How Obama Makes Decisions

So the journalist is mad a man stays healthy and spends time with his family?

I just ignored any other viewpoints he might have had. What a moron.

I will explain it to you...
If they are going to make comments like that, the rest of the article is probably biased, not based in reality, maybe even completely made up, and completely far fetched.
Actual journalist do not comment on a man's family life. Of course you are too stupid to realize that.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Um, you understand it was an opinion piece, right? An opinion piece means it represents an opinion, which will be biased. That I have to explain this to you only reinforces the idea that you are a lo lo. And of course you've got that dichotomy thing going: unbiased-true/biased-untrue. Because you cannot look at a statement and evaluate its truthfullness for yourself. Because you are downright stupud.
Journalists dont comment on a man's family life?

could have sworn i've seen several pieces on obama's family life

and you have the gall to call others stupid?

A puff piece on a man's family is different than making a comment about it in an article meant to discuss his decision making style. The fact you can't see that proves quite a bit.
Like I said, an actual journalist would have never brought it up.
You are just a bitter hack, Rabbi. I can't wait for my neg calling me a ****.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I didn't post the OP. The fact you did proves you probably loved Bush. Did you bow to him?

Low information? :lol: sorry that is hilarious after that OP. Love it.


So the fact that I posted an opinion piece critical of Obama proves I loved Bush and bowed to him?? And you don't think your reading and analytic skills just suck donkey dick? Again, you are unable to see beyond dichotomies. This marks you as having inferior intelligence.

FYI you didn't use that word properly in a sentence. So I wouldnt comment on my reading skills. ;) Don't use 5 dollar words if you have no idea how to use them.
And if you posted such a moronic article you have to love Bush. You probably won't admit it now, but you did.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I'm sorry, what word are you calling a five dollar word? Dichotomies? Yes I used it properly. You are stuck in dichotomies: Bush-Bad. Obama-Good. Dems-Good, GOP-Bad. Article either true entirely or false entirely.
No ability to discern shades of meaning, gauge truth or falsehood, separate fact from opinion. This is why you are a lo-lo.
A puff piece on a man's family is different than making a comment about it in an article meant to discuss his decision making style. The fact you can't see that proves quite a bit.
Like I said, an actual journalist would have never brought it up.
You are just a bitter hack, Rabbi. I can't wait for my neg calling me a ****.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

it proves nothing; except that you're a joke. my family is affected by my decision making style; i'll go out on a limb and say most people's are. the fact you can't see that proves quite a bit
Um, you understand it was an opinion piece, right? An opinion piece means it represents an opinion, which will be biased. That I have to explain this to you only reinforces the idea that you are a lo lo. And of course you've got that dichotomy thing going: unbiased-true/biased-untrue. Because you cannot look at a statement and evaluate its truthfullness for yourself. Because you are downright stupud.

If it was an opinion piece why are you presenting it as a fact to back up your view point?
So you are stating it actually isn't based on factual information? Good to know.
And you still don't know how to use the word correctly. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
A puff piece on a man's family is different than making a comment about it in an article meant to discuss his decision making style. The fact you can't see that proves quite a bit.
Like I said, an actual journalist would have never brought it up.
You are just a bitter hack, Rabbi. I can't wait for my neg calling me a ****.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Do you think this article was concerned with Obama's family? Yes or no.
If it was an opinion piece why are you presenting it as a fact to back up your view point?
So you are stating it actually isn't based on factual information? Good to know.
And you still don't know how to use the word correctly. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Do you think an opinion piece contains both facts and opinions, or merely opinions? Again, it's that dichotomy thing: either fact or opinion but not both nor neither.
it proves nothing; except that you're a joke. my family is affected by my decision making style; i'll go out on a limb and say most people's are. the fact you can't see that proves quite a bit

Wow! Not the point I was making at all. :lol:
Or did you mean affects?

I do love right wingers and their need to bring up Obama's family every turn. And you guys wonder why most of the world thinks you are white trash morons.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Wow! Not the point I was making at all. :lol:
Or did you mean affects?

I do love right wingers and their need to bring up Obama's family every turn. And you guys wonder why most of the world thinks you are white trash morons.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

His English uage was fine. Yours--not so much.
Who is bringing up Obama's family? Only you.
Wow! Not the point I was making at all. :lol:
Or did you mean affects?

I do love right wingers and their need to bring up Obama's family every turn. And you guys wonder why most of the world thinks you are white trash morons.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

what color am i?

like i said you're a joke. and prove "most of the world" thinks this way or that. i love the way you left-wing idiots just spout off stuff you pull from your ass a facts.

and you are crying because to even mention his family is some kind of insult

ur a loser looking for something that isnt there
If it was an opinion piece why are you presenting it as a fact to back up your view point?
So you are stating it actually isn't based on factual information? Good to know.
And you still don't know how to use the word correctly. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

he's "presenting it as fact" because he agrees with it obviously


it's still his opinion; and you're still free to whine and play your race card

And the follow-up question to that: When will those who recognized Obama for what he was long before his election the first time, be properly recognized, vindicated and appreciated?

