How Stupid Are Spectator Sports Like Football


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
Sounds like you've studied it pretty well. I can't disagree. I'd like to see all of them go by the wayside. They have NO redeeming qualities.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
No doubt there is something to what you state. that being said sports at any level is a form of entertainment that has gotten off the rails in recent years. I quit watching the pro level sports the last couple of years, everything but everything is political and that sucks.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
I'd have to disagree. I am assuming you never played sports seriously yourself?
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
Sounds like you've studied it pretty well. I can't disagree. I'd like to see all of them go by the wayside. They have NO redeeming qualities.
Got cut in jr high eh?
Football games are competition between athletes. For the fans it is the excitement of cheering for your team and hoping they win.

It is also a social connection between the fans. I could care less who wins the game tonight. But when the Crimson Tide plays, I will watch and cheer. My friends and I get together (well not this year) and have a great time watching the game and often remembering past games.

I workout daily. I went outside and played with my kids a lot when they were young. Now that they are grown, we still go camping and fishing as often as we can.

If you don't care for football, or any spectator sport, that is fine. But for many, many people it is a few hours of enjoyment.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
as long as there are people that want to play a game there will be people that want to watch it,,,
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
It's all relevant, Qdog. The Chiefs are getting schooled tonight, just like the Democrats are, even if they don't know it yet.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
It's all relevant, Qdog. The Chiefs are getting schooled tonight, just like the Democrats are, even if they don't know it yet.
The game has been over a while now....what TV are you watching ?
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
It's all relevant, Qdog. The Chiefs are getting schooled tonight, just like the Democrats are, even if they don't know it yet.
The game has been over a while now....what TV are you watching ?
I forgot more about football than you ever knew, monkey boy.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
Sounds like you've studied it pretty well. I can't disagree. I'd like to see all of them go by the wayside. They have NO redeeming qualities.
Got cut in jr high eh?
He probably had money on Kansas City.
30 years ago I did those outdoor things with my kids. There definitely was plenty of time to partake in outdoor activities along with watching sports, going to movies, visiting the zoo and museums and oh so many other things.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
And YOU have sat on your 'amble ass' and instead of going outdoors and getting some exercise YOU put up over 2500 posts on this forum alone in the last couple of years.
FUCKING HYPOCRITE! You're obviously a fucking DEM.
BTW calling a woman "the wife" will get you fucking fired and deplatformed! Fucking misogynist!
Have you stopped beating "the wife" yet?
Got cut in jr high eh?

With me, it was right after I was born.

My parents didn't even give me a choice on the matter.
That sucks. Sports teaches you many life lessons. Among them how to be a winner and a stud as well as a gracious loser when you someone outworks you.
The commercials were pure propaganda then. White males need not apply. Diversity forced by Progressive Socialist propaganda and the rulers of the realm. And yet even though I know there are corrupted and no good thieves who are white, I trust them to give me the best in services, repairs and reliability when needed for self, family and surviving in a comfortable way.
Couch potatoes by the scores of millions sit on their fat asses and watch the television where overpaid boys play games. It's all they can do.
Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey and all the rest. How many couch potatoes exercise as much as they watch television? Very few.
How many "sports fans" go outside with their children and play ball or take a swim or bike ride? Very few.

Idiotic. Lame. Disgusting. Half of baseball players sit on the bench while the other half stand around waiting for that rare hit where the hitter runs and the guy fielding the ball might make a short run. Maybe.

Football "pros" try to injure each other and often succeed. Who cares who wins. You get up the next day and go to work, same as always.

How many millions of dollars are spent on flags, shirts, hats, stickers and tickets to games and all the rest. Then the wife wants a new washing machine to wash her couch potatoes dirty underwear and he squeals like a greedy little pig who's losing his beer money.
The couch potatoes/fans live vicariously through the players success. Most have lives so dull, their perceived "winning" is all they have. It proves just how pathetic it has become to live in the United States created by Ronald Reagan's "Reaganomics" and the stifling effect his "trickle down" and the associated conservative economic policies established since have had on average Americans.


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