The Gun groups are the ones trying to actually stop criminals from getting guns...democrats let gun criminals out of jail and prison.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here are some actual real world attempts at stopping gun crime and stopping accidental gun deaths.....from the gun community......

They want to stop criminals from getting guns, and they want to keep gun accidents from happening...meanwhile, anti-gun extremists simply want to keep law abiding people from buying and carrying guns...

NSSF achieved a 270 percent increase in the number of submitted adjudicated mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That’s the system used by firearm retailers to ensure customers aren’t prohibited individuals. The firearm industry is working to make sure each time a retailer runs a check, they can be confident NICS is providing them an accurate determination based on full and complete data.

The updated figure as of Dec. 31, 2020, is a direct result of state-level efforts spearheaded by the firearm industry trade association, as well as the federal-level bipartisan FixNICS congressional legislation, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump in 2018.

Industry-led Real Solutions

NSSF’s efforts to increase the effectiveness of the background check system is not the only initiative the firearm industry has spearheaded to offer Real Solutions for Safer Communities. In addition to FixNICS, Operation Secure Store provides firearm retailers with information and resources to help deter thefts and robberies. Don’t Lie for the Other Guy is an industry-led campaign reminding the public that lying on the background check form to purchase a firearm for someone who cannot or won’t do so themself is a felony that carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. Project ChildSafe is NSSF’s campaign to promote safe and secure home firearm storage.

Teaming up with more than 15,000 local law enforcement agencies in all 50 states and U.S. territories, NSSF has provided more than 40 million free firearm safety kits including gun locking devices to secure firearms. NSSF is also working with the largest suicide prevention organization to help reduce suicides involving firearms by providing information and resources to firearm retailers, ranges and gun owners.

All of these initiatives are industry-led efforts and have a proven track record of success. These programs have led to the lowest level of accidental firearm fatalities in America since the data was first recorded in 1903.

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Shouldn't you be out pretending to kill libruls by shooting at human silouette targets?

The NRA Song

Guns are neat, Guns are sweet
Guns the tool, what makes you cool.
Guns are fine, Guns are mine
Guns are things, that Jesus brings!
Guns for loonies, Guns for cons
Guns for Moonies, Guns for moms!
Guns are fun for everyone,
buy them up by the ton.
Guns for me, Guns for you,
Guns for nuts and children too!
Guns at home, Guns at work,
Guns at play, Guns berserk!
Tons and tons of great big Guns,
Are tons and tons of great big fun!
I’ve got Guns up my nose
‘tween my ears and by my toes.
I’m no fool, I’m so cool,
I take Guns to my school.
I take Guns to my car,
to the store and to the bar.
I got Guns in a drawer,
in my pocket and on the floor.
I got Guns on the wall,
behind the toilet and in the hall.
I got guns in my bed,
one is growing from my head!
Get a Gun and get it fast,
Gun-Gun shoot-shoot is a blast!​
Shouldn't you be out pretending to kill libruls by shooting at human silouette targets?

The NRA Song

Guns are neat, Guns are sweet
Guns the tool, what makes you cool.
Guns are fine, Guns are mine
Guns are things, that Jesus brings!
Guns for loonies, Guns for cons
Guns for Moonies, Guns for moms!
Guns are fun for everyone,
buy them up by the ton.
Guns for me, Guns for you,
Guns for nuts and children too!
Guns at home, Guns at work,
Guns at play, Guns berserk!
Tons and tons of great big Guns,
Are tons and tons of great big fun!
I’ve got Guns up my nose
‘tween my ears and by my toes.
I’m no fool, I’m so cool,
I take Guns to my school.
I take Guns to my car,
to the store and to the bar.
I got Guns in a drawer,
in my pocket and on the floor.
I got Guns on the wall,
behind the toilet and in the hall.
I got guns in my bed,
one is growing from my head!
Get a Gun and get it fast,
Gun-Gun shoot-shoot is a blast!​

Stupid comment is stupid.....
This of course is deliberate, and it IS NOT because bed wetting leftist judges give a fuck about "compassion" or any lofty bullshit about feeling the plight of the impoverished, giving criminals "chances" or any agenda beyond creating chaos.

The bed wetters NEED high crime rates, they NEED killings and mass murders to promote their agitprop.

They deliberately suppress the millions of cases of self defense with guns by innocent law abiding civilians every year, while doing their damnest to send more feral sociopath ghetto rats back out into the world to victimize the unarmed. Why they're NEVER held accountable remains a mystery to me.

That alludes to a good point here.

If Biden were to outlaw guns, law abiders would just report their guns misplaced, and then sell them to criminals that are being let out of Biden's Revolving Door Penitentiaries .

