How to be a racist

1. How does one become a racist?

2. What actions must one take to be labeled a racist? (This can be punished by law.)

3. What thoughts must one have to be racist? (Thoughts cannot be verified, this my question stupid. Do not answer this question. It would be dumb for you to do so.)

4. What words must one use to be racist? (Freedom of speech exists. A person cannot be punished for things they say. This question is stupid as well. Do not answer this question or you are a full blown idiot.)

Do not answer question 3 or 4 unless you are stupid.
You must be white. That is all.
You must be white. That is all.
red duece.jpg
I would refer you to post #27...

I’m just saying women are better con artist in the court of law. If it is a guy accusing you then the judge probably threw it out as nonsense.

I don’t know what happened but females can use the courts to seek out revenge. Men cannot use the courts for anything except going to jail.

You know the truth. I don’t. If you were falsely accused by a woman then we all know you would have gotten screwed hard core. The accuser must have been a male or a female that didn’t show up.

Without going into the specifics of your situation, just share your opinion. Do woman win 100% of the time when they make false allegations or do they get fair treatment in the law?

The courts will never punish someone for making false allegations. The only reason people don’t make false allegations more often is because they fear their victim not because they fear the courts.
Without going into the specifics of your situation, just share your opinion. Do woman win 100% of the time when they make false allegations or do they get fair treatment in the law?

Based on my experiences, I believe that, by and large, men and women are treated fairly. So, no, women do not win 100% of the time...
1. How does one become a racist?

2. What actions must one take to be labeled a racist? (This can be punished by law.)

3. What thoughts must one have to be racist? (Thoughts cannot be verified, this my question stupid. Do not answer this question. It would be dumb for you to do so.)

4. What words must one use to be racist? (Freedom of speech exists. A person cannot be punished for things they say. This question is stupid as well. Do not answer this question or you are a full blown idiot.)

Do not answer question 3 or 4 unless you are stupid.

1. Become a Nazicrat, if you want to become a racist.

2. See answer #1

3 and 4. Wouldn't you be a full blown idiot to ask a question and then call people dumb for answering?????

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