How much was the Biden Quid Pro Quo?


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
What was the actual amount of US aid meant for Ukraine that Biden withheld until his son Hunter was cleared of charges and the prosecutor fired? Was the full amount of aid released once Biden's corrupt personal demands were satisfied by the American taxpayers?
I've seen 1 billion, 1.2 bil, and 1.5, Just trying to find an official amount of taxpayer money that Biden used for his personal quid pro quo.
Considering Biden's son was never under investigation by the Ukrainians...
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Considering Biden's son was never under investigation by the Ukrainians...

the company he worked for was so that means he was too,,,

Well, whether or not he was ever under investigation, at the very least his $50k per month paycheck was being threatened by the Bursima investigation.

Let's ignore the fact that all parties including the EU, the countries within the EU, IMF, ant-corruption activists in Ukraine and the United States all wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired due to his unwillingness to actually prosecute corruption.
What was the actual amount of US aid meant for Ukraine that Biden withheld until his son Hunter was cleared of charges and the prosecutor fired? Was the full amount of aid released once Biden's corrupt personal demands were satisfied by the American taxpayers?
technically, it was never withheld by anyone... it was a bluff....


6 hours after Biden's so called threat was made, the bluff ended, with the firing of the corrupt prosecutor Shokin,

who, contrary to right wing fake news, actually REFUSED to help prosecute Burisma, in the UK criminal case against Burisma, and the U.K. had to drop their case because of Shokin's refusing to send the evidence that the UK needed in trial.... thus the call for the firing Shokin by all of the UK's allies and entities with money at stake in the Ukraine, like the IMF, EU, World Bank, US etc.
Let's ignore the fact that all parties including the EU, the countries within the EU, IMF, ant-corruption activists in Ukraine and the United States all wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired due to his unwillingness to actually prosecute corruption.

Even if that's true, don't you think there was just a slight conflict of interest for Biden to be the one to levy the threat, given that his son was on the board of the company being investigated by that prosecutor and receiving a fat monthly paycheck? By Joe Biden's own statement to Hunter, expressing incredulity about the position--"I hope you know what you're doing." Thus, even if what you're saying is true, don't you think it would have been far more appropriate for someone else to leverage that threat, in order to avoid the patent appearance of impropriety? Can't we be honest and admit that, at the very least?
What was the actual amount of US aid meant for Ukraine that Biden withheld until his son Hunter was cleared of charges and the prosecutor fired? Was the full amount of aid released once Biden's corrupt personal demands were satisfied by the American taxpayers?
Love it.
The anti Biden congress guy didn't even know the name of the corrupt prosecuter Biden (+ The euros) got rid off.
Let's ignore the fact that all parties including the EU, the countries within the EU, IMF, ant-corruption activists in Ukraine and the United States all wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired due to his unwillingness to actually prosecute corruption.

Even if that's true, don't you think there was just a slight conflict of interest for Biden to be the one to levy the threat, given that his son was on the board of the company being investigated by that prosecutor and receiving a fat monthly paycheck? By Joe Biden's own statement to Hunter, expressing incredulity about the position--"I hope you know what you're doing." Thus, even if what you're saying is true, don't you think it would have been far more appropriate for someone else to leverage that threat, in order to avoid the patent appearance of impropriety? Can't we be honest and admit that, at the very least?
Of course.
Don't you think it's inappropriate for ivanka and Jr to essentially be in the cabinet?
Been going on for ever.
Looked at Barrs and mconnells relatives?
Of course not
What was the actual amount of US aid meant for Ukraine that Biden withheld until his son Hunter was cleared of charges and the prosecutor fired? Was the full amount of aid released once Biden's corrupt personal demands were satisfied by the American taxpayers?
How much of that flowed back to the Bidens, Kerrys and Soros?
Let's ignore the fact that all parties including the EU, the countries within the EU, IMF, ant-corruption activists in Ukraine and the United States all wanted that Ukrainian prosecutor fired due to his unwillingness to actually prosecute corruption.

Even if that's true, don't you think there was just a slight conflict of interest for Biden to be the one to levy the threat, given that his son was on the board of the company being investigated by that prosecutor and receiving a fat monthly paycheck? By Joe Biden's own statement to Hunter, expressing incredulity about the position--"I hope you know what you're doing." Thus, even if what you're saying is true, don't you think it would have been far more appropriate for someone else to leverage that threat, in order to avoid the patent appearance of impropriety? Can't we be honest and admit that, at the very least?

Even if that's true? It is true.

Yes, I don't think Biden was the best person to put forward however he's the Veep thanks to his foreign policy experience. With that said there is no evidence the prosecutor was going to do much of anything with Burisma. Its just as likely that a new non-corrupt prosecutor would have been much worse for the company. Let's also be clear, the company didn't appear to be in any real jeopardy. They paid a fine, they moved on. There is still zero evidence of Biden or his son commuting a crime other than a potential conflict of interest.

In the meantime we now have several witnesses who have corroborated that Trump held up money for the Ukraine unless the Zelinsky publicly announced an investigation into Biden, his son and the crack pot conspiracy that our own intelligence community disagrees with that the Ukraine somehow interfered in our elections and the DNC server is in their country. You'll probably come back with that's just hearsay and there is no direct witness who hear this from Trump who has testified (yet). However there are multiple subpoenas issued to people like Giuliani, Mulvaney and Pompeo who could clear this up. They declined which is evidence of guilt.

You guys are blind, I don't really expect you to support impeachment but at least to support witnesses to appear before Congress to straighten this mess out should be of interest if you're not concerned the president committed an impeachable offense.
oh, and to answer the question, it was 1 billion in LOAN Guarantees, not actually handing them any bucks... and it was not for Military expenses or arms..... from what I have read.
What was the actual amount of US aid meant for Ukraine that Biden withheld until his son Hunter was cleared of charges and the prosecutor fired? Was the full amount of aid released once Biden's corrupt personal demands were satisfied by the American taxpayers?

why so Russian propaganda spewing trump scum insist on repeating already debunked bulls**t?

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