How the Whinny Left Put Trump in the White House

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
They'll never get it. They'll just keep insulting the one voting bloc they'll never want....

"The center of the country is what put Donald Trump in office," he said.

"If the economy's okay, they shut their mouths and go to work," he said, describing the sort of people who live in places like Algonac, where 97 percent of residents are white.

"But if you start to smack them, when you start telling the guys working in a coal mine in West Virginia, 'For the good of the country, we're going to put you out of a job, for the good of cleaner air we're going to put you out of a job,' then you start to create a constituency of people that fall into a category of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'"


Mentioning Clinton, a former secretary of state, U.S. senator and first lady, tended to draw scorn among Algonac residents in April, even among some Democrats who said they viewed her as untrustworthy.

A discontented Michigan town: America should have seen Trump coming
The electoral college elected Trump, not the voters..So your vote doesn't count...

And you just have proven the OP comments!
They'll never get it. They'll just keep insulting the one voting bloc they'll never want....

"The center of the country is what put Donald Trump in office," he said.

"If the economy's okay, they shut their mouths and go to work," he said, describing the sort of people who live in places like Algonac, where 97 percent of residents are white.

"But if you start to smack them, when you start telling the guys working in a coal mine in West Virginia, 'For the good of the country, we're going to put you out of a job, for the good of cleaner air we're going to put you out of a job,' then you start to create a constituency of people that fall into a category of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'"


Mentioning Clinton, a former secretary of state, U.S. senator and first lady, tended to draw scorn among Algonac residents in April, even among some Democrats who said they viewed her as untrustworthy.

A discontented Michigan town: America should have seen Trump coming

"Racism won, let's blame white people".

The far leftists will never understand a thing indeed.
Labor won it for Trump. He made the labor vote in this country believe what they have had no reason to believe for decades,

that the Republican Party gave a shit about them.

It's simple when those who think differently than you can't speak for fear of having an egg tossed in their face, their businesses boycotted, fired from their job, they keep their thoughts to themselves until voting time comes. Instead of trying to change their minds you tried to box them out.
It's simple when those who think differently than you can't speak for fear of having an egg tossed in their face, their businesses boycotted, fired from their job, they keep their thoughts to themselves until voting time comes. Instead of trying to change their minds you tried to box them out.
Yep. Only the left does this. They this a temper tantrum when they lose.

We sit and take it until we get good and tired, then we go to the ballot box and remove those responsible for enabling these children.

But then we grow complacent and give in to their whining, and they again take control until we get tired of it again. It's a never ending cycle.

It's simple when those who think differently than you can't speak for fear of having an egg tossed in their face, their businesses boycotted, fired from their job, they keep their thoughts to themselves until voting time comes. Instead of trying to change their minds you tried to box them out.

I don't agree with this guys idiotology at all, but his analysis is spot on. Unfortunately, the people who hate Trump will never listen to him.

BTW, I'm glad to see a foreigner so damn passionate about AMERICA'S decision in selecting president trump.

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