How Much Longer?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
How much longer can patriotic, freedom and God loving Americans who actually celebrate both their nation and their rights go on accepting and complying with local and state level COVID-19 lockdown tyranny? You ask me such Americans should have said, "No!" from the beginning to all public health related orders issued by governors, mayors, county commissioners and local health departments.

I mean, They're killing us out there, these local and state level despots, literally killing our fellow Americans in countless overt ways. Over 39 million Americans are so unable to buy their own food that they're standing in food lines at stadiums and other places begging for a handout. Those tens of millions are malnourished, sure, but just think for a moment about millions of others who are either too proud to accept free food or don't own the means to get to the food lines to begin with. Hunger in America wasn't a serious thing UNTIL THE FUCKING lockdown restrictions started.

And what about our children? What about their emotional and psychological health? How many of our children have killed themselves in the name of pandemic related stress and terror? How many tens of millions more will fail their current grade, fuck up their chances to get into a decent school or military academy and/or never academically recover, all due to the words of fucking despot state and local officials?

What about adult suicides and new drug and alcohol related addictions? How many American adults offed themselves because they were stuck in isolation for months in hospital rooms or nursing home cells? How many more started drinking or doing heavy drugs because they couldn't attend CHURCH services, funerals of loved ones, birthday parties or holidays? How many of them overdosed?

THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies.

And then there are all the tens of thousands of Americans who had to go into lifetime debt just to keep their businesses afloat only to lose them in the end. How about the millions of Americans who have lost their dream jobs and/or the jobs they depended on to FEED THEIR FAMILIES? Neither governor asshole nor mayor dick-wad gives shit one about our families, our children, our ability to be good, upright citizens or our sanity.

So how much more of this tyrannical state and local bullshit are good Americans supposed to take before producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants? America was born in a violent storm. Will she pass into midnight with a whimper and the sound of thumbs clacking video game controller buttons?
About 4 years
How much longer can patriotic, freedom and God loving Americans who actually celebrate both their nation and their rights go on accepting and complying with local and state level COVID-19 lockdown tyranny? You ask me such Americans should have said, "No!" from the beginning to all public health related orders issued by governors, mayors, county commissioners and local health departments.

I mean, They're killing us out there, these local and state level despots, literally killing our fellow Americans in countless overt ways. Over 39 million Americans are so unable to buy their own food that they're standing in food lines at stadiums and other places begging for a handout. Those tens of millions are malnourished, sure, but just think for a moment about millions of others who are either too proud to accept free food or don't own the means to get to the food lines to begin with. Hunger in America wasn't a serious thing UNTIL THE FUCKING lockdown restrictions started.

And what about our children? What about their emotional and psychological health? How many of our children have killed themselves in the name of pandemic related stress and terror? How many tens of millions more will fail their current grade, fuck up their chances to get into a decent school or military academy and/or never academically recover, all due to the words of fucking despot state and local officials?

What about adult suicides and new drug and alcohol related addictions? How many American adults offed themselves because they were stuck in isolation for months in hospital rooms or nursing home cells? How many more started drinking or doing heavy drugs because they couldn't attend CHURCH services, funerals of loved ones, birthday parties or holidays? How many of them overdosed?

THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies.

And then there are all the tens of thousands of Americans who had to go into lifetime debt just to keep their businesses afloat only to lose them in the end. How about the millions of Americans who have lost their dream jobs and/or the jobs they depended on to FEED THEIR FAMILIES? Neither governor asshole nor mayor dick-wad gives shit one about our families, our children, our ability to be good, upright citizens or our sanity.

So how much more of this tyrannical state and local bullshit are good Americans supposed to take before producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants? America was born in a violent storm. Will she pass into midnight with a whimper and the sound of thumbs clacking video game controller buttons?
" THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies."

Yeah okay.

When are you guys going to stop talking about "producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants" and get around to doing it?
Why would the elite promote a pandemic hoax? Is it to make more money for big pharma or something more nefarious. Whatever it is, it proves we are being lead by criminals.
About 4 years

Nawww, that's all wrong. I was told years ago that the white race was dying off and we'd all be Negroes by now.
How much longer can patriotic, freedom and God loving Americans who actually celebrate both their nation and their rights go on accepting and complying with local and state level COVID-19 lockdown tyranny? You ask me such Americans should have said, "No!" from the beginning to all public health related orders issued by governors, mayors, county commissioners and local health departments.

