How the political environment is moving toward Republicans

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Some good information and stats in here. Special elections have been a strong indicator over the years as to how the country is blowing in the political winds. When the Republicans lost control of Congress in the 2006 midterms Republicans were getting beaten by Democrats in special elections for Republican districts in 2005 and 2006 at the state and federal level. Leading up to the 2010 midterms where Republicans clobbered the Democrats it was the GOP who was winning many seats. That pattern has steadily repeated itself over the years.

The Republicans just won a special election in a state senate seat in Connecticut that Biden won by 20 points. Newsom is now at 50/50 odds of being recalled in a state Biden won by almost 30 largely because Hispanics are bailing on him and there was a significant shift toward Trump among Hispanic male voters last year. Hispanic voters may be the key assuming Republicans don't drive them back to the Democrats with their base's xenophobia.

"When you look at the first 17 special elections this year (through early April), the Republican overperformance over Trump was just a point. Examining the last 17 special elections, the overperformance has been 7 points. When you splice the data even further, Republicans have been outperforming the 2020 baseline by double-digits since the beginning of July.

Whether such a shift sustains itself can't be known at this point. Things may shift back to Democrats.

It shouldn't be too surprising if the Republican overperformance does hold. Back in 2009, there was a big movement away from Democrats in special elections toward the middle of the year. This foretold Republicans doing very well in the 2010 midterms."

If the pattern holds Republicans take back the House and the Senate and the way the Biden administration is flailing right now I would take those odds.

Some good information and stats in here. Special elections have been a strong indicator over the years as to how the country is blowing in the political winds. When the Republicans lost control of Congress in the 2006 midterms Republicans were getting beaten by Democrats in special elections for Republican districts in 2005 and 2006 at the state and federal level. Leading up to the 2010 midterms where Republicans clobbered the Democrats it was the GOP who was winning many seats. That pattern has steadily repeated itself over the years.

The Republicans just won a special election in a state senate seat in Connecticut that Biden won by 20 points. Newsom is now at 50/50 odds of being recalled in a state Biden won by almost 30 largely because Hispanics are bailing on him and there was a significant shift toward Trump among Hispanic male voters last year. Hispanic voters may be the key assuming Republicans don't drive them back to the Democrats with their base's xenophobia.

"When you look at the first 17 special elections this year (through early April), the Republican overperformance over Trump was just a point. Examining the last 17 special elections, the overperformance has been 7 points. When you splice the data even further, Republicans have been outperforming the 2020 baseline by double-digits since the beginning of July.

Whether such a shift sustains itself can't be known at this point. Things may shift back to Democrats.

It shouldn't be too surprising if the Republican overperformance does hold. Back in 2009, there was a big movement away from Democrats in special elections toward the middle of the year. This foretold Republicans doing very well in the 2010 midterms."

If the pattern holds Republicans take back the House and the Senate and the way the Biden administration is flailing right now I would take those odds.

You mean that Newsom is not really a total 2 standard dipshit and that recalling him is just a political stunt, reflecting something about democrats and republican swing? I think you are wrong. I am an independent, way over in Tennessee. Gavin Newsom really is a two standard (one for himself and friends, 1 for everybody else in California dipshit who has outed himself repeatedly), a poor administrator and basically a clueless Fk. They are trying to get rid of him for that reason, not because he is a Democrat in that largely democrat state. I am pretty sure there are Democrats down for getting rid of him too, and it does not mean they are turning republican over there.
Some good information and stats in here. Special elections have been a strong indicator over the years as to how the country is blowing in the political winds. When the Republicans lost control of Congress in the 2006 midterms Republicans were getting beaten by Democrats in special elections for Republican districts in 2005 and 2006 at the state and federal level. Leading up to the 2010 midterms where Republicans clobbered the Democrats it was the GOP who was winning many seats. That pattern has steadily repeated itself over the years.

The Republicans just won a special election in a state senate seat in Connecticut that Biden won by 20 points. Newsom is now at 50/50 odds of being recalled in a state Biden won by almost 30 largely because Hispanics are bailing on him and there was a significant shift toward Trump among Hispanic male voters last year. Hispanic voters may be the key assuming Republicans don't drive them back to the Democrats with their base's xenophobia.

"When you look at the first 17 special elections this year (through early April), the Republican overperformance over Trump was just a point. Examining the last 17 special elections, the overperformance has been 7 points. When you splice the data even further, Republicans have been outperforming the 2020 baseline by double-digits since the beginning of July.

Whether such a shift sustains itself can't be known at this point. Things may shift back to Democrats.

It shouldn't be too surprising if the Republican overperformance does hold. Back in 2009, there was a big movement away from Democrats in special elections toward the middle of the year. This foretold Republicans doing very well in the 2010 midterms."

If the pattern holds Republicans take back the House and the Senate and the way the Biden administration is flailing right now I would take those odds.

So the democrats shove through Obamacare which was after a myriad of lies and highly unpopular at the time as the democrats even had to bribe members of their own party to vote for it, and then got clobbered in the 2010 elections as the GOP ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare and building a border wall to secure the border

So as soon as the GOP got into office under Obama they voted to repeal Obamacare, but Obama was there to veto the legislation.

Then enters Trump who would then sign the legislation, but all of a sudden Republicans turn tail and refuse to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare. And the ignored the border for two years knowing they had all the power to help secure the border in the first two years of Trump.

Then in the next election the GOP got their arse kicked and out they flew.

Gee, can't imagine why, can you?

Just get tired of watching the same damn movie.

