How Many Times Will Joe Deplete Our Emergency Oil Reserves to Prop Up His Failed Presidency?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s going to be a long 3 years. Beef up 20% since 2020, pork up 14%, ham up 7%, chicken up 9%, seafood 7%, eggs up 12%, gas is up an average of 57% this year, with corresponding increases of 44% for diesel and a whopping 60% for fuel oil.

Rather than relieve regulatory roadblocks to affordable energy—such as lifting the Jones Act and the ethanol mandate — Biden has used his bully pulpit from Day One to vilify the oil industry. He has aggressively deployed regulators across the executive branch to make it more difficult to explore for and produce oil, construct and operate pipelines, access financing and private sector investment, and use gasoline in cars and trucks.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sings the praises of banning gasoline in music video that should’ve been left in the ground. “It’s like they don’t understand the clothes, the shoes, the sunglasses the, the synthetic fibers are all derived from oil. And the electric [sic] used to power the camera the editing machine etc all from oil.”

Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options.”

● Joe Biden’s nominee for the Comptroller of the Currency Saule Omarova on oil, coal and gas industries: ‘We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.’”

Earlier: Great Moments In Self-Awareness: Biden Shocked by Price of Gas During Biden Administration: ‘Did You Ever Think You’d Be Paying This Much?’
Wonder what he will do when the Oil surplus is gone?? Mans a walking, talking incompetent boob.

The global warming cult is all about one thing: breaking the backs of the American middle class, who the American left now views as Kulaks. How many low to middle class American children will go without basic necessities this winter, let alone decent gifts this Christmas, as many American families choose to stay warm and able to purchase gasoline, over minimal extra comforts? Comfort products their parents could have purchased for them even one year ago. Is meat now a comfort product? Are eye glasses? What about costly rides to after school sports when that expensive gas fill up is required for getting mom and dad to work? So yeah, fuck joe biden.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sings the praises of banning gasoline in music video that should’ve been left in the ground. “It’s like they don’t understand the clothes, the shoes, the sunglasses the, the synthetic fibers are all derived from oil. And the electric [sic] used to power the camera the editing machine etc all from oil.”

Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options.”

● Joe Biden’s nominee for the Comptroller of the Currency Saule Omarova on oil, coal and gas industries: ‘We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.’”

Earlier: Great Moments In Self-Awareness: Biden Shocked by Price of Gas During Biden Administration: ‘Did You Ever Think You’d Be Paying This Much?’

The average hard working American still doesn't get it. Decisions about their immediate futures are being made for them at the GLOBAL level. World leaders are planning to steal our freedoms, to decide what is "best" for all of us, all in the cause of worshipping bunk global warming "science". Americans need to wake the hell up or they'll be going down deep into dirt boxes and unmarked graves mighty quick like.
The global warming cult is all about one thing: breaking the backs of the American middle class, who the American left now views as Kulaks. How many low to middle class American children will go without basic necessities this winter, let alone decent gifts this Christmas, as many American families choose to stay warm and able to purchase gasoline, over minimal extra comforts? Comfort products their parents could have purchased for them even one year ago. Is meat now a comfort product? Are eye glasses? What about costly rides to after school sports when that expensive gas fill up is required for getting mom and dad to work? So yeah, fuck joe biden.
That is the goal of the great reset. Trash the world economy and health care to the point that we have equity (read third world) globally and start over. It is an exercise in futility and only a bunch of out of touch billionaires would come up with such a cockamamie idea. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck the World Economic Forum.
That is the goal of the great reset. Trash the world economy and health care to the point that we have equity (read third world) globally and start over. It is an exercise in futility and only a bunch of out of touch billionaires would come up with such a cockamamie idea. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck the World Economic Forum.

We must worship them with many, many grains of hot jacketed lead. Boom, boom, boom!
It’s going to be a long 3 years. Beef up 20% since 2020, pork up 14%, ham up 7%, chicken up 9%, seafood 7%, eggs up 12%, gas is up an average of 57% this year, with corresponding increases of 44% for diesel and a whopping 60% for fuel oil.

Rather than relieve regulatory roadblocks to affordable energy—such as lifting the Jones Act and the ethanol mandate — Biden has used his bully pulpit from Day One to vilify the oil industry. He has aggressively deployed regulators across the executive branch to make it more difficult to explore for and produce oil, construct and operate pipelines, access financing and private sector investment, and use gasoline in cars and trucks.
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Profits over the People and we've got ours, fuck the rest of you defines the Republican Party and jerks like you.

You are a hypocrite, a damn liar and suffer from the outcome of the Presidential Election one year and three weeks ago. Since then you have pointed fingers at the President Elect and VP Elect and continued the character assassinations in vile and vulgar posts after they became President and VP.

You fail to express a truth that trump is a classic demagogue and charlatan - two character flaws that can be proved by his words and deeds.

President Biden isn't perfect, no president is, but he's not a pathological liar like you and trump. The Biden Administration seeks to provide aid and comfort to the masses of American's who suffered from the Pandemic and its many non medical consequences.
Facts that you choose to mock and scorn as does trump and the Republican Caucus in The Congress!
Profits over the People and we've got ours, fuck the rest of you defines the Republican Party and jerks like you.

You are a hypocrite, a damn liar and suffer from the outcome of the Presidential Election one year and three weeks ago. Since then you have pointed fingers at the President Elect and VP Elect and continued the character assassinations in vile and vulgar posts after they became President and VP.

You fail to express a truth that trump is a classic demagogue and charlatan - two character flaws that can be proved by his words and deeds.

President Biden isn't perfect, no president is, but he's not a pathological liar like you and trump. The Biden Administration seeks to provide aid and comfort to the masses of American's who suffered from the Pandemic and its many non medical consequences.
Facts that you choose to mock and scorn as does trump and the Republican Caucus in The Congress!
I drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.
Hilarious on threads about the epic failures of Brandon you Leftards immediately start hallucinating about President Trump.
I drink your tears of anguish like a fine wine.
Hilarious on threads about the epic failures of Brandon you Leftards immediately start hallucinating about President Trump.
This comment by W2020 is ludicrous, part wrapped in a logical fallacy, and framed in hate and ignorance. He's not stupid, he is an asshole of the worst kind: A pathologically hater.
Profits over the People and we've got ours, fuck the rest of you defines the Republican Party and jerks like you.

You are a hypocrite, a damn liar and suffer from the outcome of the Presidential Election one year and three weeks ago. Since then you have pointed fingers at the President Elect and VP Elect and continued the character assassinations in vile and vulgar posts after they became President and VP.

You fail to express a truth that trump is a classic demagogue and charlatan - two character flaws that can be proved by his words and deeds.

President Biden isn't perfect, no president is, but he's not a pathological liar like you and trump. The Biden Administration seeks to provide aid and comfort to the masses of American's who suffered from the Pandemic and its many non medical consequences.
Facts that you choose to mock and scorn as does trump and the Republican Caucus in The Congress!

The US should not have to beg foreign oil to produce more and/or rely that heavily on domestic reserves. This was self-inflicted with the anti-domestic oil policy pursued by the Biden Administration. We have way too much oil on this Continent to be at the mercy of foreign oil and domestic reserves. It’s not a viable strategy.

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