I mean, They're killing us out there, these local and state level despots, literally killing our fellow Americans in countless overt ways. Over 39 million Americans are so unable to buy their own food that they're standing in food lines at stadiums and other places begging for a handout. Those tens of millions are malnourished, sure, but just think for a moment about millions of others who are either too proud to accept free food or don't own the means to get to the food lines to begin with. Hunger in America wasn't a serious thing UNTIL THE FUCKING lockdown restrictions started.

And what about our children? What about their emotional and psychological health? How many of our children have killed themselves in the name of pandemic related stress and terror? How many tens of millions more will fail their current grade, fuck up their chances to get into a decent school or military academy and/or never academically recover, all due to the words of fucking despot state and local officials?

What about adult suicides and new drug and alcohol related addictions? How many American adults offed themselves because they were stuck in isolation for months in hospital rooms or nursing home cells? How many more started drinking or doing heavy drugs because they couldn't attend CHURCH services, funerals of loved ones, birthday parties or holidays? How many of them overdosed?

THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies.

And then there are all the tens of thousands of Americans who had to go into lifetime debt just to keep their businesses afloat only to lose them in the end. How about the millions of Americans who have lost their dream jobs and/or the jobs they depended on to FEED THEIR FAMILIES? Neither governor asshole nor mayor dick-wad gives shit one about our families, our children, our ability to be good, upright citizens or our sanity.

So how much more of this tyrannical state and local bullshit are good Americans supposed to take before producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants? America was born in a violent storm. Will she pass into midnight with a whimper and the sound of thumbs clacking video game controller buttons?
" THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies."

Yeah okay.

When are you guys going to stop talking about "producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants" and get around to doing it?

You morons started the Civil War when you tried to murder Scalise on that baseball field. Now if you reap what you've sown, don't come crying to me.
How much longer can patriotic, freedom and God loving Americans who actually celebrate both their nation and their rights go on accepting and complying with local and state level COVID-19 lockdown tyranny? You ask me such Americans should have said, "No!" from the beginning to all public health related orders issued by governors, mayors, county commissioners and local health departments.

I mean, They're killing us out there, these local and state level despots, literally killing our fellow Americans in countless overt ways. Over 39 million Americans are so unable to buy their own food that they're standing in food lines at stadiums and other places begging for a handout. Those tens of millions are malnourished, sure, but just think for a moment about millions of others who are either too proud to accept free food or don't own the means to get to the food lines to begin with. Hunger in America wasn't a serious thing UNTIL THE FUCKING lockdown restrictions started.

And what about our children? What about their emotional and psychological health? How many of our children have killed themselves in the name of pandemic related stress and terror? How many tens of millions more will fail their current grade, fuck up their chances to get into a decent school or military academy and/or never academically recover, all due to the words of fucking despot state and local officials?

What about adult suicides and new drug and alcohol related addictions? How many American adults offed themselves because they were stuck in isolation for months in hospital rooms or nursing home cells? How many more started drinking or doing heavy drugs because they couldn't attend CHURCH services, funerals of loved ones, birthday parties or holidays? How many of them overdosed?

THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies.

And then there are all the tens of thousands of Americans who had to go into lifetime debt just to keep their businesses afloat only to lose them in the end. How about the millions of Americans who have lost their dream jobs and/or the jobs they depended on to FEED THEIR FAMILIES? Neither governor asshole nor mayor dick-wad gives shit one about our families, our children, our ability to be good, upright citizens or our sanity.

So how much more of this tyrannical state and local bullshit are good Americans supposed to take before producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants? America was born in a violent storm. Will she pass into midnight with a whimper and the sound of thumbs clacking video game controller buttons?
Satire. Perhaps...
How much longer can patriotic, freedom and God loving Americans who actually celebrate both their nation and their rights go on accepting and complying with local and state level COVID-19 lockdown tyranny? You ask me such Americans should have said, "No!" from the beginning to all public health related orders issued by governors, mayors, county commissioners and local health departments.

I mean, They're killing us out there, these local and state level despots, literally killing our fellow Americans in countless overt ways. Over 39 million Americans are so unable to buy their own food that they're standing in food lines at stadiums and other places begging for a handout. Those tens of millions are malnourished, sure, but just think for a moment about millions of others who are either too proud to accept free food or don't own the means to get to the food lines to begin with. Hunger in America wasn't a serious thing UNTIL THE FUCKING lockdown restrictions started.

And what about our children? What about their emotional and psychological health? How many of our children have killed themselves in the name of pandemic related stress and terror? How many tens of millions more will fail their current grade, fuck up their chances to get into a decent school or military academy and/or never academically recover, all due to the words of fucking despot state and local officials?