At least get some of their money out of their investment. That will do nothing for the crime rate.
Here are some actual real world attempts at stopping gun crime and stopping accidental gun deaths.....from the gun community......

They want to stop criminals from getting guns, and they want to keep gun accidents from happening...meanwhile, anti-gun extremists simply want to keep law abiding people from buying and carrying guns...

NSSF achieved a 270 percent increase in the number of submitted adjudicated mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That’s the system used by firearm retailers to ensure customers aren’t prohibited individuals. The firearm industry is working to make sure each time a retailer runs a check, they can be confident NICS is providing them an accurate determination based on full and complete data.

The updated figure as of Dec. 31, 2020, is a direct result of state-level efforts spearheaded by the firearm industry trade association, as well as the federal-level bipartisan FixNICS congressional legislation, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump in 2018.

Industry-led Real Solutions

NSSF’s efforts to increase the effectiveness of the background check system is not the only initiative the firearm industry has spearheaded to offer Real Solutions for Safer Communities. In addition to FixNICS, Operation Secure Store provides firearm retailers with information and resources to help deter thefts and robberies. Don’t Lie for the Other Guy is an industry-led campaign reminding the public that lying on the background check form to purchase a firearm for someone who cannot or won’t do so themself is a felony that carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. Project ChildSafe is NSSF’s campaign to promote safe and secure home firearm storage.

Teaming up with more than 15,000 local law enforcement agencies in all 50 states and U.S. territories, NSSF has provided more than 40 million free firearm safety kits including gun locking devices to secure firearms. NSSF is also working with the largest suicide prevention organization to help reduce suicides involving firearms by providing information and resources to firearm retailers, ranges and gun owners.

All of these initiatives are industry-led efforts and have a proven track record of success. These programs have led to the lowest level of accidental firearm fatalities in America since the data was first recorded in 1903.

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People who finish their sentences or being granted parole by a parole board = democrats letting criminals free
People who finish their sentences or being granted parole by a parole board = democrats letting criminals free

Nope...not even close......

What have you been up to for the past 13 months or so?

If you’re Shemar Barber, you’ve been charged with illegal gun possession five times. Well, he did do more than that. He went to prison for one of the gun cases, but the state released him on the day he arrived. The other three gun cases, including one he picked up Sunday, are still pending.

It all started on June 27 of last year when prosecutors charged him illegally carrying a gun in West Englewood. He posted a $200 deposit to get out of jail on that.

On August 13, prosecutors charged him with carrying another gun illegally in West Englewood. He posted a $3,000 deposit, and a judge told him to stay in the house from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., but the judge didn’t make him wear a device to enforce the curfew, records show.

Then, on April 22, prosecutors charged him with another felony count of illegally carrying a firearm in West Englewood.

He pleaded guilty to one of the earlier felony gun cases on May 20. A judge sentenced him to one year in prison, records show. Authorities shipped him to Stateville Correctional Center on May 24, gave him the state’s standard 50% sentence reduction and credit for time spent in jail after his arrest, and sent him home the same day.

On Saturday, police who responded to a call of a person with a gun saw Barber on the street and determined he matched the gunman’s description, prosecutors said this week. He saw the cops and began walking away while holding his waistband, prosecutors said. When officers stopped him, he allegedly had a loaded handgun tucked into his pants.

Prosecutors on Sunday charged him with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and three counts of resisting police.

“The state outlines for me a roadmap that is alarming,” Judge John Lyke said after hearing the latest allegations. “This defendant is 19 years of age. Nineteen. Just pled guilty in May to a gun case. So that gives him one felony. He got one year. But he has two other pending gun cases. And now he’s in front of me with another gun case. So that’s 4 gun cases in the matter of about a year.”

Lyke set bail at $250,000 and ordered Barber to go onto electronic monitoring if he can post a 10% deposit. The judge also ordered Barber held without bail for violating the terms of bond in the other two pending gun cases.

Welcome to the first 2021 installment of “Not Horrible,” our ongoing series of reports about people who have been charged with committing serious and violent crimes while on bail for other serious and violent crimes.

We borrowed the name “Not Horrible” from a statement Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans made during budget hearings on November 4, 2019: “It’s not by magic that we haven’t had any horrible incidents occur using this new [affordable bail] system.”

So far, CWB reporters have identified 32 people who were charged with committing murder, attempted murder, or aggravated battery with a firearm while free on bail for serious felonies in 2020. Four of the accused men are charged with shooting, and sometimes killing, more than one person.

But the actual number of killings and shootings committed by persons on bail is almost certainly much higher. As of the new year, arrests have been made in just 27% of Chicago’s 2020 murders and 2.7% (Yes. Two point seven percent) of non-fatal shootings, according to CPD data.
One of those persons is Devin Barron, 20, who collected five convictions as a juvenile and was free on bond for four pending cases at the time of Williams’ murder. One of those pending cases was for a home invasion and kidnapping just five weeks before Williams was killed.