It's beyond old.
Election rigging withstanding (e.g Newsom, Trump) Demography will almost certainly ensure that no Republicrats will ever win a national level election again. Dems are also very busily filling swing states with as many H1B Visa dotheads, and extended family as they can.
It will reach a point over the next decade where Republicans will never see a majority in house, Senate, or regain POTUS again.
Election rigging withstanding (e.g Newsom, Trump) Demography will almost certainly ensure that no Republicrats will ever win a national level election again. Dems are also very busily filling swing states with as many H1B Visa dotheads, and extended family as they can.
It will reach a point over the next decade where Republicans will never see a majority in house, Senate, or regain POTUS again.
The democrats always have been the Federal government.

The GOP has always been the pseudo opposition party to make people think this was not communist China with the CCP running everything

But now I don't think they care.
The democrats always have been the Federal government.

The GOP has always been the pseudo opposition party to make people think this was not communist China with the CCP running everything

But now I don't think they care.
Demography means they no longer have to pretend.
The democrats always have been the Federal government.

The GOP has always been the pseudo opposition party to make people think this was not communist China with the CCP running everything

But now I don't think they care.
Bot parties are in on the same game outcome and we all know it.
There's another theory that says when you have a dogshit President, a dogshit, no show VP and a dogshit congress led by Marxists, you will get blasted in the next election.
If our country is unfortunate enough to get a look at Harris or Pelosi in the WH, it would become almost impossible to elect another Democrat. It's pretty sad when Biden, Harris and Pelosi are the best you got.
Some good information and stats in here. Special elections have been a strong indicator over the years as to how the country is blowing in the political winds. When the Republicans lost control of Congress in the 2006 midterms Republicans were getting beaten by Democrats in special elections for Republican districts in 2005 and 2006 at the state and federal level. Leading up to the 2010 midterms where Republicans clobbered the Democrats it was the GOP who was winning many seats. That pattern has steadily repeated itself over the years.

The Republicans just won a special election in a state senate seat in Connecticut that Biden won by 20 points. Newsom is now at 50/50 odds of being recalled in a state Biden won by almost 30 largely because Hispanics are bailing on him and there was a significant shift toward Trump among Hispanic male voters last year. Hispanic voters may be the key assuming Republicans don't drive them back to the Democrats with their base's xenophobia.

"When you look at the first 17 special elections this year (through early April), the Republican overperformance over Trump was just a point. Examining the last 17 special elections, the overperformance has been 7 points. When you splice the data even further, Republicans have been outperforming the 2020 baseline by double-digits since the beginning of July.

Whether such a shift sustains itself can't be known at this point. Things may shift back to Democrats.

It shouldn't be too surprising if the Republican overperformance does hold. Back in 2009, there was a big movement away from Democrats in special elections toward the middle of the year. This foretold Republicans doing very well in the 2010 midterms."

If the pattern holds Republicans take back the House and the Senate and the way the Biden administration is flailing right now I would take those odds.

"... with their base's xenophobia"

WTF? I swear some of you moderators sound more and more like Mac1958 every time I log in here.
Election rigging withstanding (e.g Newsom, Trump) Demography will almost certainly ensure that no Republicrats will ever win a national level election again. Dems are also very busily filling swing states with as many H1B Visa dotheads, and extended family as they can.
It will reach a point over the next decade where Republicans will never see a majority in house, Senate, or regain POTUS again.

This very well could be the case. True Americans should see how dangerous this is, but Democrats are completely blinded by hate and fully indoctrinated.
Subpar presidents always hurt the lower tiered politicians in the same party. Biden is going to hand the Republicans control for years.
The nation keeps moving leftward. Even when Repubs control D.C. Throughout history, humans like to be controlled. It is a sickness. They believe that nirvana comes from it. And perhaps one day it will. We are nowhere near that. We replaced the white male population who had an advantage and that was reduced massively in the 1970's with quotas, diversity, political correctness and what is called "equity" today. From that point on, our decline was put in motion. And the proof is here. Opportunity for all is fair. It was not put in place in a common sense way though. Many of things we produce as big ticket items have massive repair issues. Military, Science, Space, High Tech and more. We have to spend several times more and higher to get projects completed. The James Webb Telescope originally to cost 500 million dollars. Started in 1996 to be launched in 2007. Now the cost is 10 Billion Dollars and has to be launched by the Euro Space Agency because our abilities to do it ourselves is hampered by other projects massively over budget and not ready. But the Prog ladies got their jobs and power and that is what is important.
And yet Europe is far more left than the U.S.
Europe developed that Rocket system decades ago. We do our "turtle and the hare" act in a nation where the capabilities of individual solving tech problems are reduced because of "equity". I win nothing by typing like this in the environment we have. Conflict that is conventional in wars can turn much worse fast when the first round of destruction of hardware occurs and the nation can not produce replacements fast enough to continue. We are Europe of WW 2 and /china is the United States of WW 2 in production abilities.
Election rigging withstanding (e.g Newsom, Trump) Demography will almost certainly ensure that no Republicrats will ever win a national level election again. Dems are also very busily filling swing states with as many H1B Visa dotheads, and extended family as they can.
It will reach a point over the next decade where Republicans will never see a majority in house, Senate, or regain POTUS again.

I understand your frustration but always remember leftism in and of itself is a failure. Everything they do is based on feelings. When the facts finally come out its never good.
This very well could be the case. True Americans should see how dangerous this is, but Democrats are completely blinded by hate and fully indoctrinated.
No, it IS the case. Americans are idiots. As long as their bellly is fully and they are sufficiently lied to for the day they will do anything, and parrot any lines.
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