How to stop the Windows 10 Upgrade from downloading on your system - Mockery diverting from the basc


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
"‘Incredibly intrusive’: Windows 10 spies on you by default" illustrates the half-truths technique, part of the BIG LIE.
What is "exposed" is just a mean to have the audience swallow the core lie.

"How to stop the Windows 10 Upgrade from downloading on your system" = Illuminati mocking human cattle while diverting from the ONE BASIC FACT about Windows.
Reality: as soon as you start an internet connection on any Microsoft (Windows) or Apple (OS X) operating systems illuminati are able to access ALL the contents of any devices connected to your computer, as exposed by Prophet more than a decade ago.

RT, the member of the illuminati web of disinfo with the largest audience:
Incredibly intrusive Windows 10 spies on you by default RT USA

How to stop the Windows 10 Upgrade from downloading on your system
How to stop the Windows 10 Upgrade from downloading on your system

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BIG LIE TECHNIQUE Windows 10 spies on you by default half-truth technique

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