Anyone Can Be President...

Anybody CAN be president.
If you're corrupt enough, rich enough, and will prostitute yourself to being Hillarys puppet.

Trump was a fluke, and a good fluke. He showed the world the corruption that is in our government, and tried to do something about it. Then they fully corrupted the voting in this country to get the Hillary's head puppet in office.

I wanted to run for president one year, but it costs money to put your name on the ballot.......and I didn't have any extra money at that time.
Anybody CAN be president.
If you're corrupt enough, rich enough, and will prostitute yourself to being Hillarys puppet.

Trump was a fluke, and a good fluke. He showed the world the corruption that is in our government, and tried to do something about it. Then they fully corrupted the voting in this country to get the Hillary's head puppet in office.

I wanted to run for president one year, but it costs money to put your name on the ballot.......and I didn't have any extra money at that time.

Once upon a time I was going to run for Mayor of Santee, California. In fact, I bet a buddy of mine that I would be Mayor within three years of retiring from the Navy.

I still owe him a case of Sam Adams...

So, why didn't you?
Did you at least put your name on the ballot?

I dunno'. Life happened. It wasn't a full-time gig, anyway. I think the pay was, at the time, about $18K a year. I would've been challenging the incumbent, Randy Voelpel. He was the Mayor for 16 years and, truth be told, he was a pretty damn good one. I don't know that I could've done better...

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