How many white supremacists are there?

If you are in a room with 10 "white supremacist's"...

Two are FBI Agents, two are informants, one is ATF, one is DEA, another one comes from any number of agencies that should also not exist and one may even be a state or local level LEO Liason and two or three are jabbering inbred retards that want "free" health care, belong to unions, and call themselves "aryan" even though they're eastern euroweenie trash that hitler would have gassed.

Just to be clear.

I did not ask for an exact number. I would happily accept an estimate. Especially with a link.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that that number is not common knowledge?
It strikes me as odd that someone still thinks white nationalism isn't a problem given the actions in Pittsburgh, Buffalo, El Paso, Charleston, Charlottesville.
There may be, in total, in the USA, 1,000.

The rest are just narrative delusions.

Funny thing is democrats, liberals and a lot of blacks are the most racist people in America. I honestly believe they are actually creating white supremacists that are tired of being called a racist and shit on. Even John Stewart sat on tv with his "the problem with white people" bullshit.

I have no doubt there are a lot of Americans like me that never have been racist really, but in the past 2 years have slowly become one because we're sick of all this bullshit.

By pushing blacks to get special treatment and consideration, by shoving them into every commerical and tv show and movie, by pandering to them, by letting them get away with crimes, by calling whites racists and igoring racist blacks, and all this other nonsense they have actually made me not like blacks or the people who support them.

Mostly because if you try to force me to do or think something my reaction is to resist, and I also have a functioning brain and I know treating them as special is not treating them as equals.
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
Silly question. And, what difference does it make?
Funny how the question "How many islamic terrorists is there" was never something offered to justify not taking actions to combat radical islamic terrorism here in the US...

From that; we still can't get on planes without taking our shoes off, or take a bottle of lotion on a plane...and no one bats an eye....

From that; whole wars have been waged and people called you a terrorist for having the audacity to oppose that war........

But, as usual, when it comes to the type of terrorism that has been responsible for more deaths than 9/11 -- its always the white supremacist sympathizers who get their panties in a bunch and try to find every way possible to deflect, obfuscate and minimize the pain of the lives that were lost..because it was of "those people" -- because "those people" are the enemy..."those people" are the ones "replacing us" -- then they clutch their pearls when they get called out on it....

It strikes me as odd that someone still thinks white nationalism isn't a problem given the actions in Pittsburgh, Buffalo, El Paso, Charleston, Charlottesville.

Thanks for giving it a good faith attempt, but really "alt right" is NOT synonymous with w.s.

The best definition(s) of alt right I have seen, include groups like Libertarians and Paleo-Conservatives, and even Gamers, groups that may have racist members, but are defined and motivated by very different issues.

It is also worth noting this example question.

“How important is it that whites work together to change laws that are unfair to whites?”

This study you are citing, seriously is equating wanting "fairness" for whites, with White Supremacy...

Is that really where we as a society is at?

Is White Supremacy wanting Fair Laws for White People?

To be clear, i am not dismissing your input. It is the best we have so far and the only actual attempt to answer the question. If might form the basis for the discussion moving forward.
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
This isn't a dating site.
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.

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