What about adult suicides and new drug and alcohol related addictions? How many American adults offed themselves because they were stuck in isolation for months in hospital rooms or nursing home cells? How many more started drinking or doing heavy drugs because they couldn't attend CHURCH services, funerals of loved ones, birthday parties or holidays? How many of them overdosed?

THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies.

And then there are all the tens of thousands of Americans who had to go into lifetime debt just to keep their businesses afloat only to lose them in the end. How about the millions of Americans who have lost their dream jobs and/or the jobs they depended on to FEED THEIR FAMILIES? Neither governor asshole nor mayor dick-wad gives shit one about our families, our children, our ability to be good, upright citizens or our sanity.

So how much more of this tyrannical state and local bullshit are good Americans supposed to take before producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants? America was born in a violent storm. Will she pass into midnight with a whimper and the sound of thumbs clacking video game controller buttons?
" THEY are literally killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of us this year with lies; with bloody fucking lies."

Yeah okay.

When are you guys going to stop talking about "producing a whole lot of dead local tyrants" and get around to doing it?

You morons started the Civil War when you tried to murder Scalise on that baseball field. Now if you reap what you've sown, don't come crying to me.

Not a problem. If God wanted Trump to win the election, he would have won. Trump lost, so God is on our side. Screw you.
I compare this with the Spanish Flu of 1918 and 1919. It was allowed to run rampant like Covid has. It was ignored to win a war. After the war, it was addressed. It was addressed in ways that you would find barbaric. But it was ended. The Spanish Flu was NOT brought into the US, it was exported to Europe FROM the US. And the was NO vaccine for it found. Let's take a look at some of the methods used to get it under control.

In areas that had it present, ALL citizens wore face masks. You didn't buy them they were provided to each citizen and it was mandantory. If you didn't wear the mask, you were isolated (as in arrested)

Mandantory Isolation for extreme areas. This included Office Buildings, Homes, Apt Buildings, Hospitals and more.

And yes, there was a group that protested over all this even back then. But it really didn't go them any good. They could say anything they wanted but to act on it meant fines and worse.

It took them a solid year to get it under control where simple isolation and contact tracing could control it until there were no longer any HOSTS left for the Virus to pass it along. IT took almost 100% participation in the affected areas to get a handle on it. Small Pox and Polio were handled the same way. And in those two case, you didn't get any option to get the vaccination, you got it or you got isolated. In the case of Polio, you got isolated AND you got forcibly vaccinated. In the case of Small Pox, the building you were in was isolated and anyone trying to leave was shot (it was the 1800s) until either the incubation period was expired or YOU were expired.

Now, let's look at today. Covid isn't any worse than the Spanish Flu. But we have 60% cooperating and 40% not cooperating. That means, no matter how good the testing is, Covid is going to keep growing. And it's now know that you can catch it more than once. The Immunity wears off after a short time period. We now know that one in 20 people are carrying it around with them. That isn't to say that they are sick with the virus, only that they are carrying it around with them.

Now, let's look at starting in late December and on. The Vaccines are now being shipped and pre stationed. Late in December (before Christmas) the first batch will be dispensed to the most likely people like Health Care, Hospitals, Rest Homes and the Elderly (ME). The Vaccine will force immunity. But immunity only lasts for a short time. It's already known that 60% of the general public will gladly take it. But 40% will fight against it. That only means that instead of 1 out of 20 walking talking Covid Distributors we will have 1 out of 30. The Count will temporarily go down a bit. At some point, the immunity gotten from the vaccine will wear off and we are right back to where we are today.

Forget that there was a point where isolation and contact reporting could have stopped it cold. That ship has long since sailed. Forget about herd immunity. That ship was never meant to hold above the water line. We have to deal with today and later. If this all sounds not so good it's because it isn't so good, it's worse. Time to grow up, children.
Why would the elite promote a pandemic hoax? Is it to make more money for big pharma or something more nefarious. Whatever it is, it proves we are being lead by criminals.
It was entirely designed to bring down Trump's greatest accomplishment. A flourishing economy and unprecedented prosperity. If hitlary had won, the economy would still be in the same shitter the meat puppet faggot flushed it into, yet it wouldn't matter if covid had already killed 2 million people. The media would be encouraging us to go out and spend the last dollars we have.

It's a bullshit Dempanic.

God is not on the side of evil people. The good lord will allow those who choose that sinful nature of evil over that which is good to take enough rope to thoroughly hang themselves.
God is not on the side of evil people. The good lord will allow those who choose that sinful nature of evil over that which is good to take enough rope to thoroughly hang themselves.

If you say so. He still let us kick that orange ass out of office. God is on our side. Screw you.

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