Never...reality is not on your side.

Well you're right on the first part. Liberals have been wrong on every policy issue for 40 years. They were wrong on the Vietnam War, they were wrong on the COld War, they were wrong on Iran--I could not catalogue all the failures of liberalism foreign and domestic here.
But they continue on like someone else must have said that crap. And they get no penalty for being so terribly wrong.
But on the second part you are, of course, wrong. Reality is Obama is the worst president ever. And I include Hosni Mubarack. His policies are atrocious and will lead to real negative consequences for this country, as we've already seen domestically.

Gee somehow during 30 years of GOP Rule from 1968 to 2008 no mistakes were made? Again reality is a foreign country to you guys.
Obama's thinking process starts with redistribution, and ends with pure political expediency - he fills in the gaps with multidirectional BS!
Never...reality is not on your side.

Well you're right on the first part. Liberals have been wrong on every policy issue for 40 years. They were wrong on the Vietnam War, they were wrong on the COld War, they were wrong on Iran--I could not catalogue all the failures of liberalism foreign and domestic here.
But they continue on like someone else must have said that crap. And they get no penalty for being so terribly wrong.
But on the second part you are, of course, wrong. Reality is Obama is the worst president ever. And I include Hosni Mubarack. His policies are atrocious and will lead to real negative consequences for this country, as we've already seen domestically.

Gee somehow during 30 years of GOP Rule from 1968 to 2008 no mistakes were made? Again reality is a foreign country to you guys.

If I pointed out the GOP did not hold Congress post war except for 1996-2007 and then often tenuously (Dick Cheney cast teh deciding vote many times), and did not hold the presidency during the Clinton years and the Obama years would that persuade you that you are a lo-lo and shouldn't be posting in any thread requiring actual knowledge?
Well you're right on the first part. Liberals have been wrong on every policy issue for 40 years. They were wrong on the Vietnam War, they were wrong on the COld War, they were wrong on Iran--I could not catalogue all the failures of liberalism foreign and domestic here.
But they continue on like someone else must have said that crap. And they get no penalty for being so terribly wrong.
But on the second part you are, of course, wrong. Reality is Obama is the worst president ever. And I include Hosni Mubarack. His policies are atrocious and will lead to real negative consequences for this country, as we've already seen domestically.

Gee somehow during 30 years of GOP Rule from 1968 to 2008 no mistakes were made? Again reality is a foreign country to you guys.

If I pointed out the GOP did not hold Congress post war except for 1996-2007 and then often tenuously (Dick Cheney cast teh deciding vote many times), and did not hold the presidency during the Clinton years and the Obama years would that persuade you that you are a lo-lo and shouldn't be posting in any thread requiring actual knowledge?

Your idiotic point is that one party is responsible for everything wrong...ever; this is why you're thought to be off your medications. Currently we have 30 GOP governors right? I suppose none of them ever did anything wrong...ever?

It's a comedic exercise watching you try to stop sucking GOP cock long enough to try to speak intelligently.

Did Nixon do anything wrong? Surely he must have done something wrong....right? Anything? Iran Contra? The Pat Tillman scandal? Ronnie getting 240+ marines killed in Beirut? The soviets shooting down a Korean airliner, attacks on our embassies during Bush II. Bush I raising taxes...Rick Perry being befuddled by not being able to put out a wildfire? My my...I'm sure Obama is to blame for all these things or some reasonable facsimile thereof.

Gee somehow during 30 years of GOP Rule from 1968 to 2008 no mistakes were made? Again reality is a foreign country to you guys.

If I pointed out the GOP did not hold Congress post war except for 1996-2007 and then often tenuously (Dick Cheney cast teh deciding vote many times), and did not hold the presidency during the Clinton years and the Obama years would that persuade you that you are a lo-lo and shouldn't be posting in any thread requiring actual knowledge?

Your idiotic point is that one party is responsible for everything wrong...ever; this is why you're thought to be off your medications. Currently we have 30 GOP governors right? I suppose none of them ever did anything wrong...ever?

It's a comedic exercise watching you try to stop sucking GOP cock long enough to try to speak intelligently.

Did Nixon do anything wrong? Surely he must have done something wrong....right? Anything? Iran Contra? The Pat Tillman scandal? Ronnie getting 240+ marines killed in Beirut? The soviets shooting down a Korean airliner, attacks on our embassies during Bush II. Bush I raising taxes...Rick Perry being befuddled by not being able to put out a wildfire? My my...I'm sure Obama is to blame for all these things or some reasonable facsimile thereof.


