How Stupid is Trump?

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.
Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Yes we knew Trump was a criminal. Hillary was not. How was Hillary a proven warmonger? I mean it;s fine that you don't like her but creating lies and refusing to accept results of investigations is just a show of crazed hate.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
We have no idea of Obama's education, since he sealed his records. One thing we do know, if it wasn't for affirmative action. He would be serving the Clinton's coffee, Clinton's own words.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
We have no idea of Obama's education, since he sealed his records. One thing we do know, if it wasn't for affirmative action. He would be serving the Clinton's coffee, Clinton's own words.

Seems like everybody who want to know about Obamas education knows. You see dumb white person, you give it away. If not for affirmative action whites wouldn't hire or admit Obama into Harvard no matter how qualified he was. Besides Hillary Clinton could not have said that given the fact she was also part of Affirmative Action as a woman.
Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.
Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

/----/ Trump is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, Hillary couldn't beat him. That's how stupid PRESIDENT Trump is.
not your president.jpg
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

And they still go often.....thanks to the Russians taxi service
Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

If Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit being a spoiled idiot.
/——/ You mean he should start being a left wing Prog like Hildabeast.

He should stop being a spoiled ass.
All emotional lacking logic.

What was the logic behind his childish behavior at the G-7 meeting?
Well for someone you consider stupid. He's doing real well.

I'm sure he couldn't care less what you lefty loons think and neither should any thinking person.

You really are a bunch of sore losers and if you are waiting for the Blue Wave, well I think you have one long wait.

Happy Trails you morons. LOL
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

If Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit being a spoiled idiot.
/——/ You mean he should start being a left wing Prog like Hildabeast.

He should stop being a spoiled ass.
All emotional lacking logic.

What was the logic behind his childish behavior at the G-7 meeting?
/----/ Childish? Nah, he protecting US interests and telling the others that we won't be their ATM anymore.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
We have no idea of Obama's education, since he sealed his records. One thing we do know, if it wasn't for affirmative action. He would be serving the Clinton's coffee, Clinton's own words.
Why would the smartest man ever to be POTUS...maybe ever to walk the Earth if you believe the DNC media, as many apparently and stupidly do, conceal his academic records?
Last edited:
The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?

Yes I voted for Stein. It is not judgemental. What about Rump U, what about Rump Foundation. Criminal and it will get exposed ask pitbull/ankle biter Cohen. And yes Rump is evil, Lucifer sits to the side of Rump at the table of evil.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

If Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit being a spoiled idiot.
/——/ You mean he should start being a left wing Prog like Hildabeast.

He should stop being a spoiled ass.
All emotional lacking logic.

What was the logic behind his childish behavior at the G-7 meeting?
Stop accepting your news from DNC TV. Clearly your post indicates you have accepted the propaganda.
Really? Are you that dumb?

Those were the own words of the psycho princess comrade, live on CNN, you think that doesn't mean anything?
A secretary of state cannot declare any military action.

Maybe not, but she sure set the warmongering stage and then the hope and change Nobel Peace Prize winner in chief signed off on it
Besides Libya was a UN mission proposed by a resolution by Britain, France and Lebanon. It was a French led mission.

Sure, and you think the French and UK warmongering puppets would do something like that without permission of the exceptional empire?

But besides that, the warmongering princess also supported the liberation of the Iraqi oil fields, the coup in Honduras, supported ISIS in Syria and wanted to start a war with Russia because 'Assad must go'

The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.

I too am very much against the many unnecessary wars we have participated in for decades now as well. Criminal, are you serious, the Don will be exposed for truely how criminal he has been his whole adult life.
This clown has been on the stage for over 40 years so it is no surprise he is still the boob he always has been only worse. There is no doubt our options sucked November of 2016, but you chose pure evil.
Silly. Why must you people base everything on emotion? Think!!!

At the time of the election, we knew she was a criminal. Trump not so much.

War is my biggest issue. Clearly, Hillsry is a proven warmonger. Trump not so much

Emotion is what keeps you from seeing Rump as a criminal, he is it will all come out. Remember Rump University and Rump Foundation? That is not even tip of iceburgh ask Michael Cohen the pitbull. the time of the election, the choice was Trump or a known warmongering criminal. So, don't give me your judgmental BS. I voted for the lesser of two evils. Did you?

Yes I voted for Stein. It is not judgemental. What about Rump U, what about Rump Foundation. Criminal and it will get exposed ask pitbull/ankle biter Cohen. And yes Rump is evil, Lucifer sits to the side of Rump at the table of evil.
More emotional judgmental opinion.

Funny...many on the right called Obama the devil. Now we have the Left doing it with Trump.

Round and round we go, but some still can't see the pattern.
If Trump doesn't want bad press, he should quit being a spoiled idiot.
/——/ You mean he should start being a left wing Prog like Hildabeast.

He should stop being a spoiled ass.
All emotional lacking logic.

What was the logic behind his childish behavior at the G-7 meeting?
Stop accepting your news from DNC TV. Clearly your post indicates you have accepted the propaganda.

Where do you get your news?
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
We have no idea of Obama's education, since he sealed his records. One thing we do know, if it wasn't for affirmative action. He would be serving the Clinton's coffee, Clinton's own words.

Seems like everybody who want to know about Obamas education knows. You see dumb white person, you give it away. If not for affirmative action whites wouldn't hire or admit Obama into Harvard no matter how qualified he was. Besides Hillary Clinton could not have said that given the fact she was also part of Affirmative Action as a woman.
Bill Clinton said to Kennedy about Obama, just think a few years ago. Obama would be serving us coffee. But I wouldn't expect you to know that, you loons have a select memory.

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