How to POOP on a Campaign


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Easy Breezie ... lemon squeezie is how.Since The MSM with
Drudge at work dilligently smarming candidate Dr.Mehmet Oz
over actual Sick Puppy Lug John Fetterman.Not that it's in the least
totally predictable.That is how today's MSM and Democrat Scum roll.
Nothing is beyond reproach.Since Democrats are in love with hating
conservatives and Americans.It's now formulaic.Written on the wind.
Worse than passing gas after stuffing down over-seasoned chili with
pork rinds.All on account the scumbagger left found a widdle wrinkle
in Dr.Oz's TV career.Not how near retarded Fetterman appears.
Because the left believes in Retarded Political theatrics.
I mean,what else have these Losers to run on.Competence,Love of
Country,God and the flag.Hell No.
They believe in the polar opposite.How to Mock Religion,Love of
Country and Godliness.A well maned Military and safe neighborhoods.?
Or how to Hate on Cops,Pastors ,Little Sisters of the Poor and Parents.
Those who run Pro-life clinics.Those who believe in what once was.
Making and keeping America Great.
This Poop bidness or poking fun at Dr.Oz over whether good Poops
float or sink.We the people already know how much yer garden variety
Democrat Pol stinks and floats.There's no way Not to Know.

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Quit trying to turn TV personalities that don't know anything about government into politicians and you won't have these problems.
Quit trying to turn TV personalities that don't know anything about government into politicians and you won't have these problems.
quit turning politicians and their relatives AND homo activists who know Jack into media personalities who know jack.
quit turning politicians and their relatives AND homo activists who know Jack into media personalities who know jack.
The curse of Trumpism is that mediocrity will always your only choice. If you are disappointed with how Dr. Oz is doing blame him for not knowing anything about politics.
Cuz Fetterman is an ordinary Democrat candidate ? .NO! his
parents were Multi-millionaires.The very thing we were
lectured to about.It's was deemed :
White Priviledge
Cuz Fetterman is an ordinary Democrat candidate ? .NO! his
parents were Multi-millionaires.The very thing we were
lectured to about.It's was deemed :
White Priviledge

Fetterman is gone - but the Nazis will STILL rally behind him because he has a (D) after his name.

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