OK, so the answer to my question is No, pointing out that there was no such thing as "30 years of GOP rule from 1968 to 2008" would not persuade you that you are a lo lo poster and shouldn't post in any thread that requires actual knowledge.
Maybe you should consider posting in threads where you have actual knowledge. Although I don't think we can discuss dildos here.
If I pointed out the GOP did not hold Congress post war except for 1996-2007 and then often tenuously (Dick Cheney cast teh deciding vote many times), and did not hold the presidency during the Clinton years and the Obama years would that persuade you that you are a lo-lo and shouldn't be posting in any thread requiring actual knowledge?

Your idiotic point is that one party is responsible for everything wrong...ever; this is why you're thought to be off your medications. Currently we have 30 GOP governors right? I suppose none of them ever did anything wrong...ever?

It's a comedic exercise watching you try to stop sucking GOP cock long enough to try to speak intelligently.

Did Nixon do anything wrong? Surely he must have done something wrong....right? Anything? Iran Contra? The Pat Tillman scandal? Ronnie getting 240+ marines killed in Beirut? The soviets shooting down a Korean airliner, attacks on our embassies during Bush II. Bush I raising taxes...Rick Perry being befuddled by not being able to put out a wildfire? My my...I'm sure Obama is to blame for all these things or some reasonable facsimile thereof.


OK, so the answer to my question is No, pointing out that there was no such thing as "30 years of GOP rule from 1968 to 2008" would not persuade you that you are a lo lo poster and shouldn't post in any thread that requires actual knowledge.
Maybe you should consider posting in threads where you have actual knowledge. Although I don't think we can discuss dildos here.

Typical BS response from a useless POS human being.
Your idiotic point is that one party is responsible for everything wrong...ever; this is why you're thought to be off your medications. Currently we have 30 GOP governors right? I suppose none of them ever did anything wrong...ever?

It's a comedic exercise watching you try to stop sucking GOP cock long enough to try to speak intelligently.

Did Nixon do anything wrong? Surely he must have done something wrong....right? Anything? Iran Contra? The Pat Tillman scandal? Ronnie getting 240+ marines killed in Beirut? The soviets shooting down a Korean airliner, attacks on our embassies during Bush II. Bush I raising taxes...Rick Perry being befuddled by not being able to put out a wildfire? My my...I'm sure Obama is to blame for all these things or some reasonable facsimile thereof.


OK, so the answer to my question is No, pointing out that there was no such thing as "30 years of GOP rule from 1968 to 2008" would not persuade you that you are a lo lo poster and shouldn't post in any thread that requires actual knowledge.
Maybe you should consider posting in threads where you have actual knowledge. Although I don't think we can discuss dildos here.

Typical BS response from a useless POS human being.

Translation: I've been embarrassed and humiliated yet again by someone with much more knowledge than me.
Honey, stick to dildoes. They're simpler.
Your idiotic point is that one party is responsible for everything wrong...ever; this is why you're thought to be off your medications. Currently we have 30 GOP governors right? I suppose none of them ever did anything wrong...ever?

It's a comedic exercise watching you try to stop sucking GOP cock long enough to try to speak intelligently.

Did Nixon do anything wrong? Surely he must have done something wrong....right? Anything? Iran Contra? The Pat Tillman scandal? Ronnie getting 240+ marines killed in Beirut? The soviets shooting down a Korean airliner, attacks on our embassies during Bush II. Bush I raising taxes...Rick Perry being befuddled by not being able to put out a wildfire? My my...I'm sure Obama is to blame for all these things or some reasonable facsimile thereof.


OK, so the answer to my question is No, pointing out that there was no such thing as "30 years of GOP rule from 1968 to 2008" would not persuade you that you are a lo lo poster and shouldn't post in any thread that requires actual knowledge.
Maybe you should consider posting in threads where you have actual knowledge. Although I don't think we can discuss dildos here.

Typical BS response from a useless POS human being.

Both parties are primarily interested in enriching and empowering themselves, to the detriment of the American people. They are very good at dividing us over silly issues so that we fight amongst ourselves, while they continue to fleece us and expand their power....but also to prevent us from recognizing that they are the problem.

Big statist government never works for the majority of the people, but it sure benefits pols and the government bureaucracy.
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Here's how Barack Obama makes decisions:

1) There are approximately 468 employees at the White House.

2) Barack asks all 468 of those employees to line up in a single file line by seniority.

3) Then he walks to the end of the line and becomes the 469th person in a single file line.

4) He waits for the 1st person to make a decision.

5) He then asks that person what the decision is, and then trots Jay Carney out to lie to the American public.

6) If the decision is a good one, he takes credit for it. If the decision is a bad one, he claims he didn't know about it until he read it in the newspaper, "just like everyone else."

This is what you call "Leading From the Back of the Pack."

Admit it, he's pretty good at it.

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