How to Define GENOCIDE?

How many Allied civilians perished during WW II as reprisals for Allied operations? Were they seeking freedom or not – because what you are saying (without being courageous enough to actually admit it) is that the slaughter of Palestinian civilians at the hand of the NAZI Zionists is Hamas’ fault.

.. and your point is what? That gaining freedom by any means possible is not freedom? Should we have allowed Germany to bomb London without sending bombers over Hamburg and Düsseldorf? Maybe you haven't noticed that it was the NAZI Zionists who started this war?

Really? I mean, did you actually say that?! There are less "people like that" in jail than WMDs found in Irak despite one million innocent men, women, and children who were murdered plus countless innocent men tortured at Abu Graib and Guantanamo. And then there is the NAZI Zionist practice of "attacking, torturing and slaughtering innocent civilians" in Palestine. So, please tell me again about what you "normally" do with "people like that". Could it be that I misunderstood you? :45:
I wasn’t even looking at that.
I knew you wouldn't.
Well, let's see now, shall we? 99% you say, huh? I'm willing to bet that from the time it takes for me to press the send button (and you reading this message) even less than 1% will have died. Is that right? Wonderful! Gosh, if that doesn't disprove the "genocide" accusation then what will? :cuckoo:
Gaza’s population in 2023 was 2.1 million. 35,322 is the most current estimate of deaths. That is roughly 1%.

No. it isn’t good.

But certainly isn’t genocide.

Do you have better figures to counter this?
Yes! The attack on 10/7 certainly has all the typical signs of a false flag. It also benefits Bibi big time, as he’s always wanted control of Gaza and the natural resources off shore. And he’s always wanted to mass murder the Palestinians.

If it is a false flag…how do you account for the hostages? Witness statements? Collaborated by UN investigations?

Gaza’s population in 2023 was 2.1 million. 35,322 is the most current estimate of deaths. That is roughly 1%.

No. it isn’t good.

But certainly isn’t genocide.
Don't feign innocence.
Do you have better figures to counter this?
I call it logic but please don't make me bore you and the readers by explaining the difference between population growth and tally.
Are you under the misconception Israel wouldn’t allow their people to be taken hostage? lol. Ever heard of the Hannibal Doctrine? If they’ll murder their own soldiers…try to connect the dots.
Actually? No. There is no reason or evidence to suggest Israel would do this. Next.
Foolish. There is tons of evidence, you just have to have a brain and not be duped by the establishment.

I feel like what I'm about to say is a Captain Obvious statement, but I'll say it anyway. What some people don't seem to realize is that governments (any government) can have some very corrupt individuals or agencies, but that doesn't mean that everyone in that government is corrupt. And it also doesn't mean that the people (the citizens) are bad.

Just as there are subversive people within the US government who believe the ends justify the means when it comes to their agendas, it's the same with other governments.

I mean... again, this should go without saying. But apparently there are so many people here who are either unaware or don't want to acknowledge that there are corrupt individuals within governments, and it has been that way since time immemorial, for crying out loud. lol
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I feel like this is a Captain Obvious statement, but I'll say it anyway. What some people don't seem to realize is that governments (any government) can have some very corrupt individuals or agencies, but that doesn't mean that everyone in that government is corrupt. And it also doesn't mean that the people (the citizens) are bad.

Just as there are subversive people within the US government who believe the ends justify the means when it comes to their agendas, it's the same with other governments.

I mean... again, this should go without saying. But apparently there are so many people here who are either unaware or don't want to acknowledge that there are corrupt individuals within governments, and it has been that way since time immemorial, for crying out loud. lol
I agree.

But to make the sort broad and serious allegations he is making, that Israel would deliberately kidnap, torture or kill its own citizens…there better be some pretty solid evidence from reputable sources. This allegation isn’t “just a few corrupt individuals”…you are accusing the entire government of a heinous act.
I’m not duped by conspiracy theories.
And your definition is a fundamental shift by your own personal prejudice? The Gipper has submitted more than one real-life, documented example but you just wave them away as "conspiracy theories". And you wonder why I "took one snip out of a much longer response" in an earlier post. I should maybe have invested an itemized response to your post so that you could wave that away in a similar fashion? I think not. I've seen the "with us or against us" - "anti-Semite" - "conspiracy theory" accusations many times already. I generally have no problem sitting down and making full replies to earnest questions and counter-convictions but as soon as I see you're not listening ...... I turn my attention to someone who is. :sigh2:

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