How to stop the leftist take-over of our youth

Obviously you and others do not. You are completely unable to grasp that people will believe different things than you and it's not simply because of the way they are taught. Life experiences play a huge role also.

The parent of a small child might be bigoted towards people of different lifestyles until that small child grows up to be a part of these lifestyles.
A nice try at trolling dude.
The political indoctrination of our youth at the college level is the Left’s way of ensuring their “transformation” of America continues, first via their votes and then, within 10 or 15 years, their election to political office. Here’s how to stop it:

1. Keep Affirmative Action, but change the diversity goal: When you have 30 professors in the Sociology Department, all of whom are leftists, and 95% of professors throughout the college leftists, you have no diversity of thought. The goal should be 30% Democrat, 30% Republican, and 40% Independent.

2, Get rid of all “grievance” programs and classes: No more Black Studies majors, Women’s Studies majors, “the problem with whiteness” classes, etc.

These ideas above are to be credited to the author in the linked article here:

I'd argue with number 1. I say get rid of any form of affirmative action. That truly makes things equal. When a company hires someone they hire the best person for the job, when someone gets into a school it's because they have the best grades and so on. Any form of affirmative action does nothing but divide. Make people get by on their merits, ambition, intelligence and experience.

I'd also add we need to universally reject esg scores.

And this is on parents, but people need to stop raising their kids with the internet, stop putting tablets in small kids hands, stop letting 12 year olds have smart phones. That's how these left and woke ideas seep into kids heads, especially on social media. I can't go to a restaurant without seeing kids at tables absorbed in a smart device blocking out the real world.
Yes, and that‘s why college should have different viewpoints allowed - not only leftist ones. You people sure get your feathers ruffled by the suggestion that college shouldn’t be bastion of liberal-think.

My professors were Ivy league and very well educated. They encouraged us to express our point of view and back it up with facts...
Since you just want to troll I'll ignore any further comment from you. Now have a nice day.

Na na na na ..........I can't hear you.......I can't hear you.

Typical. Rather than face your biases you put your fingers in your ears. I use the Republican playbook on college educations and you don't like it.
Na na na na ..........I can't hear you.......I can't hear you.

Typical. Rather than face your biases you put your fingers in your ears. I use the Republican playbook on college educations and you don't like it.
Yes, in order to achieve the “diversity” that you leftists say is beneficial, we need to get some conservative professors on campus to represent the opposing view, encourage debate and independent thought, and make the campus a comfortable place for conservative students.

Afraid that might interfere with your college-indoctrination efforts?
Yes, in order to achieve the “diversity” that you leftists say is beneficial, we need to get some conservative professors on campus to represent the opposing view, encourage debate and independent thought, and make the campus a comfortable place for conservative students.

Afraid that might interfere with your college-indoctrination efforts?
Where do you get your 90% figure?
You think that way because you ARE a Democrat. Right now, we have 95% of professors and admin staff Democrats, and college is now a place where students are indoctrinated into left-thinking.

And you say after college, “you are able to think for yourself”? Ha. You are allowed to “think for yourself” only if you agree with the liberal positions. You are hardly presented with different viewpoints - it’s all liberal, all the time,
Now you've upped it to 95%...where do you get that figure?

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