesville you are a stone cold gutless liar like the rest liberal trash. Trump statements hammering racists were edited out by large elements of the msm. They cherry picked coverage. CRT is a bunch of bs to start with. And while the looney left did not show up at the capital after the hildebeast lost they never accepted Trump as President. Biden getting the same treatment only there is enough to show 2020 was a rip off in several states.
Neither did Democrats. You are allowed to stand up and speak your mind and object at a school board meeting. You are allowed to give your opinion..especially since you might have children in the school system. You are NOT however, allowed to stand up and issue threats of bodily harm, imply harm, allude to making harm, brandishing weapons with the implied threat that you will use them, or having sitting US Senators gripe before the nation that its OK for some dumb fuck at a school board meeting to flash a Nazi salute. We're supposed to be more evolved than that kind of behavior. Honestly, stop spreading manure.

You alt-righters MADE this environment. I don't want to hear any bitching. Whine and piss about an election YOU LOST!!..and can't fucking deal with it. Pathetic. Your only saving grace right now is that the Democratic party leadership is too old and too feckless to craft a response to Republican belligerency. And sorry, Trump said what he said after Charlottesville. I don't care that he tried to walk it back in the next sentence. The damage was done. We expect better out of Presidents.

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