How the Left fights today


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As we see with Trump and DeSantis, the new method of fighting political opponents is never ending impeachments and/or law suits.

But what about the untouchables, that is, the SCOTUS?

We already saw how the Left made public the addresses of where the conservative justices lived, as well as the addresses of the church and schools their children attended, which prompted a Left wing loon to show up at one of their houses to shoot them all dead. Then the next day, after the assassination attempt, Biden and the Democrats did not utter one word of condemnation about it. At this point, I realized that something had forever changed in the pollical landscape. Sure, you had crazy violent fringes on both sides of the political isle, but now they hold power in the Democrat party as they cannot even bring themselves to condemn such lawlessness. In fact, they just ignored it.

And then the Left started to protest at the homes of the Justices, something that is also illegal to do. However, Merrick Garland and his crew refused to enforce those laws and let them continue to protest at their homes, right after the assassination attempt. Then the GOP tried to pass laws to further protect those on SCOTUS, but had no Democrat support.

In short, the DNC is nothing more than a terrorist organization that foments and abeds terrorism.

But now Democrats in Congress are demanding to set ethical standards in SCOTUS to target those on the bench they all tried to assassinate, but failed.

That is rich, isn't it? Congress wants to establish someone else's ethical standards


You can't make this stuff up.

One of the things that kept the liberal extremism in the fringe and mostly a gaggle of pathetic bed wetters was the indoctrination they used to absorb that caused many of them to be hoplophobes and generally just a laughable sniveling bunch of pukes. They've become increasingly violent however, and seem to embrace guns more frequently.
They will still vote democrook, support total disarmament laws and obey NONE of them however.
They will be delighted to enforce them on the rest of us, and follow history's script on how the rest of that story goes every time it's written in advance.

Give the left a monopoly on violence then EVERYONE is a threat to the state, even it's minions within.

Bed wetters always forget that though.

none of which has been proved to be actually unethical or illegal —

If that was true, Thomas wouldn't have amended his financial disclosure reports.

But that's the Blaze for you.
none of which has been proved to be actually unethical or illegal —

If that was true, Thomas wouldn't have amended his financial disclosure reports.

But that's the Blaze for you.
In some ways its good to know that it just wasn't about ideology...I suppose. But this is terrible that it does confirm that some SCOTUS justices are bought and paid for.
In some ways its good to know that it just wasn't about ideology...I suppose. But this is terrible that it does confirm that some SCOTUS justices are bought and paid for.

With enough digging we would probably find out most are one way or the other.

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