How should history be taught in public education

I graduated from high school in 1963. I had taken both an American history course, and a World History course. I did not even know that the Holocaust had occurred in WW2, until a read about it on my own in 1964. it was excluded from all Georgia textbooks, because we were now allied with West Germany.

I don't trust any history textbooks that are passed on by any government agency anymore.
Your teach let you down, then, Vandal.

When the state had passed some silly stuff (reconsider Joe McCarthy, etc), I as the school board president was approached by two of the DL teachers at the college and asked how they should use it in the dual credit classes. I told them, "Give a two minute far right revision statement on JM IAW the directive, then teach the truth."
I graduated from high school in 1963. I had taken both an American history course, and a World History course. I did not even know that the Holocaust had occurred in WW2, until a read about it on my own in 1964. it was excluded from all Georgia textbooks, because we were now allied with West Germany.

I don't trust any history textbooks that are passed on by any government agency anymore.


you defend the governments lies of nov 22nd 1963 constantly trolling in the conspiracy section all the time.Lies that 80% of americans know is bullshit because magic bullets dont exist yet and they know the laws of physics were violated that day,plus what the dallas said,prove the govenments version to be complete bullshit.:bsflag:
we have been so brainwashed by our corrupt government schools over the years in american history classes its a sad joke.they try and convince us that we live in a free democracy with free speech and that we elect these politicians and our presidents and that our vote counts.what a sad joke that is.whats even more sad is the american sheople STILL actually believe they elect our presidents and put them in office and that there is any differences between the two parties.
History is history, it should be taught as it actually happened, no conclusions, no agendas, no bias. Teach our kids what happened in the past. Let them learn from it. Let them draw their own conclusions regarding right and wrong.

Can you imagine the public screams in a school district if the district bought a textbook that did not infer patriotism, extol our founders and so on. No way is a school board going to allow that. The text should meet the public's expectations of what a school history text is, after all most people have had history, and they know what n a history school text is like.

As I said, history books should tell history as it actually was. If Ben Franklin was a pervert who liked young girls, tell it. Jefferson screwed one of his slaves, tell it. If LBJ was working with the mob to kill JFK, tell it.

Tell the truth, even if it is offensive----------but tell the TRUTH.

I got to quote this post again because again like i said before,it is easily by far the best post on this thread bar none.

our corrupt government run schools are so much full of lies and propaganda its a sick joke.I salute the familys who homeschool their children in the fact they will learn the truth of the way our country in the world REALLY is instead of the version of the governments.

our american history classes are pure propaganda machines.they have brainwashed us for so long with lies that we are a free country and have free speech that its a sick joke.we are actually one of the more less free countrys in the world.

my friend recently got back from a trip in india and he felt more free there in the two weeks he was there than he ever felt in this nazi country.

whats really sad is there are so many aerican sheople out therw aho are STILL brainwashed who dont get it that our political system is so corrupt its sickening.they still actually believe amazingly that their vote counts,that we actually elect these people and put them in office ignorant of the fact that votes are rigged and have been for DECADES,that the elite put these people in office.

that voting is a complete waste of time. not understand they have been brainwashed their whole life on that believing that there are two different parties when the REALITY of the situation is its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected with no clue that they have already decided and selected who will be our next president.:cuckoo:

I salute the familys who are homeschooling their children,they are going to get far more educated on the truth of the country they REALLY live in than what they will hear in our corrupt american history classes.

every parent who homeschools their children should require their children to read the book VOTESCAM,they would understand how the political system REALLY works and how your vote does not not,how its a waste of time voting.

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