Prosecutors said video shows Barron getting out of the rear passenger seat of a car moments before he shot Williams. According to the state’s allegations, Barron had three guns when police caught up with him.

Murder and more
Antonio Reyes, 17, was given three years probation in juvenile court for aggravated robbery and aggravated battery in December 2019. When he allegedly shot a man last month, he had four more juvenile cases pending — for armed robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful use of a weapon, and a narcotics case — prosecutors said.

Prosecutors have also charged him as an adult with killing a man last summer and, they say, he’s suspected of participating in a third shooting.

Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Deboni said last month that Reyes shot 26-year-old Davalos Garcia as Garcia waited for his girlfriend to come out of her house on June 24, 2020.

About four hours after Garcia’s murder, a car similar to the one used by his killer was involved in another shooting, but both of the victims in that case survived. Investigators tracked a temporary license plate on the car to an auto body shop that sold the vehicle to the mother of Reyes’ child four days before the murder, Deboni said, but no charges have yet been filed.

At least 32 people charged with murder in Chicago last year were free on bail at the time of the killings | CWB Chicago

New York....

Shootings are up nearly 96% in the first eleven months of this year. In November alone, there were 115 shootings — a 112% increase from the same time last year.

There were also 28 murders last month, driving the murder rate up 38%.

The commisssioner blamed part of the rise on bail reform measures implemented earlier in the year.

“We have made staggering numbers of gun arrests, taking guns off the streets from felons, doing it almost always without a shot being fired. But when you look three days later, four days later, those individuals are back on the street committing more gun violence,” Police Commissioner Dermot Shea told NY1.

NYPD Commissioner: City will End 2020 on 14-Year High for Shootings


Prosecutors last week said a five-time convicted felon got a gun and shot another man over the summer while free on “affordable bail” in an armed habitual criminal case. It’s the latest example of people being accused of committing violent crime while on bail for allegations of other gun or violent crimes.

Here’s that story and a couple of other cases our team discovered.

Shooting over Xanax bill
Last November, Judge Mary Marubio ordered five-time felon Cameron Johnson to be held without bail after prosecutors charged him with armed violence and resisting police. Two months later, another judge allowed Johnson to go home on electronic monitoring by posting a $500 deposit bond.

Johnson was supposed to still be electronically monitored on August 2 when police saw him brandish a handgun and shoot another man, according to prosecutors. The alleged victim suffered a graze wound to his left arm.

Detectives found surveillance footage from the 4000 block of West Madison that allegedly shows Johnson getting out of the driver’s seat of a car and arguing with the victim before Johnson drew a gun from his waistband. The victim walked to his own car nearby and pulled out his own gun, but never raised it toward Johnson, prosecutors said. At that point, Johnson fired several shots while bystanders, including a small child, were enjoying a summer afternoon on the street, according to prosecutors.

The victim stopped cooperating with police, but cops tracked Johnson down this month. Detectives said he admitted to possessing a firearm and arguing with the victim’s brother about payment for some Xanax.

Prosecutors last week charged him with armed habitual criminal and aggravated assault by discharging a firearm. Marubio once again ordered him held without bail.

On bail, shooting at cops
When Demetrius Williams allegedly fired shots at on-duty cops in the Chatham neighborhood over the summer, he was already awaiting trial for being a felon in possession of a weapon.

In September 2019, a witness pointed cops toward Williams as officers responded to a call of a person with a gun in the 8200 block of South Cottage Grove. Police stopped Williams and allegedly found a loaded gun in his waistband.

Police advised him of his right to remain silent, but Williams admitted to buying the gun on the street in Indiana about three months earlier and said he carries it for personal protection, cops said. The alleged admission was recorded by a CPD body camera.

Judge Susana Ortiz allowed Williams, age 25, to go home by putting down a $300 bond.

In August, while still on bail for the pending gun case, Williams was charged with firing a gun at a Chicago police sergeant who tried to stop him as he ran from a store, prosecutors said. Police returned fire but did not strike Williams.

Even more men charged with shooting guns while on "affordable bail" for other gun crimes | CWB Chicago

Rochester, New York....

“I’m not surprised by the violence that’s been taking place,” Umbrino said at the Sunday press conference (full video below). “You know, I’m going to get in trouble, probably, for this, but if I hear one more politician talk about what we need to do to stop the violence; we need more gun laws, we need this, we need that — quite frankly, I’m going to vomit. These people who say that have no idea what they are talking about.”

“We have a lot of gun laws currently on the books that we don’t enforce. I shouldn’t say we don’t enforce — we enforce them, but you have individuals locked up for illegal hand guns, and being released from custody the next day,” he explained. “That’s disgusting. How does that happen?”
“So, if anybody is surprised that there’s been an uptick in violence, since we don’t enforce the current gun laws that we have, I don’t know what to tell ya. But those are the fact,” Umbrino continued. “These politicians that wanna say we need more gun laws, we need this, we need that, do me a favor: just stop talking, because you really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come and ask anybody that lives in these neighborhoods,” the police captain said. “I’ve had conversations over the last three weeks with dozens of people who live in these neighborhoods … They don’t believe any of the stuff you’re saying. There needs to be accountability.”

New York......
As the Daily News reported, nearly half of all people accused of gun possession from March 16 to Aug. 17 were set loose without bail. Something tells me that a person carrying around an illegal gun has an intent to use it, can easily get another one, and is not at all afraid of catching the coronavirus. And Shea also reports that 160 gun arrests were made last week, a 25-year high.
In fact, it seems easier to get a gun illegally here than to get approved for a license or permit and purchase one, as evidence by the recent eruption in firearm violence in our streets.

If we are the most anti-gun big city in America, how could we allow the number of shootings in 2020 to have already surpassed the number of shootings in 2019, with four months to go?

I thought the answer was pretty straightforward: The spike in shootings occurred right after the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit in response to nationwide calls for police reform.

But when I recently met with Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, he explained that the NYPD is still arresting plenty of illegal gun holders. The problem, he said, is that very few of these criminals are actually being punished by New York’s revolving-door court system.

According to the NYPD, there are 2,152 individuals with open gun arrests between Jan. 1, 2019, and June 29, 2020. Of those individuals, 347 have prior gun arrests, 310 were on either probation or parole, 15 were arrested for shootings after their prior gun arrest, and 89 are wanted for or are suspects in shootings.

When they aren’t firing their weapons, they are at the scene bearing witness to shootings, with 147 of these individuals currently sought as witnesses, or being shot themselves, with 29 falling victim to gun violence.

But 1,937 of these individuals are no longer in custody.
Look no further than the case of 18-year-old Micah Belton, who is currently in custody facing three attempted murder charges and a slew of gun charges.

He was arrested on May 28, 2019, for allegedly firing three shots and was charged with reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon. He pled guilty to criminal possession of a weapon on Aug. 13, 2019, and was released from custody while awaiting sentencing.

Nine days later, Belton was arrested for another shooting and charged with reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon. This time, he was held on bail for both his May and August arrests. But on Jan. 23, 2020, he was inexplicably released again even though he had appeared in court several times since August and was still not sentenced for the gun possession charge he pled guilty to.

Chicago, low cash/no cash bail and guns 9/8/20
More recently, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has introduced a new talking point. Here’s how she phrased it recently on Twitter: “The idea that individuals re-offend while released on bond is often used to explain violence. But, during the first half of 2020, of the 1,872 people arrested for a felony gun charge, only 1% of them (26 ppl) had been previously arrested in 2020 for an approved felony gun charge.”
Foxx’s claim is skewed because she limits the amount of time that gun defendants are given to qualify as a re-offender. Her criteria allow someone arrested on January 1 six months to get caught with another gun, while someone arrested in June would have to be charged twice within the same month to qualify. So, she drives the re-offend statistic down by creating a tight window of opportunity for someone to get caught with another gun.
A gun on CTA — then another gun on CTA
Back in May, we told you about Dante Webb, a 22-year-old man that police arrested for gun possession at the Armitage Brown Line station. Prosecutors said Webb’s backpack contained a 22-caliber revolver with a defaced serial number, nine rounds of ammunition, $4,165 worth of narcotics, two U.S. passports, two Colombian passports, two different Social Security cards, an Illinois driver’s license, a Connecticut driver’s license, and cash.

Prosecutors charged him with felony armed violence, felony possession of a defaced firearm, three felony counts of possessing a controlled substance, and five misdemeanor theft charges. Judge David Navarro allowed him to go home by posting a $1,000 deposit bond.

Less than two months later, on July 5, police arrested Webb again at the Roosevelt Red Line station after they found him with another loaded gun, according to court records. A CTA passenger approached officers who were patrolling the station and reported seeing a gun in the waistband of a man who had a Divvy bike. The cops found Webb riding a Divvy bike toward the Red Line platform, they said. Webb jumped from the platform with the Divvy bike and rode it along the tracks to get away, according to police. They found him hiding in the tunnel near an access ladder.

Prosecutors charged Webb with felony unlawful use of a weapon and misdemeanor reckless conduct.

Even though Webb was allegedly caught with guns twice in less than two months, he doesn’t qualify for Foxx’s re-offense statistic because his second gun arrest occurred after July 2.

Are NYC’s gun laws still tough?